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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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up bright and early normal routine of processing twins and milking cow.


took twins to the GP. needed to get a referral for a pediatrician as well as other stuff.


Twins behaved beautifully. it is  amazing how much they have calmed down, from twin one self-harming all the time and twin two screaming for up to 6 hours straight - to two normal little boys sitting in the waiting room looking at picture books.


do a incy bit of rushed shopping. rush home and feed twins put them down for a nap and do afternoon school work with DS11 and DD15.



rush back to closest town ( 17 km away) to  drop twins off at my mums and then go  to a staff meeting.


get chips for tea and rush home


 feed family,


 bath twins and pop them off to bed.


 still to do


 go over lesson plans for work tomorrow


 do all of DS11s schoolwork with him for tomorrow




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Morning all! 4am and I'm actually heading back to bed now after feeding a little one for a bit. Aside from taking care if myself I have 4 things to do today.


-call and get baby's insurance figured out

-hang out with the older kids individually for a little bit today.

-help dh come up with a grocery list so he can head out to the store.

-pay random bill that came out of no where

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Good morning everyone!

I am working this week and next so up at the crack of dawn to catch up on emails and such and have much needed coffee!

So thankful my sister needed me to work as the next two weeks of iv stuff isn't covered by insurance, timing is so perfect!


Need to leave a note for kids to vacuum

pick up cat food on the way home

deal with new infusion company from work to get new iv meds, there's been some confusion

hope and pray roads aren't slick this morning, my car doesn't handle that well

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Today is older dd's 20th birthday :party: She requested a breakfast egg-bake casserole and a dinner chicken-green chile casserole. I have to pop breakfast in the oven. I also have to go to the store for the sour cream I forgot...and make corn tortillas :)



--school w dd (my part today will be chem, math, and AP Human Geography)

--meet w trainer 11am at gym

--the usual house things, including the stuff I put off yesterday

--work on declutter challenge



I'm trying not to obsess about next year's classes.

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Good morning

- dishes

- tidy house

- transfer money- done

- drop dh's phone to him- done

- get money and groceries- done

- get dd1 off bus- done, though I'm really irritated with the whole thing. Her bus driver didn't see me walking up the driveway with dd2 so she wouldn't drop dd1 off, she calls my phone (which was in the house) and then calls dh. Dh calls me and starts yelling at me because the bus driver called him (by this time I have dd1 and in the house). They won't let her off if I'm not out there because I live on a "highway". It's not that busy and she doesn't need to walk along the side of the road, she can walk along the ditch that is at least 30 feet from the road grrrrr

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- baths

- bedtime routine

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Good morning everyone!

I was able to sleep in this morning, as dh took dd1 to practice and then to her class. I have an appointment to finish up this crown and then I will pick up dd1. She is tired (and random stress), so I hope she can get a  nap in today before practice.


To do:

motivated moms list (better than yesterday, I hope)

school for all

oversee teens

pick up my study

start to plan for travel meet next weekend (maps, clothes, meals)

quilt a bit

PM practice

judo pickup.


Have a great day, everyone!

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Happy birthday to Lucky's DD!!!


Jean, I am thinking of you and praying for your situation with your family!


Lizzie, I love how God provides for us when we have needs like that!


I hope everyone had a great day!



breakfast and meds for nephew, he's resting again

breakfast for me and sister

saw her off to do some errands since I'm here


To Do:


help with nephew

read my SS lesson


play games/watch movies with sister (try to have fun and get her mind off things)

sleep in nephew's room (he has seizures while he is sleeping, so it gives her a break)



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We are sick, BOO! DD was sent home from school on Monday with a fever. She's not completely well yet and meanwhile everyone except DS1 has gotten this nasty flu. Fevers, whining, a lot of sleeping and a LOT of tissues. Did I say whining? Oh please let us get better soon!

This week I was supposed to work Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I called in sick today and I'm sure I will tomorrow too. If I can get well by Saturday, I may try to go because DH will be home to watch the kids. The bad things about that is I'm going to have to find the time over the next few weeks (with our already cram packed schedule) to make up the hours I missed!!

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Got up too early esp. after having insomnia last night


Helped ds scrub his work apron with disinfectant wipes after we found it dotted in a few places with mud?  mildew?  It is definitely going into the washer when he gets home.  


Dropped ds off at work.  I am not used to this "kids grow up" phenomena.  I want my babies back!  

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MomofaBunch,  :grouphug: .    Dealing with the same thing here.  Dd was sent home Monday, still not 100%.   Dh still sounds horrible.  


To do today:

lab work for appt. tomorrow

speed clean house so I won't have to worry about it tomorrow

drink lots of water throughout the day, light food

try to stay as stress free as possible!   :001_smile:

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Today was good but difficult.The 3 older kids are so excited about having a new sister and having dad home from work for 3 weeks that they are struggling to listen. Not usually a big deal but since I'm in pain and trying to just recover its hard not being overly annoyed. But since I got a bunch of sleep throughout the day I was able to handle it. Tomorrow will be better. Now its time to grab a nap until baby wakes up for her first middle of the night feeding?

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