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Aside from localharvest.org, how do you find local, organically-farmed food?

Halftime Hope

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There isn't much on that site that is local to me, and I need to switch more of my food-buying to organic (doesn't have to be certified), locally grown, but not just for produce.  Meat and dairy would be *really* nice to have, too.  I need to buy in bulk (part of a beef?), rather than pay exorbitantly by the pound. (Thank God for the freezer!)


Ideas? TIA!

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Doesn't help you but I talk to friends or go down the road to the local farm stand.  I have one friend that has organic sheep, dried beans and other produce and another that has organic eggs, chickens, turkeys, milk, cheese, and beef.


Not saying I BUY all of these but if I wanted them, I live in an area where they are easy to find.  Our local farmer's market has many organic stands as well.

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realmilk.com is another


I have used these sites quite a bit to find ways to improve out foods, but to be honest, in our current location, every connection we've made has ended up NOT being on these lists.  What ended up happening is that I made one connection at a farmer's market for organically-raised produce, then I picked the farmer's brain for local places to get the other items I needed.  I realized that there is a network between the farmers of ...a lot of different products...  and they are happy to encourage you to go to their friends as a new customer.  So, my egg, milk, organic veggie farmers...none of them are on these lists, but they are out there.


I told this to my sister in San Diego ..where you'd think there'd be no lack ...  she checked the lists for sources and while there were sources, the ones on the list charged a LOT more.  So she kept searching and asking questions of the farmers she's come across and now, the sources she uses have not been on these lists either.  But she used the lists as a jumping off point.


I'm guess I'm saying there's LOTS more out there than the lists but they are a good place to start :)

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Do you not have any farm markets in your area at all? Can you talk to the produce manager at your nearby supermarkets? Or google CSAs for your location?


We are surrounded by family farms; everything from the usual and less usual veggies and eggs to meats of all sorts to grains and beans and oils, honeys and maple syrup, and of course lobster and fish can be sourced locally. There is an incredible diversity and even the large supermarkets are proud to carry a wide range of local produce and products. We even have seafood CSAs.


Definitely start asking around. Farmers are very generous with their knowledge.

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And have you heard of zaycon? It is not organic, but I believe is better than the meat at the grocery store that is regular label. I asked a bunch of friends to all ask them to come to our area, and asked our church if we could use the parking lot as the drop site. It worked out and is perfect. I just get beef and chicken from them, not the meals. https://www.zayconfoods.com/refer/zf54098  

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