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Buying Beer

Jean in Newcastle

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I bought beer today for the first time since I was a teen.  And I had a bit of a conundrum.  I only wanted to buy one beer.  Do they not sell only one beer?  They had six-packs and cases and 20 oz. cans.  I ended up with a 20 oz. but it was way too much for what I wanted (a recipe) and was not the kind of beer I wanted (Cuervo, which only came in six-packs).  So do some stores sell only one beer?  Where do you look?  Or am I out of luck?  


P.S. - for addiction reasons I don't want to buy a six-pack and drink the rest.  The recipe cooks out the alcohol so that isn't an issue for me.

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Either the refrigerated drinks section of the grocers or go to 7Eleven or small liquor stores or the stores that are part of gas stations.



Trader Joes sells Sappora beer in single bottle or cans.  FIL drinks anchor beer and guiness stout. I used to cook with wine and beer more often.

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for a recipe I would have bought a six pack of the brand I wanted. The remaining bottles I would have passed to my neighbor, my brother, anyone stopping by who I know drinks beer would have been offered it. Then, on Memorial Day I would have taken any bottles I had left (probably all) to the neighborhood block party and added them to the adult drinks cooler. 

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One of my local groceries sometimes sells "you-pick" 6 packs, so I'm sure you could buy just one, although it would throw everyone for a tizzy and you would surely have to get help from a manager.


Secondly, back in the dark, pre-internet days, my parents were doing a DIY remodel and throwing away very heavy garbage bags of plaster. In order to convince the garbage men to do their jobs with a sunny disposition, they would perch a six-pack on the top of the pile. It was popular! You might be able to do something similar with a "5-pack". :-)

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