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What are the read alouds that you want everyone to hear?


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We are reading The Hobbit again because I want my girls to listen this time around.


(Really: 1. because I want them to learn to enjoy a good adventure story

           2. because adventures are for girls too (!)

           3. because I needed something during the day that I actually enjoy)



So, are there read alouds that you will do again for the benefit of your younger kids?



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I just finished reading Pollyanna with my 9 year old ds.  I read it with my other two boys about five years ago.  It's one I wouldn't have thought boys would like, but all three of my boys really enjoyed it and I think it's a lovely story.  Plus, the chapters are short so during times where I was busy I could still fit in a chapter.

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Wind in the Willows, Winnie the Pooh, Charlotte's Web (probably my favorite) and the entire Harry Potter series. It was so fun to listen to, and Jim Dale was such a great reader.  Tom Sawyer was also a good listen.  The kids got a better sense of the dialect and could understand better what was going on.  


One book that I hated listening to, and would warn others about was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.  It felt as if it would go on forever.  We all felt as if we were drowning.  Maybe that was the point. :lol:  

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Wind in the Willows, Winnie the Pooh, Charlotte's Web (probably my favorite) and the entire Harry Potter series. It was so fun to listen to, and Jim Dale was such a great reader. Tom Sawyer was also a good listen. The kids got a better sense of the dialect and could understand better what was going on.


One book that I hated listening to, and would warn others about was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. It felt as if it would go on forever. We all felt as if we were drowning. Maybe that was the point. :lol:

While I read most things aloud, we have learned the Jules Verne is best via audiobook! Same with Hank the Cowdog.ðŸ˜


Too many to list, really. Heidi, where the Red Fern Grows, The Hiding Place, Lord of the Rings...

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The Secret Garden

A Little Princess

The Princess Bride

The Great Brain (first one together, the rest they can read on their own)

A Christmas Carol

Some O. Henry stories

The first Harry Potter book (I'd like to read them all together, but it's just too much. They can read the rest on their own.)

Narnia books: The Magician's Nephew certainly and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. (the rest they can read on their own.)


That's all I have for now. I adore these stories and shared them asap with my oldest and now need to re-read for my youngest. He was there when we read them the first time around but doesn't remember them. We're working through them all this year.

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A Long Way From Chicago

From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler

My Father's Dragon

The Great Brain

Wee Free Men

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Caddie Woodlawn

Homesick:  My Own Story

The Westing Game

Island of the Aunts

The Secret of Platform 13

Listening for Lions


So many.  If I could figure out how to homeschool just by reading aloud, I would :)


Amber in SJ


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I'll address older kid RAs, where I am right now.  My faves:


-Silas Marner

-A Tale of Two Cities

-The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

-Watership Down

-A Short History of Nearly Everything-excerpts


Almost any: Mark Twain, Jane Austen, Alexander Dumas. 

Like Garga, I often start a long series for them and then allow them to finish.  We've done Harry Potter, Narnia, and LOTR that way. 

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