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Exercise Thread ~ March 1 - March 7


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Huh, I've been to a few gyms around here and I have always seen women in the free weight area.


Luckymama, I am so glad you feel like the trainer has been worth it. That is great!


I did 30 mins dance aerobics and 30 min beginner mat workout.  I am feeling pretty pooped, lol. I figured starting out with all this beginner level stuff would be too easy, but if I put actual effort into it I get a decent workout. I have been feeling it the next day for sure! I'm not feeling Insanity level or 5k run level of tired, but much more than a Leslie Sansonne walking workout level of tired.


It was above freezing today!  :hurray:  The entire month of February had only 2 days above freezing and many, many days were well below zero. Today felt tropical at 38, lol. But, back to below freezing overnight. But, maybe we will go above 40 degrees soon

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Perhaps the women who lift are there later? I go in the mornings, half the time at 7am and the other times at 11am. I went once, just once, at 7pm and it was crazy busy :eek:

There are almost always women in our weight area. I was lamenting that we have no women personal trainers.  

By 7 our gym is empty. But from 4:30 to 6:30, it's crazy crowded!

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Snow day here- so stuck inside craving comfort foods. grrr.


Kettle bell swings and TGU's, stretching, kata's, push-up & handstand progression work.  I'm going to move furniture aside and try to talk 18 yo (who's work was cancelled due to snow) into grappling work.

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I did 30 mins dance cardio and 30 mins mat work. ZOMG, I Did Not Want To Workout!!!  But, I did it. I got all my jobs done so I really didn't have a choice, damn it!


Ok, headed into the weekend. Friday is a really hard day for me to get a workout in. I have a million reasons why it doesn't happen, but I really will try hard tomorrow.

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I won't be walking for a few days - one of my feet is sore, so I'm treating with ibuprofen and rest.  I'm taking the opportunity to spend time in coffee shops with a book....  I'll probably do a bit of stretching too and I'll definitely garden at the weekend - it might reach a balmy 12 degrees C on Saturday.

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Stretching and yoga moves. 


I won't be walking for a few days - one of my feet is sore, so I'm treating with ibuprofen and rest.  I'm taking the opportunity to spend time in coffee shops with a book....  I'll probably do a bit of stretching too and I'll definitely garden at the weekend - it might reach a balmy 12 degrees C on Saturday.

Hope your feet feel better soon. I like your approach and would do the same :), although I'm definitely not a gardener (too many insects here that bite like crazy), plus 87 F and up is the norm here. 

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Got in the doubles tennis last night, with bonus wine!!  More tennis tonight!


We've still got -10C and below temps and more snow accumulating. It's depressing, but at least it's not -20 to -30C anymore. ;)


Do you live in Alaska or Iceland? Far north Canada? North Pole with Santa? 

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Got in the doubles tennis last night, with bonus wine!!  More tennis tonight!


We've still got -10C and below temps and more snow accumulating. It's depressing, but at least it's not -20 to -30C anymore. ;)


Same here. And I guess -10 is better than -20, but I can't hardly tell the difference anymore, lol.



Laura, I hope your foot gets better quickly. 

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That shoveling was hard yesterday! My forearms are quite sore, but nothing else is! Yay for the trainer working me hard :D


Not sure what I'll do today. No gym this morning as the roads still weren't good that early. I might go sledding this afternoon :)


Tomorrow will be a forced rest day. I'll be at the state capital with my Science Olympiad team, cheering on our kids.

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I've had a three day headache. Most unpleasant. Let's backtrack

Wed- ran and yoga

Thu- yoga

Fri - yoga

Sat-ran and yoga


Hopefully feet are healing and it's warmer. Yesterday was -8 F but it's set to get a down right tropical 41 today! Unfortunately it's a run kids everywhere weekend so not sure I'll get to enjoy it.

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Ugh, if I had the time this morning I would soak.   What I really need is a massage therapist to follow me around all day, LOL.



That would be lovely!! 


Two hours of mixed doubles tennis last night, followed by wine and relaxing with friends. It was wonderful. I even remembered to use my muscle roller last night, so I'm not quite as sore this morning! 

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Nothing today. I planned to do a Classical Stretch, but had no time. Hope to do something later, but with fasting, it's not easy. 


Do you live in Alaska or Iceland? Far north Canada? North Pole with Santa? 

Mom-ninja, I cannot begin to tell you the number of times that your posts have made me giggle  :lol:. I really wish that I knew you IRL  :grouphug:. 

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Most wonderful amazing fun while grappling at open mat.  It's also the most brutal, total body workout I've ever done.  I think it is equivalent to running while weight lifting:)


But it's also sunny so I'm headed out for a calming, relaxing 3 mile run.  


Snickerdoodle- feel free to send your imaginary live-in massage therapist to my house.  

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Hi again :biggrinjester:


Cautiously checking in.......

I've been feeling much better as of late (besides the stomach flu that keeps rearing its head at my house) and actually sleeping decently so I have been able to increase my activity. 


This week: 

Yoga- 5x



1 session- kettlebell swings, push-ups and modified pull-ups


I don't think we managed any walks this week due to the crazy weather and everyone taking turns being sick, I'm been sick myself or nursing sickies for most of the week so my workout time has just been what I was able to do in the am before the kids woke up.


I had actually signed up for a yoga class this past week but due to the last round of snow I couldn't get out of the drive-way. Here's hoping I can hit it this week. I'm trying a new yoga teacher, I tried a couple of different ones- I think it was this fall and didn't like either one. Since I've got to take the girls to dance I think I'm going to try and use that time to go to the gym(assuming dh's schedule stays as it is and he can watch the kids). I'm even considering doing weight lifting again, I've been sticking to mostly bodyweight movements for awhile but I think I might want to mix it up- I'm feeling a bit nostalgic for the freeweights. I don't know we'll see. It seems every time I try the gym I cannot enjoy it, I just hate the time away from the family and I feel a bit out of place but I guess we'll keep trying. 


We are supposed to have glorious 50+ degree weather this week and no more snow so I'm looking very forward to daily walks- without going over the snow and continuing my am yoga and mutu. I'm really hoping that I'm able to keep waking up early, it is really nice to have that time in the am and it makes it 500x easier to get to working out.





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