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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Hoping the meds do their work quickly, Jean.


I am going to take a nap shortly and then get back up early to deal with a work emergency.  Stupid me promised to send something out "first thing in the morning.".


ETA:  Help me, I ran out of my special coffee today, for the first time in my life.  And on top of that, my work email isn't working.  (Maybe it needs coffee too.)  Still didn't meet that morning "deadline" as of 11:56am.  Zoiks.


So here is my agenda for Wednesday.

  • Send out emergency work project before kids get up  [done, finally]
  • Get kids up & out (incl. quick schoolwork review, breakfast, lunch)  [done]
  • Clear fridge of old stuff  [done]
  • Garbage day - gather it up and take it all out to treelawn  [done]
  • Clean kitchen, bathroom, some kid clutter  [done]
  • Attend kids' chapel service?  Third grade is putting it on and my kids like me to be there for this ... if I can get away from work  [not happening: still working and I forgot about my chiro appointment]
  • Chiropractor appointment  [done]
  • Work until 4:45 [done]
  • Make kids do homework, piano, afterschooling  [oops, skipped the piano]
  • Swim team (kids).  Bring computer to work on.  [done]
  • Dinner, Read-aloud, More homework / afterschooling / scout badge work  [done]
  • Kids to bed; Work from 10pm-12am  [done-ish]

Found out the kids are off school tomorrow.  So yippie, I don't have to set my alarm to wake up, but I still have a ton of work to do!

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Tammy and Jean, hope you are on the mend soon.


Dh and I have been felled by whatever youngest had, it's awful.  Dragging myself out of bed to get Oldest to Infusion center which we had to cancel yesterday due to road conditions.  Had to cancel trip to surgeon in Boston today, too sick to get youngest there, rescheduled for 3/11.

Back to bed as soon as I get home.

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Good morning! I hope you guys feel better. We had a wonderful travel meet to Phoenix...so warm, so pretty. Then home to about 7 inches of snow of the ground. Dd1 on the way home this morning said she is not mentally prepared for the outdoor practice this afternoon.

I am home now playing some catch up with chores and things. And drinking coffee and waiting impatiently for the paper. Late again.


to do:

school for all (might be a bit of a rocky start)

chores for all

clean study

make grocery list


order a few things for dd1

other things I know I have to do, but have momentarily forgotten

PM practice/aikdo


Have a great day!

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Jean, hoping the meds kick in and you start to feel comfortable.

Tammy, hope you feel better soon.

Lizzie, be safe on the roads today.

hjffkj, feel better soon.

seeking him 45,  :grouphug:



On my agenda for today:


dd is home again with the awful cold/flu that everyone seems to have.  Not enough Nyquil in the world to handle all this gunk.

devotional and reading schedule


paperwork, drop off at ups

library for research books (rescheduled from yesterday)


notecards for research project


...and the good news is, all of my biopsies came back benign.  Whew!   :hurray:

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We went out to breakfast after Mass because we didn't have time to eat before hand. My 2 year old threw up all over me!! Luckily it was before our food came so it was just lemonade. He seems fine now. I'm hoping it was due to post nasal drip and not a stomach virus brewing. So far everyone else seems fine. We're all cuddled up in bed watching a movie and hopefully all who need it will nap.


Best thing about the day, my friend provided us with dinner for tonight! So all we have to do is throw it in the oven for 30 minutes.

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Dh brought "something" home from work and now I can feel it in my throat as well. I am going to kick this thing with everything I got in my cabinet. Full day of work today and tomorrow. Half day on Friday and full day Saturday. Now, digging through the vitamin shelf...


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 I slept a tiny bit better last night but it was pretty rough at times. I would wake up choking on my tongue - very scary and painful too because I think the tongue is cramping or spasming or something. As ds said to me last night "Why don't you ever just get the normal stuff, Mom?". I slept the last four hours sitting up in my armchair because that causes less coughing right now. Oh and I got up at 6:30 to take ds to work and then went back to sleep.


talked to the bank this morning.


breakfast done


pet care done

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