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Billy Boyd's The Last Goodby. Anyone else sad it is the end of middle earth movies (no negative comments, please)

Jeannie in NJ

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His music video is so sad.  Our family just loves these movies, we watch LOTR several times a year since they came out and now watch the 2 Hobbit movies over and over and of course will be attending the 3rd movie in a couple of weeks.  We are sad that this will be the last middle earth movie.  I have not read the books but dh reads them every year and he loves the movies, even more than me (if possible).  We even have discussions of who is the greater hero: Bilbo or Frodo? 


We even watch all the special features (takes a while to watch the LOTR ones, lol). 

Really liked watching the one on the casting of the dwarfs and how their costumes were made.


We were out in Hollywood visiting when Return of the King was in theatres and dd and I went to see a local play. Elijah Wood was in the audience.  We were pretty excited about that lol.  We came back to our hotel and told dh and ds that they missed seeing Frodo because they would not go to the play with us.

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While I haven't loved Hobbit plot changes, I do live Martin Freeman's portrayal of Bilbo.

Yes to this. DH and I got into Sherlock last year, and it was so fun to compare Martin playing both Bilbo and Watson!


I have four boys, including my biggest boy, excited about seeing the last one. I have one mommy (me) excited and sad. I have one tween girl who both doesn't want it to end (she also says she won't listen when we reread The Last Battle next year either, because she doesn't want it to end) and who is desperately hoping that the changes mean that the fate her favorite character suffers in the book doesn't happen, because she doesn't want to see it happen.


But, hey, Revenge of the Sith wasn't the end of Star Wars, so who knows? Maybe there'll be more Middle Earth movies sometime. . .


(I have my own opinions on who the greater hero is. And it isn't Frodo. I actually don't really like him as a hero at all. My children know my loyalties are split between Samwise Gamgee and Aragorn as the heroes.)

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Aragorn, of course he is a hero.

Our family loves the movies, except I don't care for the blood and orcs.

I haven't read the books since high school so any changes made in the story I don't notice.

I used to enjoy watching the movies but I can only take those ugly faces for so long...head lobbing, etc. ugh.

Do you have the extended versions too? The kids like those better. 




Yes, a little sad and have been anxiously awaiting these hobbit movies!!


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Samwise for me

Though I hadn't really considered aragorn as a hero before. He is--isn't he?



I really feel like he is, although, tbh, I haven't read the last two books, just seen the movies a gazillion times. I feel like he steps up and does what needs to be done, no matter how hard for him personally. (Which is why the scene where he sees Arwen at his coronation makes me cry every single time, because I'm so happy that, after all of everything he's done for everyone, he gets the girl in the end. And the "not this day" speech. And "let's hunt some orc.")



Aragorn, of course he is a hero.

Our family loves the movies, except I don't care for the blood and orcs.

I haven't read the books since high school so any changes made in the story I don't notice.

I used to enjoy watching the movies but I can only take those ugly faces for so long...head lobbing, etc. ugh.

Do you have the extended versions too? The kids like those better. 




Yes, a little sad and have been anxiously awaiting these hobbit movies!!

My kids (okay, me too) are anxiously awaiting the extended version of The Battle of the Five Armies next year so that we can have a twenty-four hour movie marathon and watch all six movies straight.

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Yes to this. DH and I got into Sherlock last year, and it was so fun to compare Martin playing both Bilbo and Watson!


I have four boys, including my biggest boy, excited about seeing the last one. I have one mommy (me) excited and sad. I have one tween girl who both doesn't want it to end (she also says she won't listen when we reread The Last Battle next year either, because she doesn't want it to end) and who is desperately hoping that the changes mean that the fate her favorite character suffers in the book doesn't happen, because she doesn't want to see it happen.


But, hey, Revenge of the Sith wasn't the end of Star Wars, so who knows? Maybe there'll be more Middle Earth movies sometime. . .


(I have my own opinions on who the greater hero is. And it isn't Frodo. I actually don't really like him as a hero at all. My children know my loyalties are split between Samwise Gamgee and Aragorn as the heroes.)


Samwise, all the way. ;)

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I've loved the books since my first read through as a teenager, I've re-read them many times.  I adore the LOTR movies and own and watch at least once a year the blu ray extented editions and the bonus footage, all 22 some odd hours. ;)

I am not as big of a fan of the Hobbit movies, but for me, more Middle Earth is always better than no Middle Earth.


Samwise Gamgee is the true hero of the series in my opinion. Off to work so I don't have time to back up my reasoning, but if you've read the books, I shouldn't have to. ;)

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I am looking forward to an edited version of The Hobbit that is short a couple hours so it stays more true to the books. :lol:


I love LotR and I love The Hobbit but I love the books a great deal more than the movies.



If I had to chose between Bilbo and Frodo I would say Frodo. Bilbo came home mostly unscathed, he certainly faced peril and dangers but he went on an adventure. Frodo went on a quest, those are very different things and Frodo came back broken and battered. Frodo might not have taken up the quest knowing what how it would impact him but he did realize it along his journey and still chose to continue.



“Are you in pain, Frodo?' said Gandalf quietly as he rode by Frodo's side.



'Well, yes I am,' said Frodo. 'It is my shoulder. The wound aches, and the memory of darkness is heavy on me. It was a year ago today.'


'Alas! there are some wounds that cannot be wholly cured,' said Gandalf.


'I fear it may be so with mine,' said Frodo. 'There is no real going back. Though I may come to the Shire, it will not seem the same; for I shall not be the same. I am wounded with knife, sting, and tooth, and a long burden. Where shall I find rest?'


Gandalf did not answer.â€

But, IMO all of the Hobbits, Bilbo, Merry, Pippin, Frodo, and Sam had their own great acts of courage that helped turn the tide. The movie didn't show all of them or didn't explain how important their roles were but IMO all of the hobbits were brave.

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My favorite character is Sam. His speech in The Two Towers about "there being good in the world" gets me every single time I see it.


I have read that the only reason Peter jackson was able to get the rights to make the movies was because Tolkien had sold the rights to some movie studio back in the 1960's and Jackson bought the rights from them.  I have also heard that the Tolkien estate is not giving permission (which owns the rights to the rest of Tolkien's works and I would think also the very concept of Middle-earth) for any more movies to be made.  I can not guarantee that this is true, just what I have heard.

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Bilbo did give up the ring of his own free will. Sam wasn't the only one. :)


Of course Aragorn is a hero! But I would not say he is THE only hero.


My favorite character is actually Theoden. When he dies, I always cry, when I am reading the books.


me too... and at the death of Boromir.  Boromir is one of my favorite characters because he is severely tempted by the ring, for the sake of his people, but seeks forgiveness before his death. 

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me too... and at the death of Boromir. Boromir is one of my favorite characters because he is severely tempted by the ring, for the sake of his people, but seeks forgiveness before his death.

I believe he is so bereft over his own behavior at the end that he would rather die than live - not that I think he sought death, but dying heroically defending others was sort of his redemption.


My dd's favorite is Eowyn. I love her, too, and think she gets a bad rap for crushing on Aragorn. I think she's the character I most identify with on hard home schooling days. I'd rather be out riding off to adventure, yet here I am, tending the flock in Helm's Deep.

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I believe he is so bereft over his own behavior at the end that he would rather die than live - not that I think he sought death, but dying heroically defending others was sort of his redemption.


My dd's favorite is Eowyn. I love her, too, and think she gets a bad rap for crushing on Aragorn. I think she's the character I most identify with on hard home schooling days. I'd rather be out riding off to adventure, yet here I am, tending the flock in Helm's Deep.

Eowyn and Faramir are a great pair. I'm glad they end up together.

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Eomer is my favorite.


Eomer: "It's the end of the world and we're taking you with us!! RRAAWWRRRGGGG!"




These staves he spoke, yet he laughed as he said them. For once more lust of battle was on him; and he was still unscathed, and he was young, and he was king: the lord of a fell people. And lo! even as he laughed at despair he looked out again on the black ships, and he lifted up his sword to defy them.

He's crazy and awesome.

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