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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Call housing, because my washing machine won't work. Repairman due any minute.
Menu planning, and shopping list.
Big pantry, and sort linens to get rid of.
Figure out what to do with box of stuffed animals. -- Suggestions Anyone?
Cleaning closet.
Sort more books. Now even a bigger mess.  I had to walk away :sigh:
Swim, scouts.  Because Repairman took this away from me.


Edited, because well...life.

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Good morning!



breakfast and lunch for dh

see him off

coffee and computer time for me

online banking

breakfast for everyone else

make school lists for the week since I didn't get to it this weekend

errands (bank, dd buy a gift for a friend)




tidy house


take dd to play practice


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This whole week will be warm, in the 50s :) Way too wet to garden, but I can dream and plan!


--gym training at 11

--school w dd: history, APHG, math, chem

--daily things

--Monday-specific tasks

--plan meals for week

--one email

--mail receipt for reimbursement

--create a form for reviewing APHG models

--check seeds left from last year

--list of needed seeds

--continue research for next year


Enjoy the day :party:

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I'll tackle Monday with you!

Happy Monday everyone!


Baths for Sarah & Cate

Wish my brother a happy birthday   :)

Chem Lab this morning for the boy with the kiddos in tow

Return some items to the homeschool library.  Check out more.

Swing by Home Depot and pick up paint chips for kiddos paint colors for bedrooms.

Pick up diapers

Call Vet and reschedule Bris' appointment

Call dentist and figure out why *they* sent me a check.  I think they may not have some of the kids attached to our account.  By my calculations I owe them $80, lol.

Plan an early dinner

Boy Scouts tonight - DH is taking him


Carry 50 sheets of drywall to the basement.



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Oh man I feel great! So great I don't really trust my body. Body aches are gone, stomach cramping gone, and an enormous amount of energy. The kids all seem fine too minus the baby. She's still super grumpy and gassy. I've got a lot to do but I have to make sure to take it easy too.



- dishes

- wash, fold, and put away laundry

- get kids to pick up toys downstairs

- blood work done for baby girl ( hate to do it while she's so miserable but I have no choice.)

- straighten up my room a bit.

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Good Morning!


I'm glad it's Monday and everyone has gone to work or whatever they needed to do.  DS is no longer sick but will take the day to recover as his tummy is super sore.



  • vacuum house and tidy
  • wash everything in ds room and bathroom --bleach everything that is bleachable and open the windows for fresh air
  • plan what to accomplish this week with school
  • watch the movie A Tale of Two Cities
  • cook dinner

Have a good day everyone!

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I'm glad to hear some folks are feeling better.  I hope it continues.


Today I'm hoping to continue getting more stuff off my to-do list.  I cut my work inbox by roughly 50% over the weekend, so that is good, but I have a lot more to go, and another list of deadlines coming up on the 15th.


My list today:

  • Get kids up & out, including breakfast, lunches, snacks, review.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen and bathrooms and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work until 4:45, taking breaks for:
    • a little exercise [done]
    • a little reading [done]
    • a little housework [done]
    • some bill paying [not yet]
    • check out the AR stats of a pile of kids' books [maybe tomorrow]
    • Pack up some books for donation & for handing down to nieces [maybe tomorrow]
    • check in with the kids after school - hopefully no serious homework, as they are doing standardized tests this week [done]
  • Kids' swim team 5-6 (bring work) followed by quick showers.  [oops, forgot they have this week off]
  • McD drive-thru. [done]
  • Quick stop at pet store for fish stuff and to check off scout badge requirement.  [nope]
  • Kids' gymnastics 7:15-8:45 (bring work).  [done]
  • Read-aloud if kids don't have homework.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work 10-midnight.
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Good morning!


morning chores


resorted to pouring olive oil on the logs to get the fire going this morning, really wish they'd get some kindling in at the feed and grain store. ;)


I am glad to hear that everyone who was sick is on the mend/


school with youngest




fill pill boxes


leftovers for dinner

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I love these threads, so I'm going to jump in with you.


To Do:


Trash to the end of the road -didn't do raining too hard

Breakfast - check

School - check DS check DD

Work on the mountain of laundry ( not just the putting in the washing machine part. The putting away! That's what I have trouble with) - got 3 loads done.

Work from 2-8ish The kiddos will go with me-Checj

Baths - half check. Only one kiddo had a bath

Bed for kiddos

Fix DH lunch and get work clothes ready for tomorrow. - umm well, his clothes are clean.


DS woke up with a stomach ache and vomited. So who knows what I'll actually get done. - felt ok most of the day.

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Good morning! The state swim meet finished last night. So much fun, the kids and coaches were amazing. Good times all around. Brag alert: ds3 won high point and dd2 won her first championship race! Today is pretty much a recovery day. And I slept in...dd1 :auto:


To do:

School for dd1, ds2

encourage ds1 to work through his to do list



clean bathrooms

general pickup of downstairs

read and relax a bit

PM practice/aikido


Have a great day!



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Baby got her blood work done, dishes are done, 3 loads folded and away, and half the toys are cleaned up downstairs. The trip out to get blood work done has exhausted me so I'm going to throw another load into the washer and then relax for a bit.

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Human care done except for finding matching socks.


Took care of neighbor dog.


Realized that I had forgotten to put out the neighbor's garbage and the truck had already come and gone.  Transferred neighbor's garbage to our extra can and I'll pay to put out extra next week.


Dd unloaded the dishwasher for the first time in a week.


Assigned dd her school work.


Discussed ds' schoolwork with him.


Our pet care is done including banning our naughty dog to the yard after he almost got bit trying to steal Libby's food.  It's a beautiful day he can burn off some extra energy out there!


Talked to the ENT's nurse.  They are trying to figure out what to do with me since there are some logistical issues due to the doctor going out of town.  


OK - now the rest of this mess.  I feel majorly overwhelmed.  


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I've managed to clean the basement, rearrange everything.  


Clean ds room, bathroom and everything is either washing or drying right now.


I'm so thankful to be able to open a few windows for fresh air!


Now off to finish up the top floor and work on lesson plans for the week...

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Oh Happy Monday, everyone!






oven wiped out, racks cleaned, self-cleaning cycle on


To do:






living room

list stuff on craigslist

fill a box for donation

make batch of french toast, attempt mini egg cups to freeze

dd to softball


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One load of laundry folded but not put away.

Quick grocery store run made.


Got home to find dh up and heading out the door.  I wish he'd tell me when he has something like a doctor's appointment. I had no food packed for his work.  I had no dinner made for him yet.  (the grocery store run was to get a couple of ingredients).  Oh well.  I guess his natural consequence is that he'll have to pick some stuff up for himself.


ENT called the obnoxious doctor and got his take on what my condition is like.  He has no openings for me this week and will be out of town next week but wants me to call and talk to him on Friday to let him know how I am.  He thinks I'll have to do antibiotics for a couple of weeks.  Sigh.  My poor tummy.  (And yes, I'm doing yogurt and probiotics).  

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I can see the top of dh's dresser and most of my bedroom floor! It's amazing how chaotic it can get when you end up using just one room for the last 5 weeks. It feels good to have energy to want to clean rather than forcing yourself to do it.


Kids are relaxing since they aren't back to normal yet so I'm just going to keep the bedroom cleaning going until I lose the desire to continue.

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took care of neighbor dog


realized that I think I was supposed to make an appt. for the ENT's office for a visit in a couple of weeks and didn't.  Will have to call first thing tomorrow.  We discussed it and somehow I thought she was making the appt. for me but since I don't know what time it is for, I was probably supposed to do it.  


need to work on the mail and bills.  


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Now whose bright idea was it to have standardized tests the week of the Spring Ahead time change?  My kids can't sleep, and in the morning they won't be able to get up.  Blah.  I had to confiscate the flashlights and booklights twice already tonight.  :/


Got some work done today, but not really enough.  I so want to get ahead instead of always feeling behind.

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