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RNC 2004. Hahahahahahaha!

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The difference is that President Bush was in fact the President already. Barack Obama hasn't gotten there yet; some feel the set is a bit presumptuous, just like some other statements/actions made by the Obama campaign.


I like to think of it more as good advertising! You know, projecting the image and all! :D


And, btw, to the OP, thanks, we needed that!:D

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For an even bigger laugh watch his 2000 RNC acceptance speech.


A few highlights:


For eight years the Clinton-Gore administration has coasted through prosperity. The path of least resistance is always downhill. But America's way is the rising road. This nation is daring and decent and ready for change.


But instead of seizing this moment, the Clinton-Gore administration has squandered it. We have seen a steady erosion of American power and an unsteady exercise of American influence.


America has a strong economy and a surplus. We have the public resources and the public will, even the bipartisan opportunities to strengthen Social Security and repair Medicare. But this administration, during eight years of increasing need, did nothing.


This is not the time for third chances; it is the time for new beginnings.


Medicare does more than meet the needs of our elderly; it reflects the values of our society. We will set it on firm financial ground and make prescription drugs available and affordable for every senior who needs them.


On education, too many American children are segregated into schools without standards, shuffled from grade to grade because of their age, regardless of their knowledge. This is discrimination, pure and simple, the soft bigotry of low expectations. And our nation...

And our nation should treat it like other forms of discrimination: We should end it.

One size does not fit all when it comes to educating our children, so local people should control local schools.

And those who spend your tax dollars must be held accountable. When a school district receives federal funds to teach poor children, we expect them to learn. And if they don't, parents should get the money to make a different choice.

Now is the time to make Head Start an early learning program to teach all our children to read and renew the promise of America's public schools.


A generation shaped by Vietnam must remember the lessons of Vietnam: When America uses force in the world, the cause must be just, the goal must be clear, and the victory must be overwhelming.

I will work to reduce nuclear weapons and nuclear tension in the world, to turn these years of influence into decades of peace. And at the earliest possible date, my administration will deploy missile defenses to guard against attack and blackmail.

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If John McCain thought he could fill 80,00 seats in a mere few hours, I'd bet he'd do something similar.




I'm very interested in the size of the crowd that turns out today to hear McCain announce his running mate.


My daughter will be there. . .



. . . with a fellow Obama supporter.

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I'm very interested in the size of the crowd that turns out today to hear McCain announce his running mate.


My daughter will be there. . .



. . . with a fellow Obama supporter.


Oh, wow! He's announcing today? I can hardly wait. Dh's guess is Romney. I can't imagine who he'll pick. I guess it depends if (stealing from Kerry) Senator McCain or Candidate McCain shows up today.


Lucky daughter!

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