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Yeah, what she said.


And get the classroom sized-set if you can. It's worth it. The plastic ones by this company, which are really like fake wood decking material so very dense, weighty, woody, and with great color. More durable than the wood, which littles chew on.

This is great!!!!!! Exactly what I think he needs. Something fun that doesn't seem like learning. ;)


I am going to try the chocolate, too. Thanks ducklings, critter, ikslo, Jean, Slache, Mark and all others for the advice. Now I need to go back reread and take notes. But supper first. Fried chicken tenderloin, biscuits and gravy. Very Healthy. :D

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Yay! I plan to! Well, maybe not exactly once a month, but dh leveled the garage freezer for me last night, so now I just need to start using it.


Even so. Thawing requires more effort than I'm wanting to give tonight, but I will. Because food.

I still make fresh meals. Having my oamc stuff prevents us from not eating well when I don't plan well. It's my planning on not planning. You should quadruple your favorite recipes for now and start stocking up. Don't think everything needs to be frozen. It wouldn't kill you to grate some cheese to make the meal look fresh. Consider setting $200 of your tax return aside for some new Pyrex and other oamc helps. Maybe a pasta maker so you can make 4,000 ravioli. And hit up the grocery store after Thanksgiving for some turkeys. This freezer is gold.

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This is great!!!!!! Exactly what I think he needs. Something fun that doesn't seem like learning. ;)


I am going to try the chocolate, too. Thanks ducklings, critter, ikslo, Jean, Slache, Mark and all others for the advice. Now I need to go back reread and take notes. But supper first. Fried chicken tenderloin, biscuits and gravy. Very Healthy. :D

That set is usually $90. You should get it right this second.

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This is great!!!!!! Exactly what I think he needs. Something fun that doesn't seem like learning. ;)


I am going to try the chocolate, too. Thanks ducklings, critter, ikslo, Jean, Slache, Mark and all others for the advice. Now I need to go back reread and take notes. But supper first. Fried chicken tenderloin, biscuits and gravy. Very Healthy. :D


Oh, my.   I'm on my way over.  

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It wouldn't kill you to grate some cheese to make the meal look fresh.


Yes, it very seriously might.  :lol:



But fresh is great, and since we do a lot of vegetarian meals we do need to shop weekly for produce.  I used to shop with a planned menu once per month, buying all but the produce in one fell swoop.  But that was before kid 3 or 4.   Now I think it's more like twice a month, with a list but not really a great plan.  Everything is healthy-ish, and usually fresh, but not exciting or new because I'm using the recipes I know by heart and can shop easily for.  I need new menu ideas.  And a morning off would be soooo lovely.  But no complaints.  I'm so happy to have a freezer!

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Yes, it very seriously might. :lol:



But fresh is great, and since we do a lot of vegetarian meals we do need to shop weekly for produce. I used to shop with a planned menu once per month, buying all but the produce in one fell swoop. But that was before kid 3 or 4. Now I think it's more like twice a month, with a list but not really a great plan. Everything is healthy-ish, and usually fresh, but not exciting or new because I'm using the recipes I know by heart and can shop easily for. I need new menu ideas. And a morning off would be soooo lovely. But no complaints. I'm so happy to have a freezer!

Already you're ahead of me!
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This is great!!!!!! Exactly what I think he needs. Something fun that doesn't seem like learning. ;)


I am going to try the chocolate, too. Thanks ducklings, critter, ikslo, Jean, Slache, Mark and all others for the advice. Now I need to go back reread and take notes. But supper first. Fried chicken tenderloin, biscuits and gravy. Very Healthy. :D



It is!!! And wait until you get them and start using them.  They'll be even greater still.  You'll love them.  



I realize ds had ZERO number sense until c-rods came along.  Honestly, i'm not sure I had all that much number sense, either.  We are both learning a lot.  

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Yes, it very seriously might. :lol:



But fresh is great, and since we do a lot of vegetarian meals we do need to shop weekly for produce. I used to shop with a planned menu once per month, buying all but the produce in one fell swoop. But that was before kid 3 or 4. Now I think it's more like twice a month, with a list but not really a great plan. Everything is healthy-ish, and usually fresh, but not exciting or new because I'm using the recipes I know by heart and can shop easily for. I need new menu ideas. And a morning off would be soooo lovely. But no complaints. I'm so happy to have a freezer!

I send Matt to one store on Thursday, one on Friday, and to the zoo with the kids on Saturday. Well, that's what I do sometimes. I also like having him as a prep cook. Pastor and Mrs. Pastor are always asking to babysit. Maybe I'll send them there now that I'm disabled.

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A 25,000 party for you! (a bit overdue but it is Tuesday, after all. So we'll make it a 27,808 party instead.)


We'll have Butternut Squash Pie.

I so badly need a mask or something when I deal with squash. I'm normally a very mild-mannered and gentle cook, but squash just bring out the worst in me.

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Okay.  I am going to see if I have the stamina to defrost the meatballs in the freezer and cook up 16 oz of spaghetti.



I'm not sure I do.  (Today was CC day.  It shouldn't tire me so, but it does.)


If you're taking 5 kids 8 and under to CC it should definitely tire you out.  Getting everyone safely across the parking lot and buckled in the car was the best part of the day back then. 


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I still make fresh meals. Having my oamc stuff prevents us from not eating well when I don't plan well. It's my planning on not planning. You should quadruple your favorite recipes for now and start stocking up. Don't think everything needs to be frozen. It wouldn't kill you to grate some cheese to make the meal look fresh. Consider setting $200 of your tax return aside for some new Pyrex and other oamc helps. Maybe a pasta maker so you can make 4,000 ravioli. And hit up the grocery store after Thanksgiving for some turkeys. This freezer is gold.



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I am Woman!    :boxing_smiley:





Um. . . I can do all this right?   :leaving:


If I did, you can. 


(What is it we're doing?  Everything, right?)


Today went like this....


7:00 - took Kitty to vet to be spayed

Came home, folded some laundry, started more laundry

9:00 - Morning Time

Afterwards - one on one school with 7yodd and started her on art project

Made tacos for lunch (usually don't make lunch)

Did math with 12yo dd

Found out dh wouldn't be able to do his normal Tuesday driving for kids stuff

1:30 went back to vet to bring Kitty home

2:30 left with ds10yo to pick up 17yo and his friend to take them to an elementary school where they help with the chess club there.

Then drove to the place where ds10yo plays basketball

Sat in car and did math and English with 10yo ds while waiting for time for his game.

DH made it to basketball game from work.

I went home and put BBQ chicken in the oven.

We ate supper (except dh and 10yods)


So much more than you wanted to know. 


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Go, Lynn, go!!!!!


I didn't get much done at all.


Homeschool day at library.

Dealt with my mother with insurance and phone problems (1 1/2 hours).

Cooked supper.

Done some laundry and dishes.


Now I am going to take a bubble bath and relax a bit. (I can't even remember the last time I had a bubble bath.)

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OK Lynn - 


I will crosspost here what I'm putting on my tackle thread.


human care done (that means getting dressed etc.)

pet care done

medical care done

ds to work - he gets himself back on his own

dh off to work (ie. making his breakfast and packed lunch)

quick trip to the grocery store for ingredients for the new Paleo chicken casserole that I'm trying today

am school done

we fend for ourselves for breakfast and lunch - and dd and I watch Chuck on Netflix over lunch

pm school done

helped ds with his Bedroom of Doom for about 45 minutes.

helped dd wash her bedroom window inside and out in preparation for weatherstripping.  Left her out on the roof for a logic exercise in how to get back in.

Helped dd weatherstrip her bedroom window

Decluttered (not Kon-Mari) the top shelf of one kitchen cabinet.

Cleaned the kitchen twice.

Started to wash the contents of the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet that we decided to keep.

Cooked the new Paleo chicken casserole  (which is still in the oven) - I did get ds to help me with about ten minutes of prep work for that as i was getting a bit stressed.

Almost forgot - promised a special chocolate of their choice to the child who found the hex key that fits the bathroom towel rack.  Dd won.

Put up the bathroom towel rack (yet again) with dd's help.


Boo to the Yah.  

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My wife agrees that she's branching out but is worried about childcare when her hours change (which is Thursday, by the way) and seems to take Izzy's resistance to traditional classroom style drilling as a failure. I'm not sure I agree, but I don't think she's firm on that side of the fence herself. Drama drama drama.


Happy Tuesday, ITT.


She's right. Traditional classroom style drilling was a failure for Izzy. Which is why it didn't work for her while she was in school. Which may be one of the reasons why you took her out.


Has anyone talked to you about de-schooling yet?

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Is it Hannah or Anna?  That is the question.  About 12 more weeks to find out.  We can wait.  But we must know at once after the gender sono.


The boys won their game soundly.  Like trounced 'em. 


I wish I had some of Jean's casserole because it sounds good in spite of the spaghetti squash.  The fam has begun rejecting chicken adobo.  Sniff.  

Edited by texasmama
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I think it's Amy or Molly.


I wasn't supposed to get an ultrasound. It was just to check everything out. Now I have 3 pictures of a blob. I was disappointed in the pictures. At one point you could see the alien head with a round body and two distinct legs, but the pictures are of a blob.


I had a plate of hors d'oeuvres for dinner. Smoked salmon, mozzarella, dark chocolate, and about an ounce of wine for flavor.


I also talked to the doctor about my back. We talked about the amount of percocet I take and how often. She said go ahead and take it. The problem is that people who take drugs like that take more than they're saying and we need to keep it at low levels, but the pain I was in this weekend was completely unnecessary.

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Dh said that your family might like the adobo better if you dilute the sauce a bit more with water.  


A lot of families find my food too "healthy".  

They said it was too strong so I think diluting it would be good.  Ds12 liked it.  Dh actually ate it over rice, but he would eat anything over rice to get the rice.  We eat healthy, too, so I think it was just the strength of the sauce.


I think it's Amy or Molly.


I wasn't supposed to get an ultrasound. It was just to check everything out. Now I have 3 pictures of a blob. I was disappointed in the pictures. At one point you could see the alien head with a round body and two distinct legs, but the pictures are of a blob.


I had a plate of hors d'oeuvres for dinner. Smoked salmon, mozzarella, dark chocolate, and about an ounce of wine for flavor.


I also talked to the doctor about my back. We talked about the amount of percocet I take and how often. She said go ahead and take it. The problem is that people who take drugs like that take more than they're saying and we need to keep it at low levels, but the pain I was in this weekend was completely unnecessary.

I like Molly.  :)  But it might be a boy.

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I think it's Amy or Molly.


I wasn't supposed to get an ultrasound. It was just to check everything out. Now I have 3 pictures of a blob. I was disappointed in the pictures. At one point you could see the alien head with a round body and two distinct legs, but the pictures are of a blob.


I had a plate of hors d'oeuvres for dinner. Smoked salmon, mozzarella, dark chocolate, and about an ounce of wine for flavor.


I also talked to the doctor about my back. We talked about the amount of percocet I take and how often. She said go ahead and take it. The problem is that people who take drugs like that take more than they're saying and we need to keep it at low levels, but the pain I was in this weekend was completely unnecessary.

When my kids were that size, I called them my little kidney beans.  Actually I called them that until birth.  

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They said it was too strong so I think diluting it would be good. Ds12 liked it. Dh actually ate it over rice, but he would eat anything over rice to get the rice. We eat healthy, too, so I think it was just the strength of the sauce.


I like Molly. :) But it might be a boy.

The kids say it's a girl named Molly. I think it's a girl. I was convinced John was a girl and Mary was a boy, so take that for what it is.

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