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Peanut allergy: FDA warning about cumin


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I saw this and luckily I don't buy sauces/mixes with cumin in it.  I usually make my own spice mixes.  I have no clue when I bought this latest cumin though.  Pretty sure it was before the move???  And we use cumin a lot.  It's scary.  Dh was really ticked off by how big this has become b/c people want to use fillers.  I think he would have planted cumin last night if he knew how and it grew here lol 


Which leads to the real question...can you buy any SAFE cumin right now?  I am willing to give my current mega bottle away since I can't figure out when I bought it...but could I get safe cumin anywhere???  (someone needs to go into the food safe spice business)

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I have been following this recall for a while.  It is very scary and it is frustrating because no one knows yet how wide spread it is, and companies don't have to put cumin on the label if they only use a small amount, it can be listed as "spices".


I am making everything from scratch for DS because I can't trust even those foods that are supposed to be peanut free.

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I saw this and luckily I don't buy sauces/mixes with cumin in it.  I usually make my own spice mixes.  I have no clue when I bought this latest cumin though.  Pretty sure it was before the move???  And we use cumin a lot.  It's scary.  Dh was really ticked off by how big this has become b/c people want to use fillers.  I think he would have planted cumin last night if he knew how and it grew here lol 


Which leads to the real question...can you buy any SAFE cumin right now?  I am willing to give my current mega bottle away since I can't figure out when I bought it...but could I get safe cumin anywhere???  (someone needs to go into the food safe spice business)


Not sure how in depth you want to go, but my understanding after tons of research (and take this with a grain of unspiced salt, because this cumin situation is changing fast & my research was a few weeks ago) is that there are only a few major suppliers of cumin in the world.  At least one of these was compromised (I think it was actually 2).  Since the contamination took place out of the US, it's been hard to trace, thus the unfolding of more and more info over such a long period.  If you do some digging (i.e emailing companies directly), you can get some answers - if you ask the right questions.  As of a few weeks ago, McCormick assured me via email that they were not affected by the recall, and their cumin did not come from an affected supplier.  I would encourage you not to trust my word for it though, because this situation is changing often and quickly, and what I heard a few weeks ago may not be accurate.  


For lots of discussion and info, check out this (long) thread on my favorite food allergy support site:  http://foodallergysupport.olicentral.com/index.php/topic,9886.0.html

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