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Update on the eye: it is the right eye. The retina is not deta check ed, but there is bleeding. Vision is about 20/100. Something is cut, i didn't catch what. He said most of the time vision corrects itself, except for the times it doesn't. She'll need a follow-up next week.

Blankety blank blank blank.  (Tex can fill in the blanks for you).  I hope it heals just fine.  What does this mean for her intensive?  Will she be able to stay?  Will she come home?  

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I hate scallops to this day because of this!


I love scallops, so long as they aren't cooked to rubber.  I'll eat them for you, and you can have my acorn squash.  *shudder*

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Update on the eye: it is the right eye. The retina is not deta check ed, but there is bleeding. Vision is about 20/100. Something is cut, i didn't catch what. He said most of the time vision corrects itself, except for the times it doesn't. She'll need a follow-up next week.


Phooey.  Lots of healing hugs!  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Update on the eye: it is the right eye. The retina is not deta check ed, but there is bleeding. Vision is about 20/100. Something is cut, i didn't catch what. He said most of the time vision corrects itself, except for the times it doesn't. She'll need a follow-up next week.


Oh Renai!  Hoping it begins to correct itself and heal quickly!!


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Blankety blank blank blank. (Tex can fill in the blanks for you). I hope it heals just fine. What does this mean for her intensive? Will she be able to stay? Will she come home?

I'm thinking she'll miss 2 days at the most. It is a 10 hour round trip (my house, to intensive, to city of follow-up, to intensive, back home). Glad I got new tires on my car this week. .and a tune-up.

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I'm thinking she'll miss 2 days at the most. It is a 10 hour round trip (my house, to intensive, to city of follow-up, to intensive, back home). Glad I got new tires on my car this week. .and a tune-up.


Bummer!  Part of me thinks they should take care of this for you, but part of me thinks I would totally want to be there if I were you.  Ack!

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Bummer! Part of me thinks they should take care of this for you, but part of me thinks I would totally want to be there if I were you. Ack!


Well, she's in one city, the retina specialist is in another (3 hours from her location ) and I'M in between the two.

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Update on the eye: it is the right eye. The retina is not deta check ed, but there is bleeding. Vision is about 20/100. Something is cut, i didn't catch what. He said most of the time vision corrects itself, except for the times it doesn't. She'll need a follow-up next week.


Oh, no!  Your poor DD.  And eye injuries hurt.  I'll be praying for complete healing.


Oh, and I'm so glad that you've nothing else in your life right now to worry about. When it rains, it pours.  (Just ask Tex.)  More :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: .

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Update on the eye: it is the right eye. The retina is not deta check ed, but there is bleeding. Vision is about 20/100. Something is cut, i didn't catch what. He said most of the time vision corrects itself, except for the times it doesn't. She'll need a follow-up next week.

Oh, man!  I'm sorry to hear that happened! 

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Or that I don't delete them until they expire just in case we need to order Papa Johns for supper?

:lol: I have no excuse for not having dinner ready. You leave the house and homeschool. I roll around on the floor with toddlers and play with an abacus once in a while.

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You always say that, but then you don't leave.


I do leave - to the next tab where the homework is. The goal tonight is to complete the prezi I started last night (shouldn't take more than 1-1.5 hours), and then do another assignment where I design a learning center. That should be easy as I've had a classroom and know exactly how I want the science center to be. It's just a matter of writing it out and then throwing in citations and professional references to make it look good. It's the throwing in stuff that takes time.

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I do leave - to the next tab where the homework is. The goal tonight is to complete the prezi I started last night (shouldn't take more than 1-1.5 hours), and then do another assignment where I design a learning center. That should be easy as I've had a classroom and know exactly how I want the science center to be. It's just a matter of writing it out and then throwing in citations and professional references to make it look good. It's the throwing in stuff that takes time.

It must suck to be an adult. I wouldn't know.

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The eye doc that saw dd (unofficially) texted me info to the specialist and his office, and through in another referral to a bone doc (she has trouble with her knee too). He thinks she will be fine and says that the vision loss is "likely more due to muscular spasm in the eye than the retinal bleeding and swelling." We still are going to have the follow up though. He'll be emailing me and the specialist pics (from the official appointment with the doc in town where she is) of her eye on Monday and we'll go from there.

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I do leave - to the next tab where the homework is. The goal tonight is to complete the prezi I started last night (shouldn't take more than 1-1.5 hours), and then do another assignment where I design a learning center. That should be easy as I've had a classroom and know exactly how I want the science center to be. It's just a matter of writing it out and then throwing in citations and professional references to make it look good. It's the throwing in stuff that takes time.

That's why I love my online classes.  I will be working on one in one tab, have fb open in another, wtm in a third, and a tv show playing in a 4th (I don't have cable or satellite so I watch online), it's perfect.

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This is my life:

0-15 abusive home

15-18 lived on the streets, the janitor made sure the homeless kids were fed and showered

19-20 travel the country volunteering

20-29 married, dog groomer>SAHM


I've either lived in a commune, with someone, or was homeless. The college I went to was to learn construction and boys with toys like that do not act like adults. I've had difficult times, don't get me wrong, but I've never been a normal responsible adult. I never had to.

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The eye doc that saw dd (unofficially) texted me info to the specialist and his office, and through in another referral to a bone doc (she has trouble with her knee too). He thinks she will be fine and says that the vision loss is "likely more due to muscular spasm in the eye than the retinal bleeding and swelling." We still are going to have the follow up though. He'll be emailing me and the specialist pics (from the official appointment with the doc in town where she is) of her eye on Monday and we'll go from there.

That's relieving!

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update on mstr bdrm (I have to keep updating here too keep my momentum going or I will just stop working on it lol

CLoset fully emptied, killed a few more spiders in there.  I think I got 'em all in that room now.  Outlet and light switch plates removed.  Walls scrubbed.  Just waiting for them to dry before heading back in to tape everything off and start priming the wall paper wall.  

In between those sessions I have not yet written letters to my sponsor kids like planned, instead I have laid about watching episodes of supernatural.  My ds16 got me hooked after he got hooked, he took the first 6 seasons out of t library.  I just finished season 2 and about to sit down to watch season 3.  I have been watching an episode and then going hard on a task in there.,  Emerge covered in sweat in and check in here,  then go relax to watch another episode.  Repeat until everything is done or I run out of seasons in the house lol

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Maybe I'm a responsible adult now? I pay all the bills and taught a small human to read. That's pretty good, right? Oh this is frightening.

awww look at you adulting. so cute. 




Actually given what you posted as your upbringing you were likely adulting far too young and needed the time to not have to adult for a while.  


At the same time I know I was adulting from a young age (9), I used to hear it from adults all the time too, that I was never a kid, I was always more responsible and mature than any kids they knew.  I was forever taking care of others etc.  But these days I feel like a fraud, like I never really grew up and I have been faking it all this time.  Like I am the same level of responsible and mature as I was at 9.  And I am hard pressed to believe at 9 I was mature and responsible enough to be 38, so what's that say about me.  I peaked at 9! and just never grew up further?  


Luckily at 11 I found my career path, because I have been in it ever since.  I get paid to play for goodness sakes.  Coloring, playdough, hide n' seek.  Yesterday I was running through a sprinkler (in my clothing not a bathing suit) with a gaggle of kids (not my own) shrieking from the cold water hitting me.  Yeah I am pretty sure I was not adulting very well. lol

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awww look at you adulting. so cute.




Actually given what you posted as your upbringing you were likely adulting far too young and needed the time to not have to adult for a while.


At the same time I know I was adulting from a young age (9), I used to hear it from adults all the time too, that I was never a kid, I was always more responsible and mature than any kids they knew. I was forever taking care of others etc. But these days I feel like a fraud, like I never really grew up and I have been faking it all this time. Like I am the same level of responsible and mature as I was at 9. And I am hard pressed to believe at 9 I was mature and responsible enough to be 38, so what's that say about me. I peaked at 9! and just never grew up further?


Luckily at 11 I found my career path, because I have been in it ever since. I get paid to play for goodness sakes. Coloring, playdough, hide n' seek. Yesterday I was running through a sprinkler (in my clothing not a bathing suit) with a gaggle of kids (not my own) shrieking from the cold water hitting me. Yeah I am pretty sure I was not adulting very well. lol

I can relate to ALL of this. It makes total sense. This thread is so great.

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I told my husband in a text that pizza is unhealthy and he shouldn't even bring it up. He responded with "I didn't?" You'd think after knowing me for almost ten years that he would know what that meant.


We are having pizza tonight, too, that is DH and I are.  The kids, including the one spending the night, asked for chicken alfredo pasta instead.  It's nice Domino's has options.  They save my sanity.

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Little Caesar's isn't great. Or, as one of my former prek students used to say, "I don't love it."


The extended family here likes it, but it tends to give me bad gas so we don't order it.  I love Papa John's, but their sauce is a bit too spicy for youngest.  Domino's delivers where we are, so Domino's it is (when we aren't making them from scratch or buying freezer pizzas).

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The eye doc that saw dd (unofficially) texted me info to the specialist and his office, and through in another referral to a bone doc (she has trouble with her knee too). He thinks she will be fine and says that the vision loss is "likely more due to muscular spasm in the eye than the retinal bleeding and swelling." We still are going to have the follow up though. He'll be emailing me and the specialist pics (from the official appointment with the doc in town where she is) of her eye on Monday and we'll go from there.


Phew.  It sounds like she should be okay, then, though following through is quite appropriate just to be safe.


Lots of hugs!  Hugs heal, even virtual ones.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Meh. I spend most of my time playing. That's why homework takes a back burner. You'd think I'd learn...


Yeah, I've been something of a slug today, despite tomorrow's impending excitement and activity.  If stuff gets done it gets done, and if it doesn't then we will deal.  Nothing critical has been left undone, just the nit-picky details.


I'm pooped.

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This is my life:

0-15 abusive home

15-18 lived on the streets, the janitor made sure the homeless kids were fed and showered

19-20 travel the country volunteering

20-29 married, dog groomer>SAHM


I've either lived in a commune, with someone, or was homeless. The college I went to was to learn construction and boys with toys like that do not act like adults. I've had difficult times, don't get me wrong, but I've never been a normal responsible adult. I never had to.




Sounds like a nice janitor.

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update on mstr bdrm (I have to keep updating here too keep my momentum going or I will just stop working on it lol


CLoset fully emptied, killed a few more spiders in there.  I think I got 'em all in that room now.  Outlet and light switch plates removed.  Walls scrubbed.  Just waiting for them to dry before heading back in to tape everything off and start priming the wall paper wall.  


In between those sessions I have not yet written letters to my sponsor kids like planned, instead I have laid about watching episodes of supernatural.  My ds16 got me hooked after he got hooked, he took the first 6 seasons out of t library.  I just finished season 2 and about to sit down to watch season 3.  I have been watching an episode and then going hard on a task in there.,  Emerge covered in sweat in and check in here,  then go relax to watch another episode.  Repeat until everything is done or I run out of seasons in the house lol


Go, Brandy, go!  (Including the rest breaks and visits to the thread)

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awww look at you adulting. so cute. 




Actually given what you posted as your upbringing you were likely adulting far too young and needed the time to not have to adult for a while.  


At the same time I know I was adulting from a young age (9), I used to hear it from adults all the time too, that I was never a kid, I was always more responsible and mature than any kids they knew.  I was forever taking care of others etc.  But these days I feel like a fraud, like I never really grew up and I have been faking it all this time.  Like I am the same level of responsible and mature as I was at 9.  And I am hard pressed to believe at 9 I was mature and responsible enough to be 38, so what's that say about me.  I peaked at 9! and just never grew up further?  


Luckily at 11 I found my career path, because I have been in it ever since.  I get paid to play for goodness sakes.  Coloring, playdough, hide n' seek.  Yesterday I was running through a sprinkler (in my clothing not a bathing suit) with a gaggle of kids (not my own) shrieking from the cold water hitting me.  Yeah I am pretty sure I was not adulting very well. lol


Sounds like you are adulting just fine.


I, too, had to adult when I was growing up, and I, too, went through my delayed childhood phase.  One good thing about those is it tends to keep you young in heart for decades, if not forever, mostly because you have already seen the serious side and can better appreciate the silly.


I can also tell you you will eventually reach the stage where you realize you are perfectly fine and responsible enough, and you will start to revel in being the family matriarch of authority.  This position doesn't get bestowed upon you, you just stop accepting any guff from anyone and take it.  "We are NOT going to even start THAT nonsense!" (said usually to someone being way too serious and self-important).




ETA:  Booyah!!!!

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We do Papa Murphy's because then they are able to do a gluten free crust with half cheese, half no cheese plus toppings and a regular crust with no sauce but regular toppings.  Food allergies make things weird around here.  


Yeah, extended family pizza night gets interesting here, too, for the same reason.

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