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The car behind us was t-boned. The crash was so loud and shook everything so for a moment I thought we were hit. The ambulance came.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


We're just fine. I sent up a prayer for the young lady who was hit though. Part of why I wasn't sure at first was because car parts were literally flying past us.

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Yikes, Jeannie! I am so glad you are all right!
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Ok, so.... here's the deal. I put on one birthday party per calendar year. And the kids rotate as to who gets it. Youngest dd is turning 6 next week and it's her turn. She doesn't really have any friends (a couple of neighbor kids is all), but the big problem is me. Between soccer and tumbling and Awana and piano lessons and homeschooling and all the emotional junk with deciding to leave our church and how to make that work and dealing with oldest DS who is challenging at the best of times. And the last month has not been the best of times with him....I don't have the mental or emotional wherewithal to plan and execute a party. So, I thought we'd just take the family to the Big a City to Storyland and Playland (kind of a small scaler amusement park, family type.... place) one weekend afternoon and go to In 'nOut for lunch in honor of her birthday and call it a party. It's not a traditional birthday party per se, but it's all I can manage. Is this ok? She will be getting a cake and presents and all that.



Try talking to her about it, suggest it as a party idea.


My dad was an airline pilot, and the schedule changed from month to month.  Us three kids had birthdays about 1 month apart, mine first, then my brother's, then my sister's.  Dad usually couldn't get two birthdays in a row off (much less 3) but he could usually manage every other month, so my brother would get a birthday party one year and the next year my sister and I would each get one.  I understand about taking turns at having parties.  We also have asked the girls to forego birthday parties some years in favor of something more family-centric when time and/or money were tight.


Sometimes bigger parties aren't all the kid hopes them to be, so perhaps the idea of a family party at an extra-special venue would be something she'd happily consider.




And this post just reminded me of a text I got a couple of weeks ago inviting DD12 to an old friend's birthday party.  I'm ashamed to say I completely forgot to respond (it arrived when I was super busy) and forgot about the text, and now we have missed the party.  I need to text them tomorrow to apologize.   :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:

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I'm in the office, across the house from the tv where DD is watching the debate. All has been quiet, but apparently 25 minutes was her limit. We just heard her shriek, "SHUT UP!!!" at the tv.


Welcome to politics, sweetie! :laugh:

She lasted longer than I did. It's on, but I stopped listening after 5 minutes.
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She lasted longer than I did. It's on, but I stopped listening after 5 minutes.


I had to leave the room the first time during the moderator's spiel; holy cow what a bunch of whoppers.  I tried to watch for a little bit, but DH's fancy schmancy tv was looking destined to die.  I am in a self-imposed time out.  DD wanted to watch; we'll see how long she can take it.

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Something like that. There's a blog or something that has her letter to the family with assignments, pictures of properly stacked casserole dishes, and an interview.



Yeah, I googled that, and DH had to ask me what I was giggling about so much -- I read it to him.


We aren't that bad, in fact, we have problems in the other direction when doing family potlucks.  This family doesn't have the best or timeliest communication skills, but through many years now of getting together for the big meal we all have certain things we tend to bring.  The overall rule is the host family gets to ask for volunteers to make certain things or can make them themselves, and everyone coming can bring stuff that isn't on the original menu plan because we have so many different people with ideas of "must-have" foods for Thanksgiving.  If you want it there and it's not on the original planned list then go ahead and bring it!  We ALWAYS end up with WAY too much food, especially when DH and I did 4 turkeys and 2 hams to feed less than 2 dozen people.

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Something like that. There's a blog or something that has her letter to the family with assignments, pictures of properly stacked casserole dishes, and an interview.



Oh, and we don't care about brand names, either.

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The car behind us was t-boned. The crash was so loud and shook everything so for a moment I thought we were hit. The ambulance came.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Omigosh!  Are you all okay?  I know you said you weren't hit but shaking kinda indicates you might have sustained some damage, and a big shock like that can stress anyone's back into seizing up.


Are you okay?


Prayers for those involved.  I hope no one is seriously hurt.

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Ok, so.... here's the deal. I put on one birthday party per calendar year. And the kids rotate as to who gets it. Youngest dd is turning 6 next week and it's her turn. She doesn't really have any friends (a couple of neighbor kids is all), but the big problem is me. Between soccer and tumbling and Awana and piano lessons and homeschooling and all the emotional junk with deciding to leave our church and how to make that work and dealing with oldest DS who is challenging at the best of times. And the last month has not been the best of times with him....I don't have the mental or emotional wherewithal to plan and execute a party. So, I thought we'd just take the family to the Big a City to Storyland and Playland (kind of a small scaler amusement park, family type.... place) one weekend afternoon and go to In 'nOut for lunch in honor of her birthday and call it a party. It's not a traditional birthday party per se, but it's all I can manage. Is this ok? She will be getting a cake and presents and all that.


This is the kind of party we've always had, so sounds fine to me. Maybe take a couple of friends with her.

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