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Good afternoon!

The girls played in services this morning and Junie (yay for visits!!) and I went to Sunday School and 2nd service.  I took a sorta nap because the Pups kept barking at something, then dd18 woke me up to tell me they were going to try doing homework at a coffee shop. ?  OK awesome.  Friends of theirs work at the coffee shop so I think in reality their "studying" is really "Visiting with Snacks and the Appearance of Studiousness". 
The Porch Jam last night was fun!  We had over 50 people - mostly just hanging out and listening, but some neighbors came with their littles and Teenaged Friends and some of my friends and a neighbor who plays accordion!  Oh that was so awesome!  It's not often you get to play with an accordion.  No banjos. 😭  


It's a Coffee Booyah!


And this is the best Booya/h in the whole world because it is a COFFEE Booya/h!! (Imagine, if you will, yours truly planting a flag that says "Booya/h" in big, bold letters and a cup of COFFEE under it! on the Rocky summit of.... The tall craggy mountain in the middle of the ITT Island, where we have our lodge. This lodge is in the middle of a forest with hardwood floors and throw rugs and huge stone fireplaces and wrap around porches with comfy Adirondack chairs. This is what I'm talking about.) (I think my imagination is getting the better of me).  

KrissiK Documentation of the ITT Flag 5/1/2017

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!!!

Green Tea!!

Labor Day!!

I am so in need of a three day weekend. Not much planned for today. I will take the girls and Hazel to the park for a walk. After that, I don’t know. I had wanted to do some baking, but the control board on my oven died, so I guess that’s not going to happen.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Happy Labor Day!  May you find rest from your labor.

The local Labor Day race went right by my house this year.  I was so tempted to stand outside playing music and yelling "Hey y'all, whatcha runnin' from", but alas, I have no banjo.  Maybe next year.

One dd is getting ready to take her chemistry test and another is lazing about.  No real plans for today.  Little Pup was throwing up some last night so I'm keeping an eye on him.  He seems fine so far this morning.


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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

The (Infamous) Leiper's Fork Hillbilly Half Marathon 😂

I think the runners should have answers prepared. 😁

Band: "What are y'all running from?"
Runner at the front: "A thousand people are chasing me!!"
People in the middle: "We got to get out of town before they catch us!"
Folks at the back: "I want to see where everybody's going!"

Assorted runners during "Dueling Banjos": "Don't y'all know any other songs??" "You can't scare me--I'm from here!" "My grandma plays twice as well as you!"

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Good morning!

Changes in the plan for today are happening.  I will probably be taking dd21 to the doctor or urgent care because she has been coughing and a high fever.  Her dh is working so I told her I'd take her to the places if needed.  Prolly won't make it to ladies Bible study.  The girls have various activities, one of which requires Brussels sprouts.


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Good Morning!

Happy Whatever Day It Is!

Trying to get back to a normal routine.

Also, I need to get a new phone because the one I have is currently on life support.  It just is not wanting to charge anymore.  It made my trip home yesterday... um, interesting... when my phone died while I was still on unfamiliar roads.

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Welp, dd21 does indeed have pneumonia.  I called the doctor at 7:30 and they had us go to the back parking lot of their office for covid, flu, and some other test (all negative), then a virtual appointment with the PCP at 8:30 (still in the parking lot), then to the hospital imaging center for chest x-rays.  Now must go pick up medicines.

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Good Morning!

Happy Wednesday!

We really should be starting school today, but I don't wanna.  And I'm not prepared.

I got a new phone last night, so I might be fighting with that quite a bit today.  I'm not a technology girl, so I feel a bit unsettled at the moment.

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7 hours ago, Slache said:

Who do you know in Texas? I'll make some calls.

Well, I didn't know the bride in Tennessee, just someone who fell in love with her and wanted to marry her.

So, I don't really need to know someone in Texas.

This sounds like it might be the beginning of the ITT matchmaking service. 

I am afraid. :)

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Good morning!

I am awaiting a call back from the United States Gubm'nt.  Apparently their Phone Robot does not understand "my dog ate my survivor benefits check".  Hopefully this can get resolved this morning and then I'm heading to Aldi.  I need to go meet with the health clinic administration lady so she can help me figure out what is going on with medicaid and my marketplace policy because I have no idea what is going on.  But after dealing with the forementioned Gubm'nt, I may not have the gumption to go today.

Dd21 reports that her fever is gone and she is feeling pretty good.  Every once in a while I feel like I am "coming down with something" but then a little while later I realize that I feel perfectly fine. 😂

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5 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

So dd18 was prescribed an inhaled powder medicine (along with the antibiotic) for her pneumonia and I just read that the more common side effects of the medicine are pneumonia, bronchitis, and upper respiratory infections. 🙄

That sounds counterproductive. 😞

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4 hours ago, Slache said:

I always loved the commercials that were like "This may help relieve migraine pains. Side effects include migraines, spontaneous amputation and death."

Yep.  And then to counter the risk of spontaneous amputation, you can take another medicine with side effects of spontaneous amputation, uncontrollable giggling, and death.  And migraines.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!

The girls just left for tutorial and I have a load of laundry in the washer.  Today I need to pack, pack up food and the cooler, and get the guest bed set up for dd21 and her dh who are house/dog-sitting.  I have an orchestra pops concert tonight, which I think will be fairly short.


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Good morning!

I had a dream last night that we were going to Hawaii but my alarm didn't go off and Nobody woke me up until 8:30 which is when we were supposed to leave and then I looked in my closet and I had nothing to wear.

Alas, my alarm DID go off and breakfast is in the oven and we are nearly ready to go.  The trip was originally just to cheer dd26 on as she runs her first half marathon but since we are going to be in the area, we will first stop for a tour of the university dd18 is looking at for next year.  And if we can manage it, visit the Friday night jams at the Rocky Branch Mountain Music center.


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Morning, Happy Saturday.

I disappeared for a few days again.  Trying to get everything ready for classes to start Monday.   It's been crazy but I am sooooooo glad I hired an admin to help with the "paper"work (mostly its answering emails and phone calls so not exactly on paper) because it has been insane.   She's doing great though.

We have a lot of new students, plus many returning ones.  Almost all classes are full (some of mine are over-full), but that's not uncommon.  Usually it goes down for the second session between people who take off due to holiday travel, and people who are new to homeschooling and sign up for everything everyday and realize that doesn't work.  

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Good morning!

We are just on the edge of the Great Smoky Mountains.  The road up to our rental house is not for the faint of heart.  Yesterday we spent some time at UT Knoxville where dd18 is looking into their forestry program and then we cheered on dd26 and her friend who rain the Great Smoky Mountains 5k and then went for dinner and jamming at Rocky Branch Mountain Music.
This morning we cheered on dd and her friend as they finished the GSM half-marathon (hey y'all, whatcha runnin' from?!?) and now we are back at the house hanging out because it is still drizzling.  I feel like we should watch Deliverance, lol.  
All the streets around here are named after the novel Christy, because the movie (or was it a TV show?) was filmed here.  The real Cutter Gap is even more remote and difficult to get to.   

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19 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

So that's interesting because we have always thought Sir Pups-a-lot is more poodley and Little Pup is more goldeny.

Do they have a variety of chew toys? Like a basket of toys with different textures and focuses?

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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!


I slept late this morning! It was a rough and exhausting week. Not bad, just tiring.

Taking Hazel to school this morning and then Baby cheers tonight, but otherwise a fairly quiet day. I should try to get some housework done. I wanted to do some baking, but I have no oven. DH had to send the control board to South Carolina to get it fixed.

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19 minutes ago, Slache said:

Do they have a variety of chew toys? Like a basket of toys with different textures and focuses?

We probably need to get Hazel a few more chew toys. She’s not quite a chewer like Little Pup, but… she likes to chew. Last night we tried to wear her out in the back yard with a tennis ball.  She was having a good time with that.

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57 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

We probably need to get Hazel a few more chew toys. She’s not quite a chewer like Little Pup, but… she likes to chew. Last night we tried to wear her out in the back yard with a tennis ball.  She was having a good time with that.

Dog toys are idiotically expensive. If you go on Amazon you can get a package of 15-20 for around $20. They're variety packs so you can see what they like and then spend the big bucks on a high quality toy she'll like. Ours had squeakers, stuffed animals, puzzle treat toys, ropes, balls. All poor quality and about half are gone, but it was the price of ONE toy at the store and we knew what to buy.

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We're back from obedience school. Hazel is, obviously, the top of her class. Although the other dogs are doing well. I was happy to see they are all shelter dogs. There are so many shelter dogs who need good homes.

I will be glad when obedience school is over because I keep buying her stuff there.

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