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stocky stuffer ideas for husband


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Dh told me he didn't need any of the usual things I put in his stocking.  He already has plenty of aftershave, socks, guitar picks.


I'm out of ideas for him!  Dd suggested a gift card to Starbucks or Jimmy Johns.  I usually put a couple of his favorite candy bars, but he is trying so hard to lose some weight. 


suggestions please!!!!

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Tech gloves


depending on work attire, cufflinks, collar stays?

favorite tea, coffee, bottle of beer, small bottles of liquor if that flies

Nice travel mug like a Contigo

healthier snacks (certain bars depending on how he eats, nuts or jerky like a PP said)

gum, mints?

magazine or subscription (this is clutter to some people)

something from thinkgeek? 

ear buds
I ordered command cord clips from thecontainerstore when they had free shipping (clip all of those electronics cords out of the way) http://www.containerstore.com/shop?productId=10020291&N=&Ntt=cord+clips (this is for round, they have others for flatter cords)

also these cord winters from the container store (amazon has them too) http://www.containerstore.com/shop?productId=10028928&N=&Ntt=cord+wind

twist tie thingies like this: http://www.amazon.com/Nite-Ize-GT3-4PK-A1-Reusable-Assorted/dp/B004MMEHKG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418327219&sr=8-1&keywords=gear+ties&pebp=1418327223706 in different sizes?

this could be fun: http://www.containerstore.com/shop?productId=10036327&N=&Ntt=bondi


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My husband's stocking this year:


Guitar picks and strings (ha!)

A nice cigar (gag...but he likes them)

Some body wash/shampoo combo thing that I like the smell of

Chocolate I know he likes

Lottery tickets


Hmmm....not very helpful for you.


I put one of these tuner that attaches to the guitar in his stocking last year, and he loves it.  

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Does he need a new capo?




fill it with notes of good memories


athetic socks


2nding massage oil


a kettle bell? lol


I swear, I'm going to put a live lobster in my dh's one of these days. HE's so hard to buy for.


Ha! I laughed out loud! Next time I'm stumped for a gift idea, I'm doing a live lobster.

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