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My descent into br**st biopsy Hell and what would you do? (Long)

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Ladies,the last several weeks have made me start to comprehend why people go into buildings and open fire!


1. The first appt. Something was wrong with one of the ultrasound machines and they sent me home. This is ~1 1/2 hour drive, 3 hour round trip.


2. Second appt. They start with the ultrasound and the machine "freezes" so they move me to another ultrasound room. After a few minutes, the tech says she will be right back. She returns with Radiologist A who informs me that I have the largest lymph node he has ever seen and because of its size, I should def. have a biopsy. They say they don't have time and I will need to return to have that done. In the meantime, they inform me that they are ready to proceed with the sterotactic biopsy.


So.. I go next door and climb up on the table with my one br**st inserted into the hole cut into the table. (Apparently it's easier to do a biopsy when one is hoisted into the air like a car and worked on underneath. I am pretty sure a man designed this method) The nurse leaves to get the radiologist. She returns saying he would like another mammo to make sure they get the right spot. I am thinking this is a good idea and they lower me to jumping off level. I go across the hall for the mammo. Return to the autobody room and assume the position. Nurse leaves and returns again. Radiologist wants more pics. So... I am lowered again and go to take more pics. This time the nurse tells me to have a seat in the chair. She returns and states that Radiologist B states everything looks good and I don't need the sterotactic biopsy. But, he does want to biopsy the lymph node.


Return to ultrasound room, nurse is getting ready to do lidocaine injection when Radiologist B comes into room and states he wants to to the ultrasound. Moves the transducer around and states this biopsy is not necessary either and that I may go. States they will send a report to the Br**st Cancer surgeon and she will be in touch with me to explain everything.


At this point I have been there 4 1/2 hours and am so tired from stress that I am just wanting to go home. So when they say I can go, I am more than ready to leave.


Husband is more than a little upset however, since he rescheduled several important meetings and now we still don't really know anything.


Go home and wait for surgeon or her office to call. Wait for a week. Then I call. Am told she will call me. I wait another week. No calls. Then a call... she,the surgeon,thinks I should have biopsy.


Return for biopsy. Am told results should be back in 3-5 days. Wait. No results. Call today. They have no record of the biopsy but they will keep looking and call me.


I am thinking I am in the twilight zone. What would you do now? I am at a loss and am tired from the stress of not knowing.


In the meantime, my 16 y/o broke her foot. That has required ER trips, pediatrician trips and orthopedic visits. In addition, there were several other mini emergencies. Including, our internet being down for large chunks of time. Something to do with "towers" when I called. Which is part of the reason why I haven't posted. I also kept thinking I would have solid info to post about. Ahhh....life is never boring.

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Are these tests being ordered by your primary care doctor? You need an advocate in the worst way! I can't tell from your post who that person might be. Chief radiologist? Head of the Medical Board of your state? I realize these are big names and they may not be accessible to you. But, well crafted letters can often open doors. Where are you having these tests and non-biopsies done? Who is the head of that institution, or the patient services contact, or something?


I'm so sorry you're going through this. It is so unacceptable and I know you must be exhausted by it all.


Here's to resolution! Sending courage, and a dose of chutzpah to get you through to the person(s) who can help you. Also big hugs of comfort.



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I'd be raising holy halo. That is just plain old unacceptable treatment.


If you have to go in again, nicely mention how far you have to drive and the inefficiency of the last visit. Remind them that they have lost results and not returned calls.


If you still get the runaround, be a little more firm. Ask them if they got their degrees out of a bubblegum machine. Tell them you have friends in high places. Pitch a screaming mimi in your little hospital gown and demand a bit of intelligence from them.


Ask your male doctor if he'd like to try out his little machine himself?

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what she said only meaner, esp if they keep messing around.


is this state medical care or private insurance or what?


I mean for goodness sake's IF heaven forbid this is cancer - they don't need to be messing around and screwing up getting you proper diagnosis and treatment ASAP because cancer sure as heck doesn't wait for anyone.

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On the bright side, no news is likely to be good news. I've had a endocrinologist fail to call to tell me my biopsy was fine. It's just not a high priority if everything's okay. The fact that the radiologist (who's the expert in mammography and ultrasound) felt comfortable not doing a biopsy is a big plus too.


By all means, call the oncological surgeon and pitch a fit until they resolve the lost biopsy issue. At the very least, the idiot who lost it should pay for a new one plus your time and expenses. They're also wide open for malpractice if you did have a problem.


Time to get tough!

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So in a nutshell, you were scheduled for a biopsy, didn't get the biopsy, were told you need a biopsy then they lost the results. Have I got that right?


To me that says it is time to find a new doctor PDQ. Even if you get the results of the biopsy they finally didg (positive or negative), get a second opinion. That is just too messed up. You don't want them treating you for something unnecessary.


A swollen lymph node can simply be a sign of infection. Dd has two on her neck the size of grapes last year. Nothing but her body fighting something new.


ETA: When/If you get a second opinion do everything you can to use different ultrasound/biopsy/mammogram facilities. Even if it means further travel time.

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So in a nutshell, you were scheduled for a biopsy, didn't get the biopsy, were told you need a biopsy then they lost the results. Have I got that right?


To me that says it is time to find a new doctor PDQ. Even if you get the results of the biopsy they finally didg (positive or negative), get a second opinion. That is just too messed up. You don't want them treating you for something unnecessary.


A swollen lymph node can simply be a sign of infection. Dd has two on her neck the size of grapes last year. Nothing but her body fighting something new.


ETA: When/If you get a second opinion do everything you can to use different ultrasound/biopsy/mammogram facilities. Even if it means further travel time.



oh and what she said too!:iagree:


And my mother went back and forth with poo care and it was not nothing. It was very serious. So I never assume no news is good news anymore. NOT wanting to scare anyone because I'm sure most of the time it is nothing, just saying I wouldn't ever assume that.

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I'd be raising holy halo. That is just plain old unacceptable treatment.



Oh, my...I would too! Please don't accept that kind of treatment. You don't have to be ugly, but be empowered. In your situation, you deserve better treatment than that. Please stand up for yourself and/or get someone to be by your side while you do. Get what you need!


Sunflower, I've been so concerned for you. Still praying here. :grouphug:

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