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I don't know about random posting or who Tex is, but I'll tell you right now, I'm a stream-of-consciousness poster. Boy does that get me into trouble. I think I made a few people angry this morning with my post in the Chat thinger.


I'll carefully consider my spelling of Booya(h) lest I join the wrong gang and get capped...


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My excuse was that I was at work where I fill a chair for an exorbitant salary ~8 hours a day (which normally ends up being more like 6 or less if I can get away with it). Now I'm at home and actually have things to do, like cook and paint. Sigh.

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Lynn.  I beg you.  Be my secretary.  Your brain is amazing.  


I can't remember what I did last weekend, let alone what some random poster on a highly ignorable thread did last spring.*  








*No offense intended, dear sweet Tex.   :D


I can't afford to take offense. You have my little Duckie Bucket Filler. I think of her and carry on.  <3





AND AMJ. (wherefore art thou, AMJ???)






I also really like all the independents in spite of their cowardice.  


Slache has spelling issues but she is nevertheless my BFF  (don't believe a word she says to the contrary.... she adores me. She's just still smarting over the fact that I ousted her in coup a few hundred pages ago.)  

You left me out.  I am an H person. However, in the interest of World Peace, I do the Booya(h) thing.  Something for everyone.  #cantwealljustgetalong

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I had to leave to teach my daughter and to encourage Tex's little dd to do her reading.  You're welcome, Tex.

Thank you!  I was reading TKaM for my class, and little stole my phone and textbombed Jean.  :D


Also - wait for it - I gave myself a B12 shot and got the dog her heartworm pill and her flea and tick stuff A DAY EARLY.  Remember the beginning of this month when I had to beg you all to remind me to do it? :hat:

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I can't afford to take offense. You have my little Duckie Bucket Filler. I think of her and carry on.  <3

You left me out.  I am an H person. However, in the interest of World Peace, I do the Booya(h) thing.  Something for everyone.  #cantwealljustgetalong






I puffy heart Tex to the moon and back!


So does Little Duck.  Who is having a bad afternoon, btw.  (Dd 6 gets to go to her Pioneer Girls Voyagers class, which Mommy is teaching, and Dd 5 -- aka Little Duck -- is too..... well......little.    She doesn't qualify for another year.   :crying: )

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Oh, and Mark, about the work thing. I thought I answered on your "crazy" thread, but it never posted, I guess. But, as a person who has worked from home for over 8 years in various capacities, you always keep more than one egg in the basket. So, yes, do your art, but also do other things. Start at WorkPlaceLikeHome.com and RatRaceRebellion.com to see what's out there. And if you qualify for disability, Check out the company NTI. I've used both of those resources and have worked with NTI.

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I puffy heart Tex to the moon and back!


So does Little Duck.  Who is having a bad afternoon, btw.  (Dd 6 gets to go to her Pioneer Girls Voyagers class, which Mommy is teaching, and Dd 5 -- aka Little Duck -- is too..... well......little.    She doesn't qualify for another year.   :crying: )

Give my Little Duck a big hug, and you tell her Mrs. Texas says that she is SOOOOOO BIG!!! :001_tt1:




:grouphug:  I love you, Jean.

That bandolier, while stylish, weighs like 40 pounds. It was made on commission for me by a wonderful woman in Texas who is just the best, but the resin boxes are very, very heavy. I need to mold them and make some hollow ones. :)

Everything good comes from Texas.   :hat:

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So I have this pissy princess teacher-helper who only let us know a couple of weeks before classes were starting that she wanted to help in the class. But only for 6 weeks. Fine, we can use all the help we can get.


So after the first class, she got a little upset because we didn't structure the class sessions the way we had discussed in the spring, which kind of revolved around a special teaching session she wanted to do. (Well, yes, sweetheart, that's because we didn't hear from you all summer, so we made other plans.) So we decide to do some quick adjustments and let her do her thing and work around it.


So yesterday at the start of class, we are dividing into groups and pissy princess announces that she has to leave at 11:15 (class ends at 11:30). Uh, OK, lets see what we can do. Since we are in a room full of students, I refrain from ripping her a new one. She does not answer her phone or return calls - I suspect she is terrified of me, and rightly so.


It's a volunteer position (though I suspect our idiot director is paying her because for some reason she believes that pissy princess is God's gift to teaching) and she has been helping in another class, so I can't really "fire" her, though I am quite happy that next week is her last. She will not be welcomed back.



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Susan, I am sorry you have a pissy princess to deal with. Sounds like she does need a good rip. Just send her our way, and I guarantee she will never mess with you again. (Said in my best Godfather voice.) We are tight, this group... We've got your back.


Speaking of tight, I am starting to realize that I am pretty much NEVER on this thread at the same time as the rest of you. I apparently am not on early enough, late enough, etc. There is a pattern... I see it. Boohoo for me.


Went for a walk into town this morning to make a bank deposit, get some exercise and snag a coffee. Hosted a National History Day class for two hours, taught by my awesome friend who is hilarious and loved by all teenagers. Afterwards, I saw one of my friends get pegged with an acorn in the head by her son. I am wondering if the poor child is still alive, lol. (He didn't mean to do it, but it was close range and made me cringe.)


I am making a weird baked dish with leftover acorn squash and eggs for dinner. Tomorrow is the symphony in the morning. Which reminds me that I have to get ahold of ds13's online teacher and let her know he will be missing a class.


That is my stream of consciousness for the day... I am sure you are all very glad you spent the time reading that, lol.

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Looky there, I got me a booya!


Slachey, go take a nap with Jean. We will all stand watch while you sleep.


Okay, that might be creepy... We won't really watch you:-)

You're so sweet. I can't sleep until I take something for my back and I can't do that until Matt gets home because it makes me too stupid to watch the kids.

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