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Exercise Thread ~ January 18th-24th


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4 mile run before lunch.  I got outside, which felt great.  Bad weather is on it's way, so it was nice to get outside before the yuck starts.  This afternoon I did 30 minutes of kettlebell.  It was lots of squats and renegade rows, then lots of different lunges, and snatches and pull-ups, plus I did push-ups between sets.  I really want to work on that upper body strength.  Tomorrow is yoga, and chataranga may be hard. 


Snickerdoodle, I hope it popped back in!

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OK after some stretching and deadhangs I got some good snap, crackling and popping.    It seems the source of my troubles is a major (charlie horse?) trigger point in my upper traps.    My roll session has been very painful today and I'm just going to have to break it up into little segments.


I'm halfway done with my WO.  I just have pushing and pulling elements left.  I'm just going to have to play it by ear on intensity today.

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I saw my old trainer/physical therapist about my right calf. The muscles were like several layers of marbles under the skin- he got it all to release and figured out what was going on. It was basically primed to be torn- but didn't:). Now I have a series of new exercises to work on.


Other than that just 1/2 of my kettle bell challenge.

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Crap, I woke up feeling like my clavicle popped out from the shoulder.    I'm going to do some stretching/limbering to see if that helps.   I am going to do my WO so this thing better resolve itself quick.


ok, wait, what?  I must not understand what that is like. Because I am pretty damn sure if any of my bones were not where they are supposed to be I would be :scared: :scared: :willy_nilly:  Only without flapping the arms or running around because of bones in wrong places. 


So this can just happen to a clavicle?  Can it happen to my clavicle?



I did 30 mins on the Nordic Track and a 20 min Leah Sarago lower body workout (more butt if you must know, lol)


I am off to check my clavicles.

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ok, wait, what?  I must not understand what that is like. Because I am pretty damn sure if any of my bones were not where they are supposed to be I would be :scared: :scared: :willy_nilly:



Yeah, it felt like but I don't know if it really was.  It hurt like heck, that's for sure.   It's still sore this morning but definitely not as bad as yesterday.   Rolling was awful.


I saw my old trainer/physical therapist about my right calf. The muscles were like several layers of marbles under the skin- he got it all to release


Calves are on my perpetual rolling list too.    Did it hurt when he massaged them?



Today, skillwork, stretch roll MA.

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ok, wait, what?  I must not understand what that is like. Because I am pretty damn sure if any of my bones were not where they are supposed to be I would be :scared: :scared: :willy_nilly:  Only without flapping the arms or running around because of bones in wrong places. 


So this can just happen to a clavicle?  Can it happen to my clavicle?



I did 30 mins on the Nordic Track and a 20 min Leah Sarago lower body workout (more butt if you must know, lol)


I am off to check my clavicles.


My friend told me a story about finding her cousin with a prolapsed uterus (she's fine) and I reacted the exact same way. "What, no. That's not a thing! But... but... it's attached... and... no!" I was hysterical for days. I felt better after finding out that it was genetic until I found out it happened to my grandmother. Then I had to lay down. Again. It was probably weeks before my husband could pry my knees apart again. I don't know why it affected me that way. The human body is such a bizarre piece of machinery.

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Pretty decent weather finally so I ran without being rained on, deluged with slush, slipping and falling or having snow in my shoes. Thirty degrees never felt so good.


My clavicles are currently where they should be but a physical therapist once tole me I have " sloppy joints". Basically my tendons and ligaments are loosey goosey which means I can pop my hip out in pretty grotesque fashion if I've a mind to.


I've buckled down on the No S since my birthday and have lost some of that bloated feeling. I'm hoping to get back in my best shape by March/April.

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Ladies, y'all are making me laugh!



Snickerdoodle- yes, it hurt like blue blazes.  I had to BREATHE and still whines of audible pain escaped.  From now on I'm supposed to roll before MMA.


Joyof6- I have "sloppy joints" too.  Never heard that expression but it fits.  As a pre-teen, even though I was into all sorts of sports, I used to have to slam my hip back where it belonged agains the floor or a door frame.  Ick.  Kettlebell has really tightened my hips up- in a good way.


Today- PT exercises, kettlebell, double MMA 

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I have a serious question. I have a weekly session with a personal trainer and while I enjoy it and I know he pushes me more than I push myself, I have to know this: WHY do I need to work my butt muscles?  The day after I work out with this guy, my butt hurts.  During the workout he asks me if I can feel certain areas he's trying to work on, and I need that because that lets me know whether I'm doing it right or not. (For instance, some exercises need to work my abs but I can compensate by relying on my arms. Doing so will not achieve the results, so I appreciate him telling me where I should be feeling it. ) 


I'm nearly 54 and I have no desire to have a fabulous butt. I just want to get in shape, and it's working, but WHY do we work our gluteal muscles?  If it's to lose excess fat, well, ok, but I have fat in other areas so let's forget about my butt for a while. 


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I haven't been on the computer to post much this week.  I've done my "Wedding Workout" video every morning, but running has not happened.  I've had a combination of Aunt Flo, DD with an ear infection [i did recommend SWB's books to the nurse who really wants to homeschool the second time we were at the doctor's this week.  There isn't a visible perforation, but the eardrum still looks really angry and there's some "stuff" coming out.], and feeling in my throat that I might be coming down with DD's cold.  I'm very much the Princess and the Pea when it comes to running on the treadmill--I need to feel just right.  I need to get over it if I'm going to have a good race come May, but it's just hard.  Yes, I know that sounds whiny.


On the upside, I have felt good-sore from my workout DVD all week  :)

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Thanks for the video link!  I have so many other weak areas that it's interesting that he's focusing on that this week. But I'm going with it and we'll see how it goes.  I will admit that I was a bit sore today and it actually made doing the exercises easier because when I was doing them with proper form, I could feel my abs and butt.  Ugh. I am old. 

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First half of Jillian michaels fat blasting workout.


I have a question for you more experienced ladies. I can generally only do about half an hour both in terms of energy levels and time. Is it ok to take a 50 min workout and split it over two days as long as you warm up and cool down either side? There's so many more options for the longer workouts.


Also I keep getting a bit of tightness between the shoulder blades after working out. Are there any tricks for that?


Thx and thx for the ongoing inspiration.

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I have a serious question. I have a weekly session with a personal trainer and while I enjoy it and I know he pushes me more than I push myself, I have to know this: WHY do I need to work my butt muscles?  The day after I work out with this guy, my butt hurts.  During the workout he asks me if I can feel certain areas he's trying to work on, and I need that because that lets me know whether I'm doing it right or not. (For instance, some exercises need to work my abs but I can compensate by relying on my arms. Doing so will not achieve the results, so I appreciate him telling me where I should be feeling it. ) 


I'm nearly 54 and I have no desire to have a fabulous butt. I just want to get in shape, and it's working, but WHY do we work our gluteal muscles?  If it's to lose excess fat, well, ok, but I have fat in other areas so let's forget about my butt for a while. 


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First half of Jillian michaels fat blasting workout.


I have a question for you more experienced ladies. I can generally only do about half an hour both in terms of energy levels and time. Is it ok to take a 50 min workout and split it over two days as long as you warm up and cool down either side? There's so many more options for the longer workouts.


Also I keep getting a bit of tightness between the shoulder blades after working out. Are there any tricks for that?


Thx and thx for the ongoing inspiration.

Yes, you can split it.


Get a theracane or a hot tub. A theracane would be cheaper.



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Woke up slightly late (again), but at least I got lots of sleep. The older I get, the more sleep I seem to need when that time of the month is approaching. Only had time for a Classical Stretch session - better than nothing, but would like to do more, hopefully this afternoon. 

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I got a trip to the gym in last night. It was so nice. It's usually empty when I there in the morning, but at 5pm it was packed. I enjoyed my observations of human behavior. Lol.


I did treadmill, squats, stretches, box jumps, legs, arms, rowing...all in a quick paced 1 hour workout. I don't have any soreness this morning does that mean I need to push a little harder tomorrow?

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I got up ready to do HIIT and realized that today is a scheduled optional low impact cardio day. Well, shoot. I'm sore from yesterday (didn't realize how much I was working my back throwing my punches) so I quickly pulled up this stretching video and now I'm off to take my doggie for a walk. 


To those of you who have been long time exercise thread posters along with me I want you to know that I have learned my lesson and I now force myself to take my scheduled breaks. I still love to workout and do so as hard as I can as many times as I can, but I make myself back off. I figure I should be nice to myself because my body really does have the upper hand if it decides to teach me a lesson by something breaking.  :lol:


I may or may not throw in a light video today at some point. 

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I got up ready to do HIIT and realized that today is a scheduled optional low impact cardio day. Well, shoot. I'm sore from yesterday (didn't realize how much I was working my back throwing my punches) so I quickly pulled up this stretching video and now I'm off to take my doggie for a walk. 


To those of you who have been long time exercise thread posters along with me I want you to know that I have learned my lesson and I now force myself to take my scheduled breaks. I still love to workout and do so as hard as I can as many times as I can, but I make myself back off. I figure I should be nice to myself because my body really does have the upper hand if it decides to teach me a lesson by something breaking.  :lol:


I may or may not throw in a light video today at some point. 


Preach it Mom-ninja: Today is an unscheduled day off with an epsom bath soak.  My left hip is really sore, too many Thai kicks and I think my technique was off.  I must not be using my glutes correctly when I pivot on my left foot.  (There's another reason for strong flutes.)

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are we 'allowed' to talk about diet on this thread? I don't want to trigger anyone or be disrespectful, and I know diet and food is a loaded topic. But I am feeling very...frustrated.  Actually bordering on defeated/depressed, which a very unusual thing for me.

I also know this is a fitness/exercise thread and I don't want to derail. But I am feeling like I need some outside insight or some new direction and this thread has the most knowledgeable people.

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are we 'allowed' to talk about diet on this thread? I don't want to trigger anyone or be disrespectful, and I know diet and food is a loaded topic. But I am feeling very...frustrated. Actually bordering on defeated/depressed, which a very unusual thing for me.

I also know this is a fitness/exercise thread and I don't want to derail. But I am feeling like I need some outside insight or some new direction and this thread has the most knowledgeable people.

I'm open, because, I love food but got roped into a weight loss contest thing and need to buckle down.
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I went to yoga last night and was approached about getting training to be an instructor. Could have knocked me over with a feather.

I ran this morning. I am spending the weekend at a basketball tournament. I'm taking the youngest two with me to enjoy the hotel and we'll visit the children's museum. I don't mind missing a game when there are four more to see ;) . I'm not sure if I'll have time to workout. I've ended up doing two a days several days this week though like others said a rest might be in order.

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3 Classical Stretch routines - legs, hips, shoulders & upper back.


are we 'allowed' to talk about diet on this thread? I don't want to trigger anyone or be disrespectful, and I know diet and food is a loaded topic. But I am feeling very...frustrated.  Actually bordering on defeated/depressed, which a very unusual thing for me.

I also know this is a fitness/exercise thread and I don't want to derail. But I am feeling like I need some outside insight or some new direction and this thread has the most knowledgeable people.

Of course, we can! I'm feeling extremely frustrated also :grouphug: . All the same exact feelings as you. Talk away, please. I don't know what to do either. My life has been an emotional roller coaster for the past few years and since I'm an emotional eater, I'm doomed. I wish I could lose weight. I have a hard time sticking to any diet these days. My hardest challenge is being able to diet and cook for the family. Cooking and dieting for me, are not a good mix at all. I'm trying to read up as to what to do. 

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I made it to the gym every day this week. That is a first for me, and I'm feeling pretty good.  I don't expect to make it every day so when life gets busy and I don't go, I'm ok with that.  


Usually over the winter I lose most of the progress I made cycling the season before and every spring I have to start at the beginning. Not so this year. Right now I'm in better shape than I was at the end of last fall's riding season.  Really wishing I lived where I could ride outside year round!!

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I did treadmill, squats, stretches, box jumps, legs, arms, rowing...all in a quick paced 1 hour workout. I don't have any soreness this morning does that mean I need to push a little harder tomorrow?


In general, I would argue yes. You do need to give your body a break though, so if you worked out 4 days in a row doing a lighter workout in there somewhere is a good thing, in my opinion.

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are we 'allowed' to talk about diet on this thread? I don't want to trigger anyone or be disrespectful, and I know diet and food is a loaded topic. But I am feeling very...frustrated.  Actually bordering on defeated/depressed, which a very unusual thing for me.

I also know this is a fitness/exercise thread and I don't want to derail. But I am feeling like I need some outside insight or some new direction and this thread has the most knowledgeable people.


I actually love hijacking these threads because I know these people, I know what they do, and I know whether I'm in their league or not. Plus, since the thread only lasts a week you don't have to be concerned about derailing it.


Things that have helped my diet (as in habit of eating, not temporary change):

1. We do not buy juice or soda. We all (including 1YO) have water bottles and drink A LOT of water.

2. Veggies for lunch. Sometimes roasted brussels sprouts, sometimes carrots and hummis. Either is easy to prepare.

3. Recovery drink. After you work out you can eat a $3 meal with 650 calories or a $0.50 shake with 90 calories. Which $ounds better?

4. Meal planning/OAM cooking. We do not have pizza for dinner twice a week because something better was planned.

5. We do not have unhealthy food in this house. We do not have ice cream. We do not have chips. This does not mean that we can't go out for ice cream if we want to or that I can't get a Milky Way when I'm mental, oops I meant menstrual, but I can't just grab a handful of cookies everyday after lunch because we don't have any.

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3 Classical Stretch routines - legs, hips, shoulders & upper back.


Of course, we can! I'm feeling extremely frustrated also :grouphug: . All the same exact feelings as you. Talk away, please. I don't know what to do either. My life has been an emotional roller coaster for the past few years and since I'm an emotional eater, I'm doomed. I wish I could lose weight. I have a hard time sticking to any diet these days. My hardest challenge is being able to diet and cook for the family. Cooking and dieting for me, are not a good mix at all. I'm trying to read up as to what to do. 


Do you like hot tea?  I keep a tea tray on my counter with a yixing pot for oolong and a gawain for everything else which I make gong fu style chinese tea- my current favorite is jasmine dragon pearls with dried cherries.  Unless emotional chocolate is called for I pretty much drink tea instead of eating unless it's a meal or snack time.  


Tea is beautiful and relaxing.  

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hormonally induced insomnia last night. Well, the past few nights, but last night was pathetic. I fell asleep at around 4am and woke up at 9.


I will post on on the new thread. If I write it now, it will just get confusing, lol. Plus, I need to be more awake



One of the reasons I haven't made it online for the past few days is because I didn't sleep.  3 nights of very little sleep thanks to homones.  The only upside was I finished a book that I had been reading.  I also got to watch Nadal win a match.  It was live since it was the middle of the night here.  

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So sleep has been an issue for me this week, but I've still been active.


I can't remember if I posted Wednesday.  I ran 4 miles, then did kettlebell later in the day.


 Thursday was my yoga day and that instructor was as incredible as ever.  I go into the city on Thursdays for my kids, but that woman's class is worth an hour drive.


Friday I ran 3miles and did some strength work.  Focused on upper body as well as TGUs


Today I ran 5 miles and did a tiny bit of core work, then went and scrubbed my bathroom (I think that counts).


Anne G, apparently the butt muscle is the new thing to focus on.  Weak glutes are said to cause other issues, so trainers are focusing on those.  When you are older you will be thankful for strong glutes. :)  


I fine with talking about diet.  Right now I've been trying the VB6 thing, but I've switched it up to trying to do 2 vegan meals a day (sometimes I have eggs for breakfast, so then I try to have a vegan dinner.  I love eggs.).  My goal is health oriented.  I keep reading about the benefits of a plant based diet, so I've been trying to eat more veggies.  I don't always stick to it, but I think I'm eating cleaner around 75 to 80% of the time.




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Do you like hot tea?  I keep a tea tray on my counter with a yixing pot for oolong and a gawain for everything else which I make gong fu style chinese tea- my current favorite is jasmine dragon pearls with dried cherries.  Unless emotional chocolate is called for I pretty much drink tea instead of eating unless it's a meal or snack time.  


Tea is beautiful and relaxing.  

It's okay for me and can help at times, but not most of the time. I wish it would help. Thank you for the suggestion. 

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1/2 an Insanity + weights


My hormones give me chronic nausea (at least I blame my hormones because it started when I was 2 month preggers with John), and chronic exhaustion. I suddenly feel like I have less to complain about. I can't imagine my life with so little sleep. I'm sorry.

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