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Am I old or is this creepy?


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In defense of electronic jewelry- my seven year old is on the list to get a smartwatch this summer. There's a company that has developed the tech to sense certain electrical changes in your body BEFORE a seizure and she has epilepsy. Having her wear it will hopefully help keep her safer. 


Some of the new tech is really exciting. 

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I see it as a civil liberties issue, and it bothers me.

Read "The Circle" and you'll freak out completely. OMGosh.

I hate it when people say- Oh, I don't mind....I have nothing to hide......Like the people that *do mind* are doing sinister stuff, and need hiding! :sneaky2:


I often wonder about what is being seen, or recorded by our smart tv.


Big Brother watching is here it seems, though, a bit later than 1984.

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In defense of electronic jewelry- my seven year old is on the list to get a smartwatch this summer. There's a company that has developed the tech to sense certain electrical changes in your body BEFORE a seizure and she has epilepsy. Having her wear it will hopefully help keep her safer. 


Some of the new tech is really exciting. 


THIS is wonderful. Like gunpowder used for fireworks instead of firearms.


(And I'm not anti-gun. But I do celebrate when things are used well and properly.)

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I hate it when people say- Oh, I don't mind....I have nothing to hide......Like the people that *do mind* are doing sinister stuff, and need hiding!


I often wonder about what is being seen, or recorded by our smart tv.


Big Brother watching is here it seems, though, a bit later than 1984.



1984 was just the kickoff.

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I do like my iphone, but I'm not sure I like how everything syncs with OS X Yosemite now.  Seriously, I don't always want my kids to be able to see everything I text to DH.  Or Grandma.  Or anyone else. And I don't like the random sync hiccups like contacts dissappearing.


What's the point in a fingerprint log in system if you can see everything on the phone from any mac computer in the house, anyway.  Including making and receiving phone calls and texts.


It occurs to me with the new system a kid with siblings could easily cover for each other- they can have a sibling text pictures of funny pet antics "from home" to parents that are out for the evening when kid is really out at a party.   And the segment on automated everything on GMA this morning did seem creepy to me as well, and I only caught half of it.

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I'm with you, it's creepy.  And dangerous.  I am pretty technologically on the ball and we have quite a few electronic devices hanging around, but I am on no social media except this one, I maintain 3 different free e-mail accounts (in addition to work and other named accounts) with separate names and made-up identifying info, keep my social security number off almost everything not financial), am not storing my data and pictures in the cloud, and have pretty rigorous protections on our devices.  I do my best to avoid electronic monitoring by being staying relatively anonymous online, and refuse any identification that requires my fingerprint or eye scanning technology.  I am traceable, but not easily by the average Joe, and cameras are not monitoring my actions in my house, in any way.

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I think it's kind of creepy. And the conspiracy theorist in me hates to think how it all can be used. Anything that can be used to good can be used for bad. I told dh he needs to keep his '69 Pontiac simply became it doesn't have a computer in it, so it's harder to track.


He should keep it because when the EMP hits, those are the only cars that will work.  :closedeyes:

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I don't ever make calls in the car, but definitely that would be better if I did.  It's not legal here to use a hand held. 


I don't do a lot of driving and it's all quick city driving.  No time to listen to anything.


I do a ton of driving. For years, I called my car a purse on wheels. It's stocked with first aid supplies, good books, snacks and water.


Earlier this year I bought a car with Bluetooth. Oh my gosh, now my purse on wheels is a PHONE on wheels. WooHoo!


Mostly tech helps me and my life. I figure before it gets too out of hand, aliens will appear. OR terriorists will find a way to EM pulse the daylights out of it all. Then we will be lost and lonely because we won't have our GPS or our phones.

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Just came home from the library and brought home a book that is on this very topic, and more.

If anyone is interested it's called 'A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State' by John W.Whitehead.

I don't know much about him, but Ron Paul recommends it.






I've found some reviews-


I just finished John W. Whitehead's important book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State. It was chilling, Orwellian and correct about our emerging police state. In a week when we learned that our government admits that it has has been collecting trillions of our telephone calls, emails, videos, facebook posts, etc. and the Supreme Court oks government collecting our DNA if we ever should be arrested for any alleged crime, the author tells us that all this has been happening quitely behind our backs for years.

Fully documented to the end, this book is well written and an easy read. Whitehead puts all the pieces together about the bleak future of liberty in our country in a compelling narrative. He engages the reader and his Orwellian conclusions are frightening.

It appears that the point of no return has passed and I have little hope in an uprising of civil disobedience as Whitehead urges or a second American Revolution which would restore normalcy to the public and revitalize our lost constitutional liberties.

This book can certainly be a manifesto for a movement to that end. I pray it inspires the present generation to the task at hand. But I fear that nothing less than a social upheaval akin to that of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, or the opposition to the war in Vietnam in the late 60s, will do it.

Thomas S. Neuberger, attorney
Wilmington, Delaware



The author should be cognizant of the fact that we have been living in a National Security Police State for quite a long time now. I was involved in the anti-war Vietnam protest movement. I can attest that the movement was infiltrated by the National Police, otherwise known as the FBI, in violation of Americans' Constitutional Right to Freedom of Assembly. Nixon's War on Drugs established in 1971 basically abolished the Fourth Amendment. It is a fact that per capita, the USA has more people confined in prisons than any other country in the world. The events of 9/11 have served to intensify the willingness of most of the citizens in this country to willingly deprive themselves of Liberty for the sake of an illusory sense of security. Now, all citizens are aware that the contents of almost every form of communication is being monitored (which has actually been going on for years but took a true American Patriot to expose it) by the NSA thus stifling the First Amendment's guarantee of Freedom of Speech.

The Police State is not "emerging". We have been living in one and dealing with the consequences for decades. What is needed is deep thinking as to how to avoid a complete state of fascism which is the logical ultimate destination of the road this country is currently traveling.




YIKES!!!! :scared:


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I once couldn't figure out my prepaid dumb phone so I walked up to a kid to ask.  They just seem to have a knack for figuring that stuff out quickly.


Right... it's like they are hardwired to do that! My dc can work out, and found so much interesting stuff on my new phone in mins! Amazing!!!

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You guys might be interested in this CBC Ideas program on state surveillance. It is a broadcast of the Munk Debate and includes a former head of the NSA and Glenn Greenwald... Fascinating listening. I remember hearing the broadcast first on the radio and I had to pull over and listen because I was so engaged in it...



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I feel no concern or creepiness about it.  *shrug*


As for downloading movies onto your nook... why don't you just watch the movies on the airplane itself?  Then you won't be wasting the space  on your tablet...


The cheap airlines I fly don't offer movies. I'm just grateful for the bag of peanuts and sodey. I don't mind reading, but we don't get cable so I thought it'd be fun to watch a whole bunch of HGTV. That's my idea of fun. :D


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