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For fun; old-time cloth diapering moms, remember...

Pink Elephant

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I'm hoping that most of the posters who are participating in this trip down memory lane missed this post about PE actually *hitting a baby* during diaper changes as a matter of course.


Otherwise...what the heck? It's not cute or nostalgic to remember those good old days when babies were hit during diaper changes...or any other time.


If you have to hit a baby to change her diaper, that is seriously messed up.

I can say I totally freaking missed that. Too much holiday food and drink perhaps. I dunno.




But honestly a lot of this poster's posts leave me scratching my head. I mean who cares this much about diapers at age 53, 20+ years after they had any baby butts to diaper? If you do care that much about them, then why a homeschooling board and not diaperswappers or something? Maybe open a business selling diapers. Something. Or maybe a new hobby or occupation.

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Don't worry. Pink Elephant has already done exactly that in more than one unrelated thread. ;)


There does appear to be a certain obsession with cloth diapering...

It actually would make a fair drinking game. Drink at every non sequitur mention of cloth diapers. Trouble is you'd need to run out for more alcohol really soon.
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Don't worry. Pink Elephant has already done exactly that in more than one unrelated thread. ;)


There does appear to be a certain obsession with cloth diapering...

I mean I get obsession. Where else could any thread have the potential to lead to cupcakes or kilts?

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Yeah, we would definitely have to stock up in advance, what with the whole "no drinking and driving" thing and all.

I can't drink with the current medication.....I'll be the designated driver.


And I solemnly promise to get photographic evidence of the first person to don a lampshade.

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OK, that is just bizarre.


What kind of "excitement" are you talking about? :confused: Because never in my life have I seen a bunch of moms get "excited" about changing their babies' diapers.

Jeepers...I'm picturing some kind of Stepford-esque, Village of the Damned Diaper Chargers town out west that is not on any map where cell phones mysteriously don't work and the only radio stations play gospel or Johnny Cash or Johnnny Cash gospel and the TVs don't have reception because of the big storm. The big storm of '67, that is. And the men are men and women change diapers and the babies...aren't really babies...


Yeah, like a horror novel.

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I missed the bit about spanking. But even without that, the whole thing is just freakin weird. I have been tempted to add random stuff about cloth diapers to different threads just to be goofy, but I restrained myself. :lol:

You need need to give into temptation. Don't be swaddled by restraint or wear the rubber pants of conformity.

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Jeepers...I'm picturing some kind of Stepford-esque, Village of the Damned Diaper Chargers town out west that is not on any map where cell phones mysteriously don't work and the only radio stations play gospel or Johnny Cash or Johnnny Cash gospel and the TVs don't have reception because of the big storm. The big storm of '67, that is. And the men are men and women change diapers and the babies...aren't really babies...


Yeah, like a horror novel.

Or a Psych episode based on Twin Peaks...

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It actually would make a fair drinking game. Drink at every non sequitur mention of cloth diapers. Trouble is you'd need to run out for more alcohol really soon.

Remember when we used alcohol to clean the little umbilical stumps and we had to oh-so-carefully use the umbilical stump fold to keep the diaper below the navel so as to facilitate healing?


I fondly remember those days and shake my head at the lazybones moms with their disposable diapers that have a notch pre-cut for the umbilical area. Pre-cut notches!

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Remember when we used alcohol to clean the little umbilical stumps and we had to oh-so-carefully use the umbilical stump fold to keep the diaper below the navel so as to facilitate healing?


I fondly remember those days and shake my head at the lazybones moms with their disposable diapers that have a notch pre-cut for the umbilical area. Pre-cut notches!

OK, now you're just mocking. :glare:


BUT I LOVE IT!!! :lol:

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Jeepers...I'm picturing some kind of Stepford-esque, Village of the Damned Diaper Chargers town out west that is not on any map where cell phones mysteriously don't work and the only radio stations play gospel or Johnny Cash or Johnnny Cash gospel and the TVs don't have reception because of the big storm. The big storm of '67, that is. And the men are men and women change diapers and the babies...aren't really babies...


Yeah, like a horror novel.

Don't go bringing Johnny Cash into this flying freak show!

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Why, yes...yes, they do...





I am in the age, more or less, as this poster's children. A commune is the only place I could think of where you might find a place where every.single.person apparently not only used cloth but no one used those gosh filberty flarn newfangled prefolds. It stretches the imagination.

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And the mean girls have come out to play.  P. E. is new here and is older than our usual demographic (though we do have other older moms here too) but she has not been mean or combative or posted strange sob stories of unbelievable events or asked for money.  You may not share her nostalgic feelings or share her fond memories of silly shower games but there is nothing wrong in her starting a nostalgic thread.  

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And the mean girls have come out to play. P. E. is new here and is older than our usual demographic (though we do have other older moms here too) but she has not been mean or combative or posted strange sob stories of unbelievable events or asked for money. You may not share her nostalgic feelings or share her fond memories of silly shower games but there is nothing wrong in her starting a nostalgic thread.

Perhaps you missed the incredibly unkind and negative things she had to say on the gender roles thread? And the hitting babies thing? Which I apparently did miss. I seriously hope these posts aren't for real.



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And the mean girls have come out to play. P. E. is new here and is older than our usual demographic (though we do have other older moms here too) but she has not been mean or combative or posted strange sob stories of unbelievable events or asked for money. You may not share her nostalgic feelings or share her fond memories of silly shower games but there is nothing wrong in her starting a nostalgic thread.

It's not just this thread in which she has brought up the topic of cloth diapering. She has done it often enough that several of us have noticed it and found it to be very odd.

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Perhaps you missed the incredibly unkind and negative things she had to say on the gender roles thread? And the hitting babies thing? Which I apparently missed? I seriously hope these posts aren't for real.

I only read a couple of pages of the gender roles thread and haven't kept up on that so  I missed any posts she made there.  I figured the hitting babies thing meant a small swat that didn't hurt to keep the child from flipping.  I've done that and no, I don't spank babies or hit them or anything like that.  But I don't really know what she meant and since her babies are in their late 20's and 30's I didn't feel that it really mattered what she did way back then.  

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I only read a couple of pages of the gender roles thread and haven't kept up on that so I missed any posts she made there. I figured the hitting babies thing meant a small swat that didn't hurt to keep the child from flipping. I've done that and no, I don't spank babies or hit them or anything like that. But I don't really know what she meant and since her babies are in their late 20's and 30's I didn't feel that it really mattered what she did way back then.

The sum total of the posts I've read just leave me with a something is not really right here feeling. If that makes me a "mean girl" so be it. I think I can call out someone for calling men and women taking an equal approach to marriage "namby pamby" and still sleep at night.


In all the years I used cloth diapers (babysitting days included) not once did I ever stick a child I was changing. Had many a close-call, but never an incident. If I was changing a baby that wouldn't lay still, I'd grab hold of their ankles, lift their little behind up into the air, and administer a smart spank to their bottom. That was usually enough to redirect their attention to lay still for me.


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I took the time right now to read your link to the other thread (ok some of it).  What I see is a generational divide.  My marriage doesn't work like hers did during the child-raising years and I don't want it to.  But I'm fairly sure that many people who are her age would have written similar posts.  I guess it just doesn't rile me but makes me just shrug and move on.  I do hope that she learns to have tolerance for the younger generation and their ways.  If her kids, who are at an age where they might marry and have children, do have families of their own, it will be an important thing for her to do.  The reference to diaper changing in that thread I took to be an example of a very time consuming chore that she did.  It probably was easier to think of since she had already started and was posting in this thread.  

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I took the time right now to read your link to the other thread (ok some of it). What I see is a generational divide. My marriage doesn't work like hers did during the child-raising years and I don't want it to. But I'm fairly sure that many people who are her age would have written similar posts. I guess it just doesn't rile me but makes me just shrug and move on. I do hope that she learns to have tolerance for the younger generation and their ways. If her kids, who are at an age where they might marry and have children, do have families of their own, it will be an important thing for her to do. The reference to diaper changing in that thread I took to be an example of a very time consuming chore that she did. It probably was easier to think of since she had already started and was posting in this thread.

I think Pink Elephant is around my age, and I have to tell you that her stories of the "good old days" sound a lot more like things someone older than my mother's age might have said about how things were when she was younger... and if she were alive today, my mom would be pushing 90.


If Pink Elephant is only in her 50's, the "younger generation" of moms shouldn't be much different from her. You seem to be making it sound as though there is some sort of huge age difference between her and the rest of us, and there isn't.

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And the mean girls have come out to play.  P. E. is new here and is older than our usual demographic (though we do have other older moms here too) but she has not been mean or combative or posted strange sob stories of unbelievable events or asked for money.  You may not share her nostalgic feelings or share her fond memories of silly shower games but there is nothing wrong in her starting a nostalgic thread.  



I prefer to think of myself as Miss Clavel. Something is not right.


I think hitting a child as a matter of course to change a diaper is not right. 


I also think that asking people to share their memories of changing siblings or changing babysat children or how old they were when they first changed a diaper is not right, either. That certainly does not fall under the category of nostalgia.

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I prefer to think of myself as Miss Clavel. Something is not right.


I think hitting a child as a matter of course to change a diaper is not right.


I also think that asking people to share their memories of changing siblings or changing babysat children or how old they were when they first changed a diaper is not right, either. That certainly does not fall under the category of nostalgia.

Maybe I spent too much time on cloth diaper boards (when I had children in diapers mind you) but I tend to think someone who mentions cloth diapers every other post out of context and who zombie threaded up half a dozen threads containing the search term cloth diapers and asks for lots of cloth diaper details is quite possibly a diaper fetishist. It's why I stopped posting any CD pics online back in 2005.
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Count me in with those who feel like something is off.


The screen name, the avatar, the posting style in combination with all of that on this particular board which is ostensibly about homeschooling or classical education (although it would still tingle my spidey sense on diaperswappers)...is strange.


I'm newish here, but I've been on forums for 15 ish years in one format or another, so it's not hard to get a gut feeling on these things.

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Maybe I spent too much time on cloth diaper boards (when I had children in diapers mind you) but I tend to think someone who mentions cloth diapers every other post out of context and who zombie threaded up half a dozen threads containing the search term cloth diapers and asks for lots of cloth diaper details is quite possibly a diaper fetishist. It's why I stopped posting any CD pics online back in 2005.


I was also thinking fetish.  

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Maybe I spent too much time on cloth diaper boards (when I had children in diapers mind you) but I tend to think someone who mentions cloth diapers every other post out of context and who zombie threaded up half a dozen threads containing the search term cloth diapers and asks for lots of cloth diaper details is quite possibly a diaper fetishist. It's why I stopped posting any CD pics online back in 2005.



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There are plenty of sites for diaper fetishists. But there are those that would rather find their uh, material, on a site with actual moms discussing their actual children than exchange fantasy stories with other people like themselves. Why? I will never know. The people who run diaper sites that are for cloth diapering actual babies can spot this stuff a 100 miles away and have to ban a lot of ip addresses.

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The multi-quote is still on the blink.


Still, I have never been called a mean girl before. I am not sure if I should have it embroidered on the butt of my temptation inducing yoga pants, emblazoned across my teaching time wine tumbler, or added to my official title.


Seriously, if commenting that someone's interest is odd or bending direction on a thread with silliness is mean........

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Yeah, something just doesn't seem exactly right. Although I will admit I understand how people show up here when they aren't homeschoolers or into classical education. The forum often comes up in google searches. Could be that she searched for something and ended up here that way.

I agree with this and thought the same thing for awhile to give the benefit of the doubt, but it's one thing to end up here and entirely another to make an account and a lot of posts on one subject not related to education, without ever having homeschooled, etc.

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Hmm, I was curious about how long this thread had gotten too... I share the sense that something is off.


ETA:  I'm going to go ahead and say it.  If PE's kids are 25-31, I'm 36 and my parents were not at all like PE describes her parenting days.  Like another poster said (sorry, I can't remember who), this is more like what my grandma might say about HER parenting days.

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Then why don't you report it to the moderators?  I thought that is what we were asked to do.  


Because at first it's just a creeped out feeling. You can't report hairs sticking up on the back of your neck until the person goes a little farther, as this poster has done; until somebody starts adding it up as Catwoman did on the gender roles thread. ALL the posts have been about diapering, and she bumped all the old cloth diapering threads, too. Now it's not just Lucy Stoner or unsinkable or me feeling weird about it. There's a definite pattern, and that can be reported.

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I was reminded of those diaper fetishists DAYS ago. I'm glad it wasn't just me.


Once you've seen that on a mommy forum you can't help recognizing it, even years later.

Nope. It wasn't just you. I got the same feeling when PE first joined the forum and bumped all of those old threads, but I was trying to give "her" the benefit of the doubt. One cloth diapering thread wouldn't have seemed like a big deal at all, but mentioning cloth diapering at every possible opportunity, even in unrelated threads, seems like more than a casual interest to me.

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