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Nothing New/Mindful Spending Week Nine


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!

I bought books again. Just bludgeon me.


I also bought Cards Against Humanity for a party I hosted yesterday. That was money well-spent though, because if you can't bond tightly over dirty cards, there is no further hope of friendship!

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$6.35 on pizza Wednesday (dd1 had play rehearsal until 7:30), $20.00 for dd1's play stuff (drinks, a side dish for potluck, shoes and admissions), )1.00 in library fines and I think that's it for unusual spending. We have decided not to fix my car and just to refill antifreeze every couple weeks until our refund comes in, when it does, we will pay off dh's truck and get me a newer car that will hopefully survive 10 years of my ownership. My current car's underbody is so rusted that the mechanic is hesitant to put it on a hoist in fear of breaking the poor thing.

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$6.35 on pizza Wednesday (dd1 had play rehearsal until 7:30), $20.00 for dd1's play stuff (drinks, a side dish for potluck, shoes and admissions), )1.00 in library fines and I think that's it for unusual spending. We have decided not to fix my car and just to refill antifreeze every couple weeks until our refund comes in, when it does, we will pay off dh's truck and get me a newer car that will hopefully survive 10 years of my ownership. My current car's underbody is so rusted that the mechanic is hesitant to put it on a hoist in fear of breaking the poor thing.

Yikes. You need a better car!

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I love Cards Against Humanity, we just have no one to play it with! Or rather, too many kids running around when we do have people to play it with.


I finally bought DS1 a new car seat, a Radian or whatever they renamed it to. Amazon had it for 10% off, so that helped. Also bought a reusable K-Cup since my French press isn't working with the finer ground coffee I have sitting around, and a ruler with standard and metric because we are almost to length chapters in math. Our other rulers are standard only and buried in 6.5" of snow.


I managed to get out of Target with only a couple non-consumable items - two more packs of the white washcloths we use as napkins. We were running out too quickly and resorting to paper towels. This should help.


I'm trying not to buy books, but I have a growing list of things that my library doesn't carry and they made ILL so flipping difficult to access on their website. Grr.

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All I bought this week was groceries. Well, I treated myself to a cappuccino. :)


I am also frustrated with trying to get books from my library. At least three books I wanted that they are supposed to have, are actually listed as "lost".


I will have to buy a few new summer clothing items soon. I will check thrift stores soon.

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Nothing to report. I made only three purchases this week: gasoline + 2 grocery runs.


I was tempted to buy an Ebook this week, but I utilized my prime lending library credit I had forgotten about. I also used some of dd's iTunes card to buy a couple of educational apps for the iPad.


One of the things I am concluding from this challenge is that the budgetary strain we feel is not from excess spending. The other is that I should be spending more in other areas. I spend a fair amount of time "making do" with a few things that are easily replaced. I should just do that.


Also, when our last child is finally out of diapers, I will be buying steaks for the grill. I have never made the splurge (although I had them weekly growing up). Sometimes too much unneeded frugality can suck the joy out of life.

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We're moving to Missouri in 3 weeks, so we took a drive to AZ to visit grandparents before we go. 300 miles each way, means 2 extra tanks of gas this pay period. We drove up to Tucson yesterday and had lunch at Sweet Tomatoes, and I'll probably take the kids to Tombstone and Bisbee one last time before we leave next week.

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We're moving to Missouri in 3 weeks, so we took a drive to AZ to visit grandparents before we go. 300 miles each way, means 2 extra tanks of gas this pay period. We drove up to Tucson yesterday and had lunch at Sweet Tomatoes, and I'll probably take the kids to Tombstone and Bisbee one last time before we leave next week.

Are you still in Tucson? Bring me some eegees to MO with you! Or some good horchata from Betos. Thanks ;)


Let's see... We did do a couple drive thrus this week but I ate side salads so if I wasn't spending mindfully, at least I ate mindfully. Our desktop crashed last week so we ordered a new one. That was an unexpected expense! Although we didn't get a new monitor, so that's something. And I bought a new top to wear to my baby shower since nothing fits me anymore!!!


I've been tempted to buy a few books but resisted and just put them on my amazon wish list. I need to get through my current stack and then I'll splurge and buy 1 or 2. They are all ones my library doesn't have anyway. I am beginning to think that many topics of interest to me are not popular since I rarely find what I'm looking for at my library. Mmppff...

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We went to the movies this week, so for three of us, we spent $16.50 on admission, and $14 for popcorn and sodas.  We skipped dinner, so considering I didn't have to make dinner, it wasn't a bad splurge. 


I had lunch out with some friends, and spent around $6. 


I'm staying out of Joann Fabrics, and not ordering quilt supplies online. I'm on the last project that I have materials for so that trend will soon end.  But I'm super happy to be finishing projects! 


Dh and I both craved Mexican food on the same day this week and on the way to the gym we talked about going out for dinner. After the gym neither of us wanted to negate our workouts with chimichangas so we went home and cooked a light dinner.  If you knew how much I love chimichangas you would understand  what a win that is.  


This week is likely to be my last low spend week for a while.  We're going on a trip next week, and when we get back we have 7 days to get stuff dd needs for her study abroad adventure. 

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We're moving to Missouri in 3 weeks, so we took a drive to AZ to visit grandparents before we go. 300 miles each way, means 2 extra tanks of gas this pay period. We drove up to Tucson yesterday and had lunch at Sweet Tomatoes, and I'll probably take the kids to Tombstone and Bisbee one last time before we leave next week.


Money well spent. 

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Just spent $900 on a new range and overhead microwave in preparation for putting our house on the market. I was able to stack "sales" + negotiate some other benefits = $$$ saved. I am happy; we had budgeted $1500 for those two items!  That's hopefully the last of the big purchases, now we're just in the nitty gritty of fine detail cleaning.  I'm still tempted to pay $600 for cleaners to come in (for a team of three day of deep clean), but I suspect that our home pre-inspection is going to turn up a few minor items that are going to eat up what's left of what we've set aside for house prep budget.


I still anticipate buying three exterior lights this week; hope they come in under $150!

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Boy12 got braces today. Another $3700 to the orthodontist. YUCK. As a treat, I bought a pizza and cheese sticks from Pizza Hut for lunch for us before the braces went on because I know he'll be eating all mushy food for a day or two as he gets used to them. $17 plus change.


And then I was sooooo tempted to go to Grilled Cheese & Co for dinner tonight for some tomato soup (no chewing!) but when I realized that the bill would come to $27 I resisted. With the $3700 we need to pay for the braces over the next year we must control our going out to eat.


We also have a viewing to attend this week which is over an hour's drive away and you know we'll have to stop to get some sort of meal before or after.


It was reeeeeeaaallly hard to resist, but I did. And I regret the $17 on the pizza. Wish I'd just fixed him something special at home. Going out to eat is our Achilles heel. :(


Good news! Boy9 has a birthday soon and decided against a laser tag party and for a party in the church gym. The church will let us have the gym for overnight. The boys can run around like wild things playing with the stuff they have there (balls and bean bags and stuff) and we only have to pay for food. So, that's a good thing. Saved a bit of money that way. The party will be longer and I'll have to sleep in a gym (not fun for me) but it's cheaper.

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The church will let us have the gym for overnight. The boys can run around like wild things playing with the stuff they have there (balls and bean bags and stuff) and we only have to pay for f

I think I love your church, Garga.

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I think I love your church, Garga.

The sleepover thing is a sweet deal! So many kids who attend there have had birthday parties in the gym. The gym is pretty hideous because there's this foam insulation stuff sprayed on the walls, and it's dark, and the carpet is thin, but it's cheap and roomy and the kids don't seem to care. They can run and play and they're happy.

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I stayed out of Starbucks all week, whoohoo!


Lots of food stretching this week, and did some planting to take advantage of the coming rain.


We had a lovely frugal family movie night on Saturday with a Netflix'd copy of Frozen, popcorn made on the stovetop and hot cocoa using a weird collection of cocoa we've somehow acquired.


DH took the kids out so I could do the massive garage declutter which went well. Need to chuck a couple of big things in there or list them on NextDoor and then return the dumpster.


Also, going to donate a couple more surplus kitchen gizmos.


On the other side, at some point I do want to order a replacement lid for a Revereware saucepan I got at the thriftshop. I've been using a overly large lid and it's driving me crazy.


An upcoming project might be learning how to make sourdough from Zero-Waste Chef: 




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Last week I bought 2 pair of pointe shoes for dd. I did get them on sale from Discount Dance, about $10 lower than their regular price which is $20 less than the local-ish store. But still, $135 :eek: They might last through April...


Did the taxes. No matter how dh adjusts his withholding, we still get a substantial refund. It's a factor of how his industry works and the fact that we have two kids in college (those tax credits). I paid $17.99 for TaxAct.


And then groceries and a drugstore visit.


This week? I just wrote a check for dd's outsourced English class for next year ($650). I have to pay my $1.15 library fine. I need to pay a performance fee for dd's next ballet, Cinderella--$105, I think. I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. We'll be at the state Science Olympiad competition on Saturday and will buy some lunch there (I'll pack some things.).

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I fixed all the Maglites! I fixed all the Maglites! Or maybe they were never broken in the first place and just wanted a long rest after being abused by preschool-age children? Suffice it to say, they all seem to be alive, with fresh batteries no less, AND I had the fun of finding the extra bulb hidden in the endcap of the red one I bought at a garage sale.




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Oh and the upside of this new allergy we have identified and the several additional triggers we haven't? I can't go out to eat easily at all anymore. It's become anaphylactically dangerous. I LOVE restaurant dates and so while this bums me out big time it is going to be very, very good for the budget.


Sorry to hear that! I hope you can find a new date night activity- eating out can be expensive but it's a great way to spend time with someone. 

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Discovering my food allergies was actually a blessing in disguise. It really started me on a path of eating fresh whole foods that has been beneficial in so many ways.


In re debt, are you familiar with Dave Ramsey? I listen to his podcast while I'm (forever) folding laundry and I get a kick out of it.

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Last week I spent money on groceries, bills, and buying cloth diapers for the baby. This week is going to be a bit spendier I think because I need to figure out how to fit 6 kids in the back of my van, which means narrower car seats. I'm hoping to only have to buy anew booster seat for my oldest but I may have to get my 2 year old a new 5 point harness which will be quite expensive. Other than that I don't expect any other spending to happen.

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I did some unnecessary spending in the last couple weeks. Sprang for sushi--$68, which included tip. Bottle of tequila to make one of my favorite drinks (tequila, pomegranate juice, and fresh lime juice--yummmmy!)--$20. That will last a long time though and is a once a year purchase. Spent $234 for plane tickets for my college son to come home for spring break. I don't know if I'd classify that as unnecessary, 'cause we all love seeing him. :) I also spent $20 at the thrift store for more stuff for my granddaughter's upcycled kitchen. Over spring break I plan on getting to work on it. I already have paint that is leftover from painting all my ugly kitchen and bathroom cabinets, so that will be free. Yay! I think that is it on unnecessaries.

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