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Ignore this thread!

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I'll wear black.  To mourn the death of the thread. :(


No no no, the thread will not die.  It will be celebrated for it's unusual length, and the whole world will demand its continuation for the sake of finally achieving everlasting world peace.  We will be duty bound to not only continue the thread, but to train acolytes to replace us as we meet our eventual demises so that the thread will never, ever end.

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Our kitty loves ketchup.  I caught him one day licking the entire top of the meatloaf.  I was so mad.  He didn't want the meat - just the ketchup.  




Anyway. . . you might want to report me for this but I did not have the time or energy or money for that matter to replace the meat for dinner so I took a knife, cut off the top inch of meatloaf and we then ate the rest.  I did something similar when Rocky grabbed my bbq ribs right off the grill.  After I chased him around and around the yard to the merriment of the kids and all the neighbors, I took those ribs, cut off the end that he had grabbed, stuck the meat back on the grill to sterilize it and then served it to the family.   


Perfectly reasonable on all accounts!


I wonder what all of that ketchup did to his digestion?

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SWB will meet us all at the Honolulu International Airport.  


She'll be holding a sign that says Ignore This Sign.  


I'll be wearing this and carrying this and looking so dang hot that I might actually melt through the floor.


ETA:  Sexy hot.  Not Sweaty-Cuz-It's-Been-a-Long-Flight-In-A-Ninety-Degree-Unventilated-Cabin kind of hot.  In case that clarification was necessary. 


Your links had me really wondering for just a moment.  I thought you said you would be wearing the cocktail and carrying the dress, and for a moment that made a lot of sense with the discussion about the undercooled and insufficiently ventilated passenger compartment.



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you highlight it & then pick the S with a line through it - just to the right of the Bold, Italic, Underline...


Like this


It's called "strike through", and no, you shouldn't use your pen on your computer screen!

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Good morning!

Already folded one load of laundry.


Our local berries are about a week - 10 days away last I heard. Apparently it's a great year for them so I'm waiting impatiently.


All of the rain and flooding around here have delayed the opening of the you-pick blueberry farm we go to.  If they open this weekend it will be the first weekend, and we will need to plan to get there at least an hour before they open if we want to park closer than a mile away.  But their berries are SO GOOD....

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I'm sorry. This doesn't count because you use stuff from a can. Especially tomatoes. How hard is it to buy tomatoes, boil with above ingredients, and then stick it in the blender? You lose points.


Nah, I'd cut her some slack here.  Getting ALL of the bits of tomato skin off before blending takes a while, and she's got enough on her plate.  I'll let her use the canned tomatoes so she has time to make margaritas to go with the salsa and chips. 



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people, you don't buy tomatoes, you grow them yourself.


I gave up on trying to grow them.  My thumb is distinctly brown, not green, and MIL has a garden large enough to feed a small continent.  The only tomatoes that would grow for me at all were cherry tomatoes, and my vines were always looking quite scraggly.  Now I just help harvest MIL's garden and eat veggies like crazy when it's time to pick.


That reminds me, I need to ask her if she has planted any chard this year....



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I do grow my own tomatoes. I currently have heirloom Amish romas and Japanese black tomatoes. I also have Italian romas growing as I type. I watered them first thing after breakfast this morning. I put up the store-bought comment for the unfortunate souls that do not have gardens. There are farmer's markets too, remember?


Right now, I have a calabacita recipe growing in my garden. Everytime I'm in there, all I can think about is calabacitas and green salsa made with tomatillos. Mmmmmm...It makes me happy.


What's calabacita?  Recipe, please?  If you have already posted it and I haven't yet found it you can disregard.

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I used to grow my own tomatoes.  But DS is allergic, so we don't eat tomato as much anymore.  We buy from farmer's markets or roadside stands in season when DH and I get a craving. 


Used to love to make my own pizza sauce.



Dd is allergic to tomatoes.  She calls them "death".  (She won't die from eating them.  She'll just break out into hives.)



Me.  Allergic.  


Cooked is fine, raw is a little like Russian roulette.   It all depends on how many other allergens I'm exposed to at the moment.  When it's good, it's delicious.  When it's bad, it's real bad.  No hives; just WW3 breaking out internally for about 12 hours straight.  



Wow, I hadn't heard of tomato allergies before!  *adds to list of foods to be aware others might be allergic to*


DH simply doesn't like tomatoes much.  He might have a slice on a sandwich (though he will remove it if it's crunchy, as many fast food and restaurant tomato slices are), and he'll eat tomato-y sauces if they are scant enough on other flavorful foods.  He'll eat ketchup.  But he doesn't really care for slimy foods, and tomatoes often are.


On the other hand, there little I like more than a fresh, really ripe tomato!  Especially a really meaty variety, like some heirlooms.  Take a good-sized one, cut it in half through the equator, put both halves on a baking sheet cut side up, top with slices of smoked fontina cheese, then broil only long enough to brown the cheese a bit.  YUM.

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Did you grow them yourself from a heirloom seed banana tree that came straight from the Garden of Eden???


Folks, did you miss my parody on the thread (forget the topic) in which I continually one upped everyone and said things such as I was sitting around knitting reusable toilet paper from the hair of the dog?


Do NOT make me go there?  It got ugly. :laugh:


I missed it!  Link, please?


Though for DD13 it would have to be guinea pig hair.  She tested positive for allergies to cats and dogs, but not guinea pigs.

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Banana trees do not grow in New Mexico. These were store bought - from an organic coop store of which I am a member. :p


Please don't tell my ILs' neighbor that there are now organic coops.  FIL and MIL already built chicken palaces for the neighbors.  If the neighbors find out that there are ORGANIC coops the palaces will have to come out and all new, ORGANIC coops will have to be built to replace them.  In the interest of neighborhood conviviality I beg you not to let out any more info about organic coops!

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Aww, and ARRGGHH!  Consider everything likeable liked now, please!  I ran out of likes before finishing page 119.  I should get extra because I was forced to abstain for so long!


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Your links had me really wondering for just a moment.  I thought you said you would be wearing the cocktail and carrying the dress, and for a moment that made a lot of sense with the discussion about the undercooled and insufficiently ventilated passenger compartment.




This had me laughing so much my dh asked me, "Estas bien, mija?"

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We have an antenna and Netflix.  I'm disappointed that Netflix doesn't carry a lot of these old shows, as I would like to have my kids watch them.  However, my IRL BFF just hooked me up with something that MIGHT help.  I haven't had time to check it out yet.


We also have an antenna, and get quite a few channels, including one with the old shows on it. Also, Hulu carries a lot of old shows.

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Confession.  I make DH buy the one-ply sandpaper.  I hate the bulky toilet paper with slime (aloe) which leaves me feeling not clean and has less on a roll so you have to change it more often.  Not to mention how it clogs the toilet. 


Give me cheap Scotts, baby!


Angel Soft, cheap and decent.

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Which is correct? 


So no, thanks.


So no thanks.


So, no, thanks.


So, no thanks.



ETA:  Option e.  None of the above/other.  Why would one construct such a poorly worded statement in the first place when one could simply say, "No, thank you."


Depends on the emphasis.

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I am so sorry. I always get lost in your neck of the woods. The roads don't make sense. You have my sympathy. And let me officially say, it was not your fault.


You should see the roads in Santa Fe. I drove around with a map on the steering wheel for two months.

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Squeeeee!  Twins!  SWB and I will be twins!!!  Of course, after a brief moment of standing together with her I will move away to the far end of the group, so as to bracket all of you in our joint brilliance instead of drawing all attention away from you entirely.  After all, it is the nature of the thread to SHARE the glory as much as possible, instead of carelessly allowing our personal shine to mask the rest of you.


Ah, how glorious!


Has anyone ever mentioned that you're a brat?

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Nah, I'd cut her some slack here.  Getting ALL of the bits of tomato skin off before blending takes a while, and she's got enough on her plate.  I'll let her use the canned tomatoes so she has time to make margaritas to go with the salsa and chips. 




Who said anything about skinning tomatoes? Who goes through such torture??? Boil 'em and blend 'em. Can't even tell the difference.

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I gave up on trying to grow them.  My thumb is distinctly brown, not green, and MIL has a garden large enough to feed a small continent.  The only tomatoes that would grow for me at all were cherry tomatoes, and my vines were always looking quite scraggly.  Now I just help harvest MIL's garden and eat veggies like crazy when it's time to pick.


That reminds me, I need to ask her if she has planted any chard this year....




I've killed a cactus before. Thankfully, I've improved greatly in my growing skill (thanks to dh), and we get a good spread in the fall.

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What's calabacita?  Recipe, please?  If you have already posted it and I haven't yet found it you can disregard.



zucchini (calabaza)



Simmer, shred cheese on top. My dh will add ground beef to it, but I prefer it veggie. Easy peasy. Season as desired.


All our ingredients except the onion and cheese come from our garden. Oh, hold up, dh just reminded me that our neighbor gave us onion to plant, so we have that too. :D When it comes from the garden, the flavor is awesome!

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Wow, I hadn't heard of tomato allergies before!  *adds to list of foods to be aware others might be allergic to*


DH simply doesn't like tomatoes much.  He might have a slice on a sandwich (though he will remove it if it's crunchy, as many fast food and restaurant tomato slices are), and he'll eat tomato-y sauces if they are scant enough on other flavorful foods.  He'll eat ketchup.  But he doesn't really care for slimy foods, and tomatoes often are.


On the other hand, there little I like more than a fresh, really ripe tomato!  Especially a really meaty variety, like some heirlooms.  Take a good-sized one, cut it in half through the equator, put both halves on a baking sheet cut side up, top with slices of smoked fontina cheese, then broil only long enough to brown the cheese a bit.  YUM.


My grandmother told me she's allergic to tomatoes. Youngest dd is allergic to quite a few foods (hopefully she'll grow out of them), but on the Feingold diet we've had to cut out tomatoes for her too.


A nice flavorful tomato is the Japanese black tomato. We're growing some in our garden this year. I discovered them last year through Baker Creek heirloom seeds catalog.

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zucchini (calabaza)



Simmer, shred cheese on top. My dh will add ground beef to it, but I prefer it veggie. Easy peasy. Season as desired.


All our ingredients except the onion and cheese come from our garden. Oh, hold up, dh just reminded me that our neighbor gave us onion to plant, so we have that too. :D When it comes from the garden, the flavor is awesome!

Dh would just pick the corn out and leave the rest. He eats like a picky toddler. 

That sounds delicious, though. YUM!

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Dh would just pick the corn out and leave the rest. He eats like a picky toddler. 

That sounds delicious, though. YUM!


In that case, just leave the corn on the cob and throw it on the grill for him. :) I did mention that you have to use fresh corn grown from the garden, right?

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Totally random post: I was sitting here wondering what I was supposed to be doing. I knew I was supposed to be doing something, only I wasn't sure what it was. Then I remembered. I was supposed to be working on my study schedule so that I know what I'm supposed to be doing on Sunday afternoon.

You know you've hit rock bottom when you forget that you are supposed to be working on something to help you not forget...

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I received a lecture today on how it would be best if my kids were in school and if I don't like something the school is doing to just march on up there and correct them because my taxes pay their salaries so those teachers work for me.


This woman has completely failed as a parent and is extremely obese. All she ever does is give me advice on my kids and dieting and treats me like a complete idiot if I contradict her.

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I received a lecture today on how it would be best if my kids were in school and if I don't like something the school is doing to just march on up there and correct them because my taxes pay their salaries so those teachers work for me.


This woman has completely failed as a parent and is extremely obese. All she ever does is give me advice on my kids and dieting and treats me like a complete idiot if I contradict her.


Oh, yes. That's definitely the person you need to be listening to. NOT. There's no way to avoid this person?

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Okay, I was dutiful and researched/bought some of the coming year's curricula.  Texas history for DD10, MCT LA for both.  Now I need to figure out what I want to cover for Good Citizenship.  We covered how and why the U.S. has the government it does this year.  So for next I need to decide whether to do World Geography and Governments of Other Countries, or instead go through the Texas state government and smaller levels of government.


I also need to decide what to use for DD13's history (early modern era).  As usual I need to take choosing/buying in bits and pieces, so I don't over purchase and over plan.


DH is heating up the grill to cook salmon and corn on the cob.  I get to read another page or two, provided the robot vacuum lets me.  It tends to get hung up a lot.  Honestly, our Neato isn't as hands-off as our Roombas.  It's like having another child, though one who is at least willing to try.

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I think I'm actually better off skipping the gardening and instead having a compost pile.


Little dd bought a sweet pepper plant she named Bob which has three tiny peppers growing on it.  I have sworn that Bob will be with us in the bathroom in case of tornadoes.


Don't let it get within many feet of any spicier pepper plants, or those sweet little peppers won't be so sweet.  Peppers cross-pollinate, and the offspring inherit from both parents.  I had some bell peppers that took us ALL by surprise one year.

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So, homeschooling my high schooler is still on the table. She got news fro the school that makes her want to stay. 


Let me back up. I told her months ago that 9th grade is always hard and things would probably be better next year. Plus, a lot of her friends are actually coming in to the school next year (a year younger than her), so she'd have kids to talk to. She was still adamant about being homeschooled.


So, a couple of weeks before school ended, a quasi-friend of hers admitted to not being a very good friend, and basically repeated everything I've typed above. So she was feeling optimistic. She had a student meeting with the Arts Dept. on Thursday. There are 3 levels of dance - A, B, C - with beginning, intermediate, and advanced in levels A and B. All students start off at A and are moved up as a department decision. So, during the student meeting, she was told they decided to move her up to B intermediate level, the only one in her class to get that skip. So, now she's special. Well, she's always been a great dancer. 


I can't give her that at home, but she still dances at the dance studio. One of the teachers on staff at the school is a long-time teacher at the studio. I wonder what she'd say about "dropping out." Anyway, that's where we are.

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OK, girls. Story time. Come sit on the couch with me and I'll read to you. You need a love in intervention.


Me too me too me too!  Awwwwwww, that was several days ago and I missed it!  I miss out on everything!  *whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine*

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What kind do you want?  I like snickerdoodle.  Or oatmeal with choc chips (instead of raisins).  Or, if it's going to to be chocolate chip, I say we just eat the dough.



The grocery store today had a meal deal that included free cookie dough nuggets.  I now have them in the freezer, and am trying to forget they are there.  Cookie dough nuggets in a sheet are too easy to just break off and munch on down....


I wanna be a kid again and eat cookie dough without all the GI repercussions I get now!   *whiiiiine*

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Hey, what are the ingredients, please?  I have a friend with some pretty restrictive dietary needs, and this might, just might, be something she can eat....


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So Southerners:


Is it all about having a "wild hair up your arse" or a "wild hare up your arse"?


Because I'm married to a Southerner, and neither he nor his extended family knows.  Not even the Very Southern branch.  They use the phrase all the time; they just apparently never gave a single blessed thought as to what it actually means.  Southerners.  Hmph. 


It's a hair, as in the hair fell from the scalp and crept its way down your clothing.  I've had hairs do exactly this, and the resulting sensation is EXACTLY the sort of irritated crazy the saying implies.

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My cookies are all vegan. 


Just wanted to put that in.


Since it's my on the couch love in with story time & cookies that started it all. 


*perks up*  Any completely grain- and dairy-free?  I have a friend who is allergic to too many things....  Got recipes to share?

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