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Anyone listening to the "Serial" podcast?


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So is anyone listening and want to discuss? It's so fascinating!! I am only thru Episode 9 but will listen to Episode 10 tonight.


For those of you who don't know about it, it is a spinoff from This American Life. I can't link on my phone but more information can be found at serialpodcast.org.

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Yes! I actually heard the first episode in the car a few weeks ago, but only discovered it was part of a new show while searching for new podcasts. I listened to all 9 over Thanksgiving, and am waiting for the right bit of quiet time to listen to #10.


I keep hoping it will end with them proving his innocence, but either way, the show has really undermined my confidence in the justice system. The assertion that investigators come up with a theory and then look for and gather evidence that supports it and ignore the rest was flabbergasting. So much for innocent until proven guilty.



It's an excellent show and I'm so thrilled they will be recording another season.

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Me too! Me too! I am loving it! I am so conflicted about it though. One week I think that Adnan did it. The next week it was Jay. I just don't know. My best friend and I have been listening and discussing it, and I am interested to see what all you ladies think as well.

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Oh, man, I forgot all about it. I listened to the first one when it came out - sitting in the Target parking lot because I was too fascinated to turn it off and go in the store.


I thought I bookmarked it here on my iPad ... crud, now I'm going to have to catch up with you all.

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Yes! I actually heard the first episode in the car a few weeks ago, but only discovered it was part of a new show while searching for new podcasts. I listened to all 9 over Thanksgiving, and am waiting for the right bit of quiet time to listen to #10. I keep hoping it will end with them proving his innocence, but either way, the show has really undermined my confidence in the justice system. The assertion that investigators come up with a theory and then look for and gather evidence that supports it and ignore the rest was flabbergasting. So much for innocent until proven guilty. It's an excellent show and I'm so thrilled they will be recording another season.


I keep hoping he is innocent too, but I still don't know if he is. And I guess I've always had some distrust of the system so it doesn't surprise me too much. I can't wait to know the conclusion.


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Me too! Me too! I am loving it! I am so conflicted about it though. One week I think that Adnan did it. The next week it was Jay. I just don't know. My best friend and I have been listening and discussing it, and I am interested to see what all you ladies think as well.


:iagree: I keep going back and forth after each episode. I do have a problem with Jay and his credibility. A friend said he was an alpha male and he didn't care what other people thought. Yet he let Adnan talk him into helping him out? And then says he felt threatened that Adnan would hurt Stephanie?


Have they talked about the shovels and whether they found them? Or what about the clothes that were supposedly thrown in the dumpster?


So far I don't see any real proof or motive.


There's just so many questions...



BTW, my computer won't let me multi-quote. I can with my Kindle but it isn't charged.

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I don't think Jay's story or the timeline is credible, and I think Adnan's lawyer was grossly incompetent. I don't know why Jay would lie and I think aspects of Adnan's story are not exactly credible either, but my impression at this point is that Adnan probably shouldn't have been convicted.

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But HOW did Jay know where the car was.   I thought Adnan was probably  not guilty.  Listening to him he seems very convincing.  But then, listening to the episode about Jay he really seemed believable.  The physical evidence, the phone calls, etc don't really add up at all.  But, Jay KNEW where the car was.  I agree with the statement that one option is he is protecting someone else.  He pinned it on Adnan to protect someone he loved.

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Another addict here! I'm still torn about what I think happened and am withholding judgment for now. Do you read the Serial subreddit?

I've listening since the beginning and really enjoy the podcast.  I was so happy to hear that she would be doing another Serial in the future.


SeaC can you link me or let me know what subreddit is?  


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So I found the subreddit and if I wasn't already convinced (by the podcast and the fact I spent 4 months on jury duty last year) that a jury trial was scary I am now.


I find it hard to believe that some of those commenting have listened to the same podcast as I have.  I'm not sure who murdered Hae at this point.  I'm not even sure if it was Jay, Adnan or Mr. S.  


I lost all faith in juries after sitting on one for months.  It was scary and surprising how many did not listen (or maybe they did listen but jurors certainly heard different things), some dozed off, some had to be reminded what was actually said etc.

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If you want to see something scary with regard to our justice system, watch any of the 48 Hours shows about Ryan Ferguson. He was released last year after spending almost 10 years in prison despite the fact that NO evidence linked him to the murder. Both witnesses whose testimony got him convicted later recanted. One of the most disturbing things to me is the video that shows the police officer who took his friend's statement bully, badger, and threaten him, then feed him details about the murder so that he could change his story to fit what actually happened. His entire testimony was based on a dream he had that he and Ferguson had committed murder, and what he initially described to police didn't match the details of the actual murder or even the location.

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Ok,the end of Episode 11 really tore me up. :( Maybe I'm overly emotional today or something.


I started crying when I listened to one of the later episodes, and I'm not sure I could even pinpoint what specifically made me react that way. It's a sad story regardless of whether the right person was convicted. I have waffled so many times that I still can't say for sure what I think. 

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I want to believe he is innocent. And if he is in prison and has been wrongly convicted, then it breaks my heart. I couldn't imagine how awful it would feel for everyone to question everything you say or do.


But....since he was convicted and no one else seems to have a motive, it is safer to let him stay in prison. I guess once someone is in prison, it becomes guilty until proven innocent?


Also, I feel that I have somehow participated in bringing up all these old wounds for all involved by listening and following the story. This is real for all the families, but it's just entertainment for me. :/

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Also, I feel that I have somehow participated in bringing up all these old wounds for all involved by listening and following the story. This is real for all the families, but it's just entertainment for me. :/

I've definitely felt that way too. I can't think of Hae's mama without feeling teary.

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Also, I feel that I have somehow participated in bringing up all these old wounds for all involved by listening and following the story. This is real for all the families, but it's just entertainment for me. :/

The last episode definitely made me feel icky for participating in this spectacle.

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I'm only at episode 9 and I feel like not enough time has been dedicated to telling who Hae was.


I think they make it like she is ancillary to the story. The lack of specific discussion about her disturbs me.


I don't know if I am expressing myself right.


I think I know what you mean. I suspect a lot of it is that her family wanted nothing to do with the podcast and is not happy about the attention the case is getting. The reporter and producers have to walk the difficult line between respecting their wishes and not wanting to further upset them, and giving Hae more of a voice in the series.

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I just listened to all 11 episodes thanks to this thread. Wow!


I don't think he did it. But, why would Jay say everything he did, risking jail time, unless he (Jay) actually saw all he did?


And, you would think there would be more physical evidence if he did it, right?


And! Mr. S!! What an odd duck.


What will episode 12 be about? I'm afraid I won't get the nice tidy ending (a confession or an equital) I'd like.

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I just listened to all 11 episodes thanks to this thread. Wow!


I don't think he did it. But, why would Jay say everything he did, risking jail time, unless he (Jay) actually saw all he did?


And, you would think there would be more physical evidence if he did it, right?


And! Mr. S!! What an odd duck.


What will episode 12 be about? I'm afraid I won't get the nice tidy ending (a confession or an equital) I'd like.


I finally got my husband to listen so I could talk to someone IRL. :D He just finished Episode 10 and thinks Adnan is guilty but that the defense bungled the case. His interpretation of episodes have been much different than mine. That surprised me.


I've been curious about physical evidence, too.


I don't see any way that they can wrap this up that will make people satisfied. Too many questions...

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Episode 11 made me incredibly sad.


I don't think he's guilty and he has already served 15 years.

Wouldn't that just be the saddest thing?? Honestly, it makes me scared for my non-white nephew.

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Well, have you listened to the last episode? Considering all the loose ends, I thought it was well done.


Also, I like seeing on the subreddit that they set up a scholarship for a Woodlawn High student in Hae Min Lee's name. I would provide a link but I have not been able to attach links ever since the change over of the forums. :/


Now what will I do with my time? I guess get ready for Christmas. :001_rolleyes:


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