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In other news, my ds2 is now my ds3! We celebrated his birthday yesterday. He liked his Happy Birthday balloon best of all his gifts. Figures. Is that like the birthday version of playing with the refrigerator box?


Happy 3rd Birthday, Stephanina's DS!  :party:  :party:  :party: :party:  

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Hmm. Spring is a good time if you like waterfalls, late April or early May. The flowers should be nice, but it will be wet, and the ticks will be out.

Fall is okay-but dry, so waterfalls won't be running. Color is usually good, and the bugs aren't so bad. If you are around Ponca, you can look for elk!

Summer is hot, and the water isn't always running if it has been dry. If there is water, there will be huge horseflies. We killed a number of them yesterday. And poison ivy is pretty lush and abundant, and the snakes are active. But the cold water feels so good and refreshing when you can find it! And we have a wonderful cave system up there called Blanchard's Caverns. Well worth a trip in the dog days of August.

Winter is beautiful up there for waterfalls, but its' also a collage of grays, because of the trees and the rocks. And it can be cold.

I like it in all seasons. There's always something to appreciate.



Sounds lovely, thank you!  Fall & winter sound like the time of year for me.  The girls and I tend to be bug candy.  I will look into Ponca, and Blanchard's Caverns.  It will be fun to go be tourists again.

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Don't forget to dress like a pirate for your free dozen at Krispy kream.


I need kid's Christian book recommendations. We're reading the Egermeier's Bible Story Book and Mary doesn't like it. We've read Family-Time Bible in Pictures, and the Jesus Storybook Bible twice :001_wub: , as well as a few extras including My ABC Bible Verses and Big Thoughts For Little People. I either need a good Bible story book to replace the Egermeir's Bible Story Book or a good extra to go alongside it.


Just Bible stories, or are you looking for recommendations of other Christian books to read to them, too?


How about the COW books by Todd Aaron Smith?  My mom gave a few to DS when he was little.  The were cute.

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ARR!  Me matey's swabbin' the deck arrrly.  She be at Mango Languages, brushin' up on her pirate, arrr!



:ohmy:  :w00t:


I'm going to have to check this out.  Might be promising for DD12's Spanish this year and DD15's French in another year or so.


And Pirate is just cool!

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What did the zero say to the eight?









Nice belt!!


Happy Monday, Me mateys!!!

No Krispy Kreme here, thank goodness!!

I need a weekend!

School will start here in a few minutes. I've done my ab exercises and some bills.

But first, ITT and COFFEE!!!!



DD15's response to your joke:



Why does the 8 feel so important?



Because he's the cousin of infinity!

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We are having a very slow and rocky start to the day here.  DD12 is barely functioning (tired, listless -- growing again), so I sent her to take a shower.  DD15 was going to get upset at me for not letting her juggle her phone while riding the stationary bike, but she's happy now because I set her up with one of my exercise belts to hold her phone -- all she wanted was to listen to music while peddling.  She's peddling rather slowly, but she's at least moving.  



Hey!  I think the guys are here to take away our unneeded garage fridge!  Yay!

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:banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:


Apparently when I assign literature I need to write the word "read" in front of the title's name so the student knows what to do.  Just writing "Literature:" followed by the name of the work is not enough.



Oh, you didn't mean they should absorb it osmotically?  Lying down with the book on one's chest isn't sufficient?

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Don't forget to dress like a pirate for your free dozen at Krispy kream.


I need kid's Christian book recommendations. We're reading the Egermeier's Bible Story Book and Mary doesn't like it. We've read Family-Time Bible in Pictures, and the Jesus Storybook Bible twice :001_wub: , as well as a few extras including My ABC Bible Verses and Big Thoughts For Little People. I either need a good Bible story book to replace the Egermeir's Bible Story Book or a good extra to go alongside it.

I am going through a book with my younger kids by Marty Machowski called The Ology, Ancient Truths Ever New. It has simple but nicely done illustrations. It is more along the lines of Big Thoughts for Little People and has short lessons with extra scripture to look up - it is very well written and I think it is so far the best book of systematic theology for children that I've read.



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:banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:


Apparently when I assign literature I need to write the word "read" in front of the title's name so the student knows what to do.  Just writing "Literature:" followed by the name of the work is not enough.




Know that you are not alone!

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I actually think I've got my fall quarter schedule figured out. It's about time, considering I should have had it in place two weeks ago. Well, better late than never.

We are going to give Writing With Skill 1 a whirl this quarter. I'm just not feeling inspired to create my own writing course this year. I'd rather put my creative energies elsewhere. We'll see how it goes and how much adjusting I have to do, and go from there.

I also decided that our two electives for the fall quarter are going to be creative writing and art. That should be fun.

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Apparently, I am the meanest mom ever because I won't let them watch cartoons while they do their schoolwork.


I have never left the TV on during school. I don't understand why it's a thing today.


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I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave this thread now.  We are all uber cool moms whose children cheerfully discuss literature, poetry, and current events over tea every day after completing school and doing volunteer work.







(Adding a :lol: , just in case.)

Edited by JoJosMom
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I actually think I've got my fall quarter schedule figured out. It's about time, considering I should have had it in place two weeks ago. Well, better late than never.

We are going to give Writing With Skill 1 a whirl this quarter. I'm just not feeling inspired to create my own writing course this year. I'd rather put my creative energies elsewhere. We'll see how it goes and how much adjusting I have to do, and go from there.

I also decided that our two electives for the fall quarter are going to be creative writing and art. That should be fun.




I'm still revising last week.

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School has been called today on account of crap attitudes, mine among them. We're going to go do something fun. And by golly, if they don't have fun, I'll MAKE them have fun.

Yeah, we're still dealing with the fallout from my kids' mom not doing enough parenting while pregnant and recovering. They've both developed horribly bratty tendencies.

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:banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:


Apparently when I assign literature I need to write the word "read" in front of the title's name so the student knows what to do.  Just writing "Literature:" followed by the name of the work is not enough.


Well, duh.  They're not mind readers. 


[i went through the same thing at the start to this school year.  I also now have to specify that when I tell him to practice his math facts on the iPad (in lieu of flashcards), I mean multiplication and not addition, because he was "practicing" that which was easier for him, and I didn't say which, so...I only figured out what he was doing when he still couldn't remember 8x3 after 2 weeks straight of 8's facts practice.  He knew 8-3 and 8+3 really well, however.  Yay.]

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I'm sorry, but you're going to have to leave this thread now.  We are all uber cool moms whose children cheerfully discuss literature, poetry, and current events over tea every day after completing school and doing volunteer work.


Wait a minute....they are supposed to be cheerful??? Oh, man... :leaving:

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Would you like ones with coffee/chocolate dispenser, wine dispenser, the overalls, or the dragon-scale covered?



I need the ones with extra sweat protection.  Oh, and the phenominal-fit, no-ride, no-roll bra to go with them.

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Procrastinating is the name of the game.


Quick - what part of speech is "procrastinating" in the above sentence?



It is a noun.  It is also the subject of the sentence, and a gerund.


3rd year of MCT -- we can answer that one in our sleep.

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Killing a little time before music lessons.  I'm planning on going sweaty, since I'll only get even more sweaty while we are out.  Today we are also procrastinating a lot, due to wiped out kid and brain-doesn't-wanna Mom.  I gave them the week's assignments for a few subjects and we'll deal with the rest manana (how do we get the tilde?  Without it that looks like banana.).

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I don't know what a subject or gerund are. Everyone feel sorry for me and give me chocolate. Or shake your head in shame and tell me to send my kids to a qualified teacher. Either way.



*gives chocolate*  There there.  You have time.  When your eldest reaches 2nd or 3rd grade start MCTLA and all will be revealed.



As for what a subject is -- depends upon who is talking.  We, of course, are all Queen Ellie's loyal and loving subjects.  

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*gives chocolate* There there. You have time. When your eldest reaches 2nd or 3rd grade start MCTLA and all will be revealed.



As for what a subject is -- depends upon who is talking. We, of course, are all Queen Ellie's loyal and loving subjects.

So until then I should just keep making hive members cry? :lol:
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Copy and paste from the interwebs.





Thanks.  Too much trouble when I'm short on time.  I guess I will go with manana/banana at times.


There ought to be a butchered song in that somewhere....

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It is a noun.  It is also the subject of the sentence, and a gerund.


3rd year of MCT -- we can answer that one in our sleep.


DS just learned it last night - year 2 of MCT.  He was not happy to learn that there were other phrases than prepositional.  He thought he had phrases down pat.  :rofl:  

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