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That one parasite child... Just a vent


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All of my kids have been needy, clingy, and dependent on me at certain stages of life, especially the younger years. And all of the kids get quite a lot of Mom Attention in the under-two stage. And they all gradually wean themselves away from needing it 24/7 and sucking me dry of energy and substance.


And then there's Lorenzo. At 21 months, he still cannot be in a room without checking to see if I'm still there every three or four minutes. He can't play with a toy and I take a shower. He runs around the house screaming and crying if he can't see me. He must be with me, touching me, pulling at my arm, turning my face, etc.


Most nights he sleeps okay, but lately he is teething his molars so I'm not getting any restful sleep, even though he's sleeping (in my bed, with his hands in my hair, his feet on my arms, and his shoulders on mine).


He is so high anxiety and needy and yet has all of the energy and mischief of a toddler (drawing on things, chasing me, putting the cat food in the cat water, etc). And he is SUCKING ME DRY.


I have had four other kids that weren't THIS exhausting at this age. If I could either (a) sleep more than two hours at a time, (b) sit for three minutes and read a book to someone else without him pushing his way in, or © take a massive dose of Alone Time I'd feel a whole lot better!

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My youngest was like that.  I couldn't leave her with anyone even DH.  She'd scream and refuse to take a bottle (with just pumped milk).  She followed me everywhere.  She only went to sleep at night if I laid down with her and let her "play" with my hair.  She started getting better around 3/4 yrs old and was significantly better by 8 yrs old.  Now at 11 she rarely comes out of her room and is very independent.  I sometimes miss my clingy baby.

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:grouphug:  My DS was like that (and for much longer than 21 months, sigh). It really does feel like having a 30lb parasite — even if you love the parasite very much!  FWIW, my velcro boy is now an awesome teen who is helpful, cooperative, and affectionate, so it does eventually get better!


ETA: Have you tried anything like a compression vest, weighted vest, or weighted blanket? I wish I'd known about those when DS was little, I think they would have helped a lot with the anxiety. 

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I had two like that.  Which is why I stopped at three.  Not really, but my cup was definitely full at three.


My youngest is now 11 and still doesn't like to be left at home with his older brother when I leave.  He's afraid something will happen and I will never come back. But it is better than when he was seven and I had to stand at a specific spot during baseball practice so that he could see me at all times.


Sorry, this probably isn't helping. Some kids are just wired to be anxious, I guess. Both of mine have a certain degree of sensory-sensitivity, and I think that plays into it. With his need to be constantly touching/always into something, you might have a sensory seeker. Might be worth a little reading/home play therapy about the topic.

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