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Good Thursday Morning!  Look how far we've made it this week!  Anyone starting Christmas break next week?  I'm thinking of only doing math and free reading.  Or not. 


(And I'm still outta likes.) 


Due to appointments scheduled well in advance we had two non-school days this week and will have another next week.  I also told the kids that Monday will be short because of another appointment scheduled recently, and if we get through the week's work by end of day Wednesday they can have Friday off, too, since Daddy is off work that day.  (Thursday is next week's no-school day).  This should be easy to do because I scheduled a light load, basically using these two partial weeks to cover one week's worth of lessons.


Now if only I wasn't so behind on Christmas shopping....

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Good Morning!


Dh is up making breakfast for ds20 (who has a gig rehearsal) and dd17 (who is taking the ACT).


If you are of the mind to pray, would you say a quick prayer for dd17? She had a panic attack yesterday while working on an ACT practice test, complete with choking feelings and lots of panic/crying. She usually just gets a little naseaus. I think we may need to get her some professional help.


I am somehow out of likes...just so you know I do like y'all! :)


Praying!  (((Susan's dd)))


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In that case, I would feel under no obligation whatsoever to go.  What makes a nieces and nephews activities (which you will view as a spectator) more important than your dc's activities which they would be participating in?  Not that you asked, but imho, I would not short change my own kids for theirs. 



We won't be going to watch the parade today; we will attend art class.  And pick up sushi to eat for lunch.  I love my niece and nephew and really like to support their activities, but they are old enough to learn to give us some lead time when activities are coming up.

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We usually do the holiday break the weeks of Christmas and New Year's.  But this year DH isn't off like he usually is to hang out with DS, and we took a week off for Thanksgiving, so I'm thinking just the week of Christmas off, and using the week of New Year's to catch up on a few subjects.  Science for one, and art (um, for someone who was an art history major I have been severely negligent in my teaching duties for this subject this year - as in, forgot all about it.  :leaving:  )  Maybe math as well - we aren't behind, but I'm thinking math facts games for practice.



Unfortunately my good intentions of having weekly art and music time hasn't panned out.  The kids get hands on art lessons once a month, however, from someone who works in art appreciation, too, and we've been taking them to plays and concerts, so I guess we haven't neglected art and music altogether.

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We won't be going to watch the parade today; we will attend art class.  And pick up sushi to eat for lunch.  I love my niece and nephew and really like to support their activities, but they are old enough to learn to give us some lead time when activities are coming up.


Sorry, I misread your previous post.  :)


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By the way, I'm back from running.  4 sets of 10 minutes.  It's going to reach 70 degrees here today and tomorrow!  :001_tt1: :001_tt1: :001_tt1:   Woo-hoo!  This is my kind of winter!!!


Off topic (ha!), there is a weird, not horrible, but not pleasant smell at the end of our driveway.  I suspect some kind of plant that is growing on the other side of the road (it's a country road), but I'm horticulturally challenged. 

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A friend of mine in the military once sent someone in his charge to a luncheon that he didn't want to attend.  That man ended up eating lunch with the president.   :svengo: I don't think my friend gave up many lunch opportunities after that.   :lol:


Where I used to work I once got an "invitation" to attend a special dinner, at 8 PM on a week night 45 minutes' drive away from where I lived and I had young kids at home and DH worked long hours.  This "dinner" was touted as another come-applaud-your-coworkers-for-minor-accomplishments event, and I declined, stating I had no one to watch the kids and not enough advance notice to arrange for a sitter.  The kids and I were all in bed by 8 PM that night.  I was beat.


The next day at work my boss informed me that I was given an award at the dinner the night before, and I should have been there to accept it.  'Scuse me?  If they wanted me there to accept an award they should have told me more than "come applaud your coworkers at an inconvenient time and on short notice"!  


Here's the kicker:  I asked what I was given the award for, and my boss (and her boss) couldn't tell me.  It was a feel-good award given for the sake of certain higher-ups being seen as recognizing employees for their accomplishments.  Rig-g-g-h-h-t, I felt so valued.

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Note to self:  working backwards I read through page 555.


Must eat breakfast now, and rouse the kids so they get cleaned up for art class.


See you later, everyone!  And Mark, how'd Chewie come out?

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By the way, I'm back from running.  4 sets of 10 minutes.  It's going to reach 70 degrees here today and tomorrow!  :001_tt1: :001_tt1: :001_tt1:   Woo-hoo!  This is my kind of winter!!!


Off topic (ha!), there is a weird, not horrible, but not pleasant smell at the end of our driveway.  I suspect some kind of plant that is growing on the other side of the road (it's a country road), but I'm horticulturally challenged. 


Goo job on the running!  I'm hoping (futilely, I'm sure) for cold because the cold drops the humidity and cuts down on the mosquitoes.  At least at park day yesterday DD14 avoided getting eaten alive (the previous park day she had gotten more than 50 mosquito bites) because we wore clothing treated with permethrin and bathed in bug repellent.  The little biters still managed to find me before the end of our two hours, however.


Okay, I have to leave for real for now.  Back later.

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We don't know yet. Everyone seems to want a girl, I want a boy.


I very strongly felt I had boys and both turned out to be girls. Everyone around me thought I was having a boy with Gymnast. Two different diets, two different cravings, carried them in two different ways, and they were still girls. With Gymnast I decided not to check gender, but had the hardest time coming up with a boy name. That should have been a clue. Funny, considering Gymnast wasn't named until three days after birth. A boy would have taken 3 weeks after birth, probably.

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Chewie looks dangerous.  I would fall off and break my neck. :lol:


My little supervisee is coming in about an hour.  I've talked to her nonstop this week due to client crises so hopefully this will not be a super long meeting.


I am thinking of taking ds12 to the Asian market later.  Never been.  He was a big PITA yesterday, and I think he might benefit from some mama time.  


You guys!  I had weird dreams in which dh and I were 16 and wanted to get married but we were too young.  Also, Nan had died but was then alive again but no one but us knew it.  We were going to sell her two cars.  She was sleeping in a chair in my kitchen holding a doll.  I knew she was going to die again, and I didn't know what we were going to do with her body since everyone already thought she was dead. :confused1:  It was very unsettling, and I was supposed to drive Nan in the car but I was afraid because she was like a Nan zombie or something. :leaving:


I was going to say something about this, but since it was last night, I no longer remember. That was a very interesting dream though.

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I also was wondering about the wookiee.


(((Susan's dd)))


Have fun at art class, AMJ. That would have been my pick.


Swellmomma, hello!


Renai, what movie?


Lynn, we are having nice warm winter weather as well. Alas, I have not been jolking as of late, for I have found sleep to be more important.


Going to do a brain dissection today. Least, that's the plan. Should really get me in the holiday spirit, LOL.

Edited by ikslo
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By the way, has anyone (Renai?) found any acceptable wrapping paper yet?  I looked at Target the other day when I had to kill time in town and it all seemed ugly to me. 


I haven't really been to the store lately. I'm thinking of stopping by Walgreens later to check for paper. Dh did find some left over from last year, but there was no tape. Last year's leftovers wouldn't be enough though.

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Hi, everyone.  I'm so very, very sorry I have been gone so long.  With luck I will be making more regular appearances again.  I've missed this thread.



When you are the stay-at-home parent you are the one who will be dealing with the fish tank, and very quickly fish tanks.  It doesn't matter that DD11 and DH promised that they would take care of the fish themselves and you won't have to deal with them at all.  They cross their hearts, earnest faces sincerely nodding at you.  Over the next few months you are the one who gets to "help" DD11 rescue not one, but two batches of small fry that have been born to the "only females" fish DH selected at the pet store.  (He selected a breed that not only bears live young, but a breed in which some females will turn into males if there aren't enough males around for "getting busy".)  You are the one who will set up not just one additional tank, but eventually another three tanks as well, to separate the guilty and prolific pair from each other and every fish else AND protect the newest babies from larger fish AND have another tank for separating males from females of the first batch (and wonder what on earth you will do if that batch of females decide to start switching sexes, too).



Sounds like a type of platy. Stop torturing yourself. Allow the bigger fish to have live food sometimes. That's the only way to keep the population of fish down. Hey, it works in the wild. And it worked at my house too.

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Nice use of "shall"!


Dd13 is very experimental with her cuisine. She is woefully underweight, so we are glad she will eat pretty much anything. Sometimes we just have to look away. :D


I am perfectly happy exposing y'all to the horror, though.


Dd16 can't believe a girl came up with this.  :lol:

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Do not cook dinner.  If there is no one else to cook dinner, peanut butter and jelly will suffice.


Can you latch hook (or whatever it is that you're doing) in front of a TV?  Put in a really long movie (that won't put you to sleep).  Maybe the Original Trilogy?!


Enlist help.  Your oldest daughter likes crafts, right?


Stay tuned to the ITT.  We will cheer you on!!!


And post pictures!  We want to see the results!


/end bossypants.  (Slache's influence ;) )


ETA : (Or is it Tex?  I can't remember.)


Jean is bossypants.

Slash is bossyboots.

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Good Morning!


Dh is up making breakfast for ds20 (who has a gig rehearsal) and dd17 (who is taking the ACT).


If you are of the mind to pray, would you say a quick prayer for dd17? She had a panic attack yesterday while working on an ACT practice test, complete with choking feelings and lots of panic/crying. She usually just gets a little naseaus. I think we may need to get her some professional help.


I am somehow out of likes...just so you know I do like y'all! :)

(((Susan's dd)))  Bless her heart.  Sounds like help is in order.


You know, it strikes me that Slashie's baby needs 3 middle names of a certain type and order, such as Iris Tamara Tori or some such -- you know, initials ITT?  Just if she does this be careful of the initial for the first name.  We don't want her nickname to be "Sitt" or something.


This is a brilliant idea.

Of course!  We ALL want to be you, and live your adventurous life!  We need your identity and a wig so we can m--



<evil plot announcement deleted by the Overlords.  Watch it, AMJ, you are getting a bit too chatty with your victims.>

My adventurous life mostly consists of being mauled by cats and watching the backs of men peeing in the women's restroom. :lol:   Oh, I guess there was the Great Basketball Debris Save of 2015, but that is about the extent of it.

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I don't really like Jump In much either.  Ds15 did a few assignments.  Dd13 did even fewer.  (And she likes to write.  A lot.)


We ended up using WWS.  We started it later than usual, but according to SWB, it's ok to do that.  And she would know.   ;)


(Ds15 is currently in WWS 2 and DD13 is in WWS 1.)




And why are we still talking about educational things.  Hmmm?   :toetap05:




Educational post: I told dd16 last night that we're going "back" to classical education. She cheered. Never mind we never actually did "truly classical," whatever that is. She did mention she loved how things were integrated a lot more and how much she remembered. We were doing MFW.

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You know, it strikes me that Slashie's baby needs 3 middle names of a certain type and order, such as Iris Tamara Tori or some such -- you know, initials ITT? Just if she does this be careful of the initial for the first name. We don't want her nickname to be "Sitt" or something.

What about just an I first name, a T middle name and we'll marry her off to a Mr. Tomething.
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Good Morning!


Dh is up making breakfast for ds20 (who has a gig rehearsal) and dd17 (who is taking the ACT).


If you are of the mind to pray, would you say a quick prayer for dd17? She had a panic attack yesterday while working on an ACT practice test, complete with choking feelings and lots of panic/crying. She usually just gets a little naseaus. I think we may need to get her some professional help.


I am somehow out of likes...just so you know I do like y'all! :)


:grouphug:  for your girl, Susan, and I prayed that the Holy Spirit fills her with peace and strength, today and whenever she is feeling anxious.  Poor baby; it stinks to be seventeen.


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I very strongly felt I had boys and both turned out to be girls. Everyone around me thought I was having a boy with Gymnast. Two different diets, two different cravings, carried them in two different ways, and they were still girls. With Gymnast I decided not to check gender, but had the hardest time coming up with a boy name. That should have been a clue. Funny, considering Gymnast wasn't named until three days after birth. A boy would have taken 3 weeks after birth, probably.

I was convinced that John was a girl and Mary was a boy, and now I have no idea so that's no help. My girlfriend read a book about how girl sperm are faster, but boy sperm are heartier, so if you make your uterus more acidic with diet the girl sperm will die and the boy sperm will get through. She had 3 girls, read the book, then had a boy. Who knows if it worked, but it's interesting to learn so much about baby making.


In some states you can't leave the hospital until the baby has a name. Ohio is one. I was mortified at the fact my husband (this both the man I'm married to *and* the father of my children) had absolutely no rights over John when he was born. He couldn't even get him from the nursery unless I said it was okay. We also couldn't leave until we had a carseat, even if we didn't have a car. It was all very strange.

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Educational post: I told dd16 last night that we're going "back" to classical education. She cheered. Never mind we never actually did "truly classical," whatever that is. She did mention she loved how things were integrated a lot more and how much she remembered. We were doing MFW.

What are your plans?

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oh em gee


you guys are all still here!


I logged in first time in ages, have 19,603 notifications & I'm betting 19,000 are from this thread......




hi again :seeya:

:seeya: We sucked you back in. We are good at that:-) It's all about the charm and grace, baby. (And the frisky fish help too:-)

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Amusing stories from my odd day...


Went to the Asian market for the first time.  Had to go to the bathroom so I went to the Women's bathroom (mall set up with Men's on the right and Women's on the left).  Walked past a man peeing in a toilet with the door wide open.  Turned quickly and walked out.  An Asian lady walked out quickly and warned me in a thick accent to not go in.  I nodded with wide eyes.  Ds12 was in the men's restroom so when he came out I quickly waved him over FAR away from the restrooms and explained the odd man in the women's restroom.  After that man left, I went in but did not go near the toilet he used.  I think he was just clueless because he didn't look drunk or homeless but what the heck, he was old enough to see that there were no urinals?  The Asian market was odd and interesting, but it smelled of shrimp and raw fish so I could not abide by it.  I got a couple of things and left.


Then I went to the salvage grocery store where we get a lot of quality food for a low, low price.  Filled the trunk for $100.  While there in the frozen foods, an older man asked me if I was gluten free.  I told him I was.  He asked if I was vegan. :confused1:  So I said no.  Then he asked if it was because I couldn't get my husband to give up the meat. :huh:  So I said that I like meat, too, but eat mostly chicken.  Big mistake.  Then he told me how most chicken has salmonella and I was spreading salmonella all over my kitchen.  So that's when I stopped responding. :glare:   


What an odd day!


Odd father's influence. You attract odd.

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I've heard bad things about Discovery of Deduction. Fortunately by the time we want to use it it will be all fixed. ;) I've heard AoA is fun and simple and DoD is boring and too hard. I've heard Traditional Logic is mind blowingly dry. I need to read How To Read A Book. I'm not sure what else.


Dd16 will concur about Traditional Logic. She was taking the live class with VHG, and finally dropped the class.

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Just had to share since I don't want to make a whole post for this: 


This morning, we both stayed home with a stomach bug, which meant she got to come cuddle in bed with me. I was reading a book at the time, so she kept pointing to words, asking how to say them. 

"What's this say?...and what's this say?" On and on. 

After about ten words, she said "I can not read them." Then, she pouted. 

I asked her if she wanted to learn to read, and she said "Yes, I think I would like that." 


She still won't deign to identify a letter of any kind, but hey, at least she wants to read one day. lol 


Same with Gymnast. Only she knows four letters and still wants to read. I told this story before, but we were looking at a Bob book together and I was showing her how to blend sounds. After finishing the first book she wanted to read it again. She couldn't, she kept asking what it said, so I helped her put sounds together again. I started reading my homework (I was still in school at the time), and I noted she was trying to read the book on her own. After a while, she threw the book across the bed in frustration screaming, "I can't read!" and started crying. And, no, the letters she knows don't come together very usefully.

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Nope. I meant it only in the literal way with much empathy as a person who sometimes has anxiety which really eats away at my quality of life.

I knew that, I was just so shocked when I read it at first. As much as I love watching young people enjoy their youth I am also exited for the day their hormones settle, their lives become simpler and they find that peace that teenagers are just incapable of finding.

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I knew that, I was just so shocked when I read it at first. As much as I love watching young people enjoy their youth I am also exited for the day their hormones settle, their lives become simpler and they find that peace that teenagers are just incapable of finding.


Well said.

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I would probably be pro essential oils if I knew anything about them. I use eucalyptus and peppermint when I'm sick. Do I get hippie points for that?


Tea tree oil is antibacterial and works to kill airborne germs when put on simmer in a pot of water on the stove.

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