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Exercise Thread ~ December 28th - January 3rd


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Attempted dance workout for dummies... It was about the right intensity for me as I feel mildly pleasantly sore but not so exhausted I can't do anything for the rest of the day.


I am loving the energy level boost still. The challenge will be maintaining momentum when we get back to school next year and I have to get up early to fit it. I also really want to squish something in for the kids . They run constantly anyway but it's a habit Id like to set them up with.

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Still down for the count here with this ear/throat/chest thing. No hill hikes or yoga-Pilates sessions for three days. Hoping to hill hike tomorrow but we'll see. I'm feeling below par right now.

I hope you feel better soon.


Family obligations are finally over so I had a glorious long run this morning. I need to get back to normal in the workout/eating realm.my kids all have plans for New Years Eve and poor dh works evenings so I won't have more party minefields to traverse. I'm thinking a hot bath, bubbles and a book. And possibly a bottle of tequila ;)

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Shukriyya, I really hope you get better soon. Man, not much worse than being sick. It's still very fresh in my mind. 



I feel recovered enough to slowly ease back into exercise. Here's something frustrating....even after 5 days of not working out my shoulder still really hurts. But then I was using my shoulder cleaning and such. It took my knee about 6 months to be back to normal so I guess the same for my shoulder. 


Anyway, I did upper and lower body active stretching and then a short yoga based low impact video. Felt good to move again....except for my shoulder. Now I'm going to follow up with a lovely Denise Austen relax yoga stretch. Her soothing voice is needed. 


The big news of the day is that I actually have an appetite and feel hungry! I haven't felt hunger since last Tuesday. Kind of weird to feel that sensation again. I didn't lose too much weight from being sick so that's good. I'm still in "healthy" range as opposed to dropping into underweight range. 

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I'd like to join you all for accountability.  I've been pretty lazy lately, but I have to start my half marathon training in a couple weeks.  I'm starting to just run on the days I will be running on the training plan [Run Like a Mother Finish It Plan], but not worry about time and distance too much until the official training start.  Today I ran about two easy miles, did some ab work, squats, and stretching.   

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You people make me feel like a slacker.   I'm good if i can get to the gym 5 days a week and do 30 minutes of cardio and another 15 of weights or circuit training. 


Now if you guys tell me you're in your mid-50's and doing hundreds of squats and kettle bells and all that, I am REALLY going to be crabby.  


Hope reading these threads inspires me..but right now all it's doing is making me tired. 

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I'd like to join you all for accountability.  I've been pretty lazy lately, but I have to start my half marathon training in a couple weeks.  I'm starting to just run on the days I will be running on the training plan [Run Like a Mother Finish It Plan], but not worry about time and distance too much until the official training start.  Today I ran about two easy miles, did some ab work, squats, and stretching.   


I've wanted to run a marathon for about 2 years. Is it true that your toenails fall off? Please don't go into detail. I'm fairly normal, but I have issues when it comes to nails. I can't even use a normal nail trimmer because of the sound.

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You people make me feel like a slacker.   I'm good if i can get to the gym 5 days a week and do 30 minutes of cardio and another 15 of weights or circuit training. 


Now if you guys tell me you're in your mid-50's and doing hundreds of squats and kettle bells and all that, I am REALLY going to be crabby.  


Hope reading these threads inspires me..but right now all it's doing is making me tired. 


Tee hee. I can't speak for anyone else here, but I look better on paper than I do in person. I'm comfortable mentioning the extreme fitness programs I've done, but I'm not too quick to mention that I tend to be laying on floor yelping in agony 47 seconds in. :leaving:

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Tee hee. I can't speak for anyone else here, but I look better on paper than I do in person. I'm comfortable mentioning the extreme fitness programs I've done, but I'm not too quick to mention that I tend to be laying on floor yelping in agony 47 seconds in. :leaving:


LOL    What?  Ya'll didn't hear me moaning in agony yesterday during my WO?   



Sorry for all the illnesses.   I hope everyone gets better in a jiffy.   



Today skillwork, stretch, roll, MA.



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I've wanted to run a marathon for about 2 years. Is it true that your toenails fall off? Please don't go into detail. I'm fairly normal, but I have issues when it comes to nails. I can't even use a normal nail trimmer because of the sound.

My sil's did. I think it's one of the reasons she doesn't run any more. 

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You people make me feel like a slacker. I'm good if i can get to the gym 5 days a week and do 30 minutes of cardio and another 15 of weights or circuit training.


Now if you guys tell me you're in your mid-50's and doing hundreds of squats and kettle bells and all that, I am REALLY going to be crabby.


Hope reading these threads inspires me..but right now all it's doing is making me tired.

It sounds like you are doing very well with your own schedule! I like this thread because we can all cheer each other on instead of get obsessed with one- upping each other.


My 20 yo and I did a hundred swings this morning in sets of 10 with TGU in between and squats.


We are planning on running15k on New Year's Day to celebrate 2015. Anyone else in? Neither of us have ever run that far so we may be doing a run/walk:)

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I've wanted to run a marathon for about 2 years. Is it true that your toenails fall off? Please don't go into detail. I'm fairly normal, but I have issues when it comes to nails. I can't even use a normal nail trimmer because of the sound.

One of my sisters has a house full of runners- her dh is a long distance and track coach in Colorado. They do marathons. My sister only lost some toenails on a mountain marathon- which she won't do anymore. She found the toenail thing pretty horrible- they did grow back:) I think the key is training slowly and wearing the right shoes- but genetics may play a part.

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You people make me feel like a slacker.   I'm good if i can get to the gym 5 days a week and do 30 minutes of cardio and another 15 of weights or circuit training. 


Now if you guys tell me you're in your mid-50's and doing hundreds of squats and kettle bells and all that, I am REALLY going to be crabby.  


Hope reading these threads inspires me..but right now all it's doing is making me tired. 

Um, all I've got going is the 50's thing.


My run is the only thing going as planned today.  On the brights side I still know how to jumpstart a car  :driving: No harm done but annoying.

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I've wanted to run a marathon for about 2 years. Is it true that your toenails fall off? Please don't go into detail. I'm fairly normal, but I have issues when it comes to nails. I can't even use a normal nail trimmer because of the sound.

I haven't run a full marathon, but this will be my fourth half, and all my toenails are still intact.  I think it's more likely to be a problem if your shoes are too small.  I can't remember if they've been talked about on here before, but I love the Run Like a Mother and Train Like a Mother books and blogs for running support and advice.  They can be pretty blunt about the less pleasant aspects of life as a runner, so you might have to avoid some passages about toenails   :lol:


I like the half distance because it doesn't take a huge amount of training time compared to a full, but it's still long enough to feel a little tough and justify eating my yearly prime rib with horseradish cream at our post-race dinner out.  


I will be running on New Year's day, but I'm not sure how long yet.  I haven't done any exercise yet today; I'm trying to get extra house-cleaning done before DH is back on vacation tomorrow through Tuesday so we can enjoy more family time.  Scrubbing my floors has to count for something, right?

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I haven't run a full marathon, but this will be my fourth half, and all my toenails are still intact.  I think it's more likely to be a problem if your shoes are too small.  I can't remember if they've been talked about on here before, but I love the Run Like a Mother and Train Like a Mother books and blogs for running support and advice.  They can be pretty blunt about the less pleasant aspects of life as a runner, so you might have to avoid some passages about toenails   :lol:


I like the half distance because it doesn't take a huge amount of training time compared to a full, but it's still long enough to feel a little tough and justify eating my yearly prime rib with horseradish cream at our post-race dinner out.  


I will be running on New Year's day, but I'm not sure how long yet.  I haven't done any exercise yet today; I'm trying to get extra house-cleaning done before DH is back on vacation tomorrow through Tuesday so we can enjoy more family time.  Scrubbing my floors has to count for something, right?

Thanks for the idea. Then I could wear one of those shirts that says I'm only 1/2 crazy. I thought those were cute.





Day 24/105: Plyometrics

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Oh, I can't remember who here has the hurt foot from dropping a crock pot on it. Sorry, I don't remember your name. Anyway, I was browsing low impact workouts on FB and found this chair workout. I've done it before (when I had my knee injury) but forgot about it.

That's me!! Lol. That dang foot still hurts. Yay, for not broken, but I would still like to be able to use it. I was able to bike and it felt fine, until I got off the bike and stood up. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. I'm planning on going to the gym today and just seeing how it goes. :) I'll post if I get anything accomplished.

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Well, this week has been a wash workout-wise what with being sick and the weather. Coughing up a storm currently as this cold works its way through my system.


On a more upbeat note my kettlebell arrived yesterday. As soon as my body allows I shall be adding strength training to the wo routine.

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That video is SO accurate. I have many friends in the cult, most of which are always trying to get me to go to the gym with them.


I've never heard of it. I don't have any of the other symptoms though. I call it morning sickness because it started when I was 2 months with my first and behaves like morning sickness. I cant cook eggs or meat without becoming nauseated, and I need my mouth to be above my stomach if I'm moving at a fast pace. I can do yoga, but not burpees. Typically if I vomit it's in the middle of the night and the house is too warm.


I'm so high maintenance.

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Today was a first for me. I threw up during my workout (I have chronic nausea so that's not too unusual). Afterwards I brushed my teeth and got back to it. I've never done that before. I'm so proud. Yes I know that's dumb. 

Yep, i'm like that too.  If the wind blows from the left I throw up.  Way to hang in.


A glorious 7 degrees this morning but that does make me keep up the pace. I had all my usual gear with cuddle duds underneath and never did get warm.  A "gym" has opened here in town (in an old Dollar General building) that does seem to have an elliptical (I peeked through the window). I poo pooed joining but on a morning like this it sure would have been nice.



I hope everyone has a safe and fun New Year's Eve.  Bring on 2015! :party:

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