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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good Morning....


It's pouring down rain this morning...we will be waiting to see if we get some snow today.  



  • tidy house
  • laundry
  • prep everything I can for tomorrow
  • cook dinner
  • watch a movie 
  • drink a hot peppermint mocha and eat snack food ;)

Hope everyone has a lovely day!

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one of those frustrating muddly days where everything seem to not work and the house gets messier instead of cleaner.


:rant:  Just to top it off the twins case manager rang and informed me that I have to travel down to Melbourne in 3 weeks for an access visit. Why they couldn't have organized that for while I was in Melbourne last week is beyond me. Do they realize I am over 400 km away from there and the agreement was that the parents would have to put forth some effort and met half way, they seem to have completely forgotten that point. Do they have any idea how difficult it is to travel around on public transport with 3 year old twins who are only just walking ... and have public transport that can not fit a twin pram so I have to walk kms and kms... and have to travel on public transport for hours on end that does not have any place to change nappies... I had to resort to using the floor between the seats...... I pointed out that the time that they have set for the visit means I will not be able to catch the middle of the day train home and will have to get the late one that gets back to my town after midnight.... And the parents might not even turn up.. apparently they have not turned up to the last 3 access visits......... :thumbdown:  :rant:

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Tammy we are waiting for snow as well! I'm actually hoping we get some. I love snow!


-clean upstair rooms I skipped yesterday

-get kids ready to hang out with their cousins tonight

-get ready for wedding reception

-enjoy a nice reception without the kids with awesome friends and my husband!!

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Today is dd1's 6th birthday and my mom, middle brother and his 3 kids are coming today

- dishes- done

- tidy house- living room done

- transfer money- done

- get money, deliver dmils Girl Scout cookies and give her money owed for fixing dh's truck- done

- take money to dh- done

- wait for company- here

- dinner- planned

- any thing else that manages to get done :)

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get water out of the dying dishwasher

order a new one


Thanksgiving prep cooking

clean bathrooms

general pick up and clean up

vacuum and dust


leaf into the table

make casserole for tonight

pick up milk

kids to swim practice


all table linens washed

my laundry done


Thankfully, Dh is home today and can help with many of these things!

Our company arrives in the late afternoon.


Hoping the predicted rain or snow does not come. We want a sunny weekend!

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Jean - sorry about doctor frustrations!

Melissa - that sounds like the worst trip ever!  Crazy! And all to visit parents who will probably not show up??


We are getting rain here this morning, too.  I think there is something really wrong with our yard.  We are renting - we moved here this summer.  Earlier this fall we noticed lots of wetness around the driveway and gutter and it turned out to be a water main leak.  It was repaired, but since then we have had just lots of mud.  The lawn is bad - not a whole lot of grass, mostly weeds, and it is always a little squishy and muddy.  I think the water main leak was not entirely fixed.  Or there is a serious drainage problem.  Or???  Landlord is not concerned.  With all this rain we have standing puddles in our front yard.  I'm hoping the basement doesn't leak...


So far today I have done nothing...


To do:

10 minute tidy up

to target

mail package to missionary dd


make pie dough

my little sister will be here later to: 

make pies!


finish up table runner

knit some more


something easy for dinner - maybe taco soup?

track water: x x x x x


it's 10:30 and the rain is changing to snow!  This is our first winter on the east coast, fall was beautiful and I'm sure winter will have its own beauty.  I love snow, but snow just in time for a big travel day isn't such a good thing....

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So much rain!


And so much food prep today :lol:

--dinner (enchilada filling, enchilada sauce, tortillas, assemble) (me, dd19)

--chop onions, celery, carrots, parsley, apples, walnuts (me, dd14, dd19)

--cook an herbed turkey breast for those who don't like plain turkey (me)

--roast sweet potatoes (me)

--bake 2 pie crusts to be filled tomorrow (me)

--bake pumpkin custard pie (dd19)

--bake apple pie or tart (me)

--bake gingerbread (dd14)

--cube stuffing bread (dd14)


Plus the cleaning (dh, ds) and table-setting (dd14)...


And exercise--Pilates, I think.


It's so nice having all the kids at home :)

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Jean....I detest all things on doctor time.  Hang in there!! :grouphug:


Melissa....that sounds crazy to me...I dread you having to make that trip and I'm sure it isn't easy of the little people either.   :grouphug:


MomtoCandJ..Happy Birthday to you dd. :party:


It's still pouring down rain....waiting for the change over to snow.  :toetap05:


I absolutely don't know what's wrong with me.   It's 1:45 and I was wide away.  Back to sleep at 3 until 4:30am to see dd off.  Back to sleep for an hour, then awake, then finally back to sleep to 9am.    What the heck is wrong with me?

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So far I've done:

Dishwasher emptied and breakfast dishes done.

Bottles washed.

Basket of laundry folded and put away.

Beds made and house tidied.


To do:

Lunch dishes... the kids are just finishing up.

Vacuuming the playroom that is a wreck. The kids get to pick that up though. 

Dinner dishes...

School. Oh so much school and I have no idea how to get to it with 4 extra kids in the house who aren't doing school...


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Scooped kitty litter

Folded one laundry load

Put one load in dryer

Started towel load

Took vitamins

I'm at work

Worked on bills some

Supper will be leftover potato soup

Brought food to work for potluck


To do:

Work till 1



Go buy a couple more grocery items

pick up our turkey from the Cajun restaurant

Make pumpkin pies, rolls, ice cream

Work on bills more

Dry and fold more laundry

Straighten, vacuum, and steam clean play room

Dust living room

Wipe down dc bathroom

Angi,  sent you a pm.  Thanks!

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Good Morning....


It's pouring down rain this morning...we will be waiting to see if we get some snow today.  



  • tidy house
  • laundry
  • prep everything I can for tomorrow
  • cook dinner
  • watch a movie 
  • drink a hot peppermint mocha and eat snack food ;)

Hope everyone has a lovely day!


I like to read your lists because they always include something peaceful...like drinking hot mocha.

I will do everything it takes to get out of town tomorrow:


Prep dog food for dog sitter

Buy some groceries for after Thanksgiving

Clean out and gas up car

Do laundry

Make candied sweet potatoes to bring along

...and hopefully have time for a cup of cocoa!


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Noseinabook....Just thinking about 9 kids and 2 dogs makes me tired.  Our 2 year old toddler keeps us super busy and were all exhausted at the end of the day.   Hope you get a power rest and cup of tea.  


Liz in Ca---I'm learning to be better to myself each day and take a little time to rest and renew. 


I'm loving how delicious our house is smelling.  Pies are baking and punch is made and turkey is already to be popped in the crockpot in the morning.  Now all I have to make is dinner and Land of Nods for breakfast in the morning.   Yum!

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Human care done

Pet care done and the cat's litter box is barricaded away from the stupid dog who thinks it's his personal treat box.   :ack2:

Exercised at the Y.

Ds has finished physics apparently.


I need to figure out if his physics assignments are actually being sent (this is not a matter of not trusting ds but both of us not trusting our e-mail system because we've thought things were sent before that didn't go through.)


Need to clean the kitchen.  And check on dd and her school.

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Just checking in, you guys with snow can keep it :). I will take sunny and 55. We all went out to breakfast, and now I am taking a quick break from cooking. It is pretty much all I am doing today. And watching the teen boys come over to hang out.


To do:


Clean kitchen

Rest a for a minute

Pm practice

More cooking


Have a great day!

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Finished science with dd.

Emptied, filled and ran the dishwasher.

Listened to dd complain that the organic refried black beans are NOT the same as ordinary refried beans and that she won't eat them.  Such a first world problem. . . .  Fine.  I'll eat them.


Let's see. . .   need to sort laundry.  I need to leave in less than 2 hours for the latest doctor.  Oh yes, I was going to load up the car with stuff for Goodwill.  So add to list:  make kids help me load the car for Goodwill.  

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Stuff dropped off at Goodwill.

Got to the doctor sort of on time.  I could not figure out what traffic was so horrendous until it finally hit me that tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  Duh!

Met with doctor.  

Got stabbed twice by her nurse.  They were shots but the needles were over an inch long and she reared back and just jabbed my arm.  It hurt!  I've never ever had someone give me a shot like that and she wasn't mad at me!

Went to the lab where they took even more blood.  This guy did manage to get some but he was a bit worried since everyone else had gone home for Thanksgiving and he was the only one left in the lab.  

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