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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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So extremely glad it's Friday!!!!

School the boys
Chinese family tutor (so clean off the coffee table first thing)

Take 6 yo Christmas shopping because he is So! Excited!!

Grocery store/costco run

Get a ham for Thanksgiving so I don't forget like last year

Plan fun Saturday day trip (coast? mountains? gorge?)

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just got home

 Thursday at 3 45 I left home with dd14 and the twins, caught the bus then the train to Melbourne ( long trip). walked many kms around the city as the trams do not fit a twin pram. stayed in a motel for the first time ever as I cannot stay at any relative's house with the twins as I would have to have them all police checked first for DHS regulations.

Today up bright and early to go to the Royal Children's Hospital for twin 1 to see his specialists. Walked a few kms back to the city  train station and did the long trip home. Got home at 7:30 pm. 



Good news is that the specialists who have known the twins form infancy could not believe how happy they are and how much weight they have put on.

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How is it Friday already?


I have low expectations today because I'm not feeling very well:



Take a nap

Feed kids something...if they're lucky. Try to talk DS1 into making lunch


Chemistry - DS1

Reading with DS2

Reading with DD


grocery shopping?? I put this off all week. Now we're out of everything :(

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Woke this morning to the lovely realization I can sleep in tomorrow :D


So today:

--type up chem test (have to use dh's laptop because no subscripts on ipad Pages)

--my portion of school w dd (chem test, math, history, APHG)

--haircut at 2

--agitate the lemoncello and cranberry liqueur (Christmas gifts)

--some emails

--house things

--plan next week's school (just a few things for Monday and Tuesday)

--plan meals and write grocery list for next week: Thanksgiving plus college kids here!

--exercise: stretching and Pilates for an hour

--dd ballet 6:30-9

--read :party:

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Good morning! This is the last day before we leave for DC, so I've got a lot to do.



more shopping for trip (didn't take kids yesterday and they need a few things)

pay bills

get some school in there somewhere


tidy house

go clean the office

pack suitcases and the car


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Good morning

- dishes- done

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- order dd1's last b-day gift- done, she getting new snow pants, boots and hat/gloves for her b-day (she has a few other toys as well) all purple (I bought her coat at a yard sale this past summer, it was new w/ tags) with hat/gloves being Frozen :)

- food drive thingy- there

- work on lapghan

- change bedding on both beds- done, master sheets in dryer, dd1's stuff in washer

- get my new phone set up (really wish I had a different internet, I need to download iTunes again and transfer stuff)- I'm going to use Verizon Cloud, I already backed up my contacts (which is all that really matter) and my pictures I can transfer at home without using data since I have them saved on my laptop. As far as apps, none of them take a lot of data to download and the only one with a lot of stuff to download is my kindle app (of course :) ) and I wouldn't download all those books at once anyways I only download the ones currently being read (the rest set on my cloud until in ready to read them) though now I will have the space to keep them all on my phone- got the phone and set up just need to get my pictures switched

- make next weeks to do and to buy list- done

- start dd1's room purge- started, going to finish later though with dd1

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- baths (if needed)

- bedtime routine

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Yay for Friday!!


I was planning to do my big Thanksgiving shopping today, but now I'm not sure if I should.  My sister and her family are coming here, but her father in law just had a major heart attack and they are afraid he won't make it through the weekend.  So there is a big chance they won't be here... I just feel so sad for them!  He is the sweetest grandfather!  (and I know my problem is teeny tiny in comparison, but I don't want to over buy if they won't be here)


So since that's off the list, my whole day opens up!  


to do:


human care!

call my sister

call my mom

ride bike to son's school of T-giving luncheon

laundry wash

laundry fold

laundry put away


work on table runner

knit a little while watching You've Got Mail

work on package to send to missionary dd

work on lesson that I'm teaching on Sunday



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Good morning! I am back from am practice. Dh and ds2 left for the tournament already. I hope everything goes well, it is the first time traveling for judo. Meanwhile, I have the regular list of things to do. This weekend is going to be crazy with driving and swimming, not too much will get done.


To do:

school for ds3 and dd2

check on dd1's work

clean dining/living room and get set up with tables/chairs (expecting 18)

school administration


dust and vacuum basement


PM practice


Have a great day, everyone!


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Good Morning....looking forward to a quiet weekend. :)


Already done:

  • vacuum and tidied the house
  • washed dishes and cleaned out the refrigerator
  • tidied up the cabinets 
  • playing with Sophia
  • got Sophia dressed

To Do:


  • take a shower and get dressed
  • take ds to music lessons
  • Sophia and I will go to Costco while he's there
  • finish up two small loads of laundry
  • prepare dinner and clean up
  • watch a movie and relax!

Have a great day everyone!!

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Phew!  really really busy day.  Traffic was an absolute bear and there was no parking anywhere.


Two hour doctor appt. (yes, two hours. . .) - finally done

Lab work that took 2 phlebotomists, a hot pack and ended up with me sticking my arm into a bucket of hot water, done.

lunch done  (we did run into our security guard friend at the mall, so that was nice.)

Got dog food at Petco.

Did grocery shopping.

Talked to dh on the phone because that was "our time" today since we are going to be ships passing in the night.

Put away groceries

Updating calendar with all the new doctor appts/tests etc.  



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After 5 pm and finally home for the day.  (I was only home for 10 min. earlier when I posted.)


Allergy shots for ds done

Starbucks done

Dd at volunteering.


Amy. . . I am now officially diabetic (sigh) and am showing liver problems.  And here I thought I was feeling much better and it would be a nice doctor's appt. for a change!  

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School the boys
Chinese family tutor (so clean off the coffee table first thing)

Take 6 yo Christmas shopping because he is So! Excited!!

Most expensive Grocery store/costco run in our history as a family

Get a ham for Thanksgiving so I don't forget like last year

Plan fun Saturday day trip (coast? mountains? gorge?)

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After 5 pm and finally home for the day.  (I was only home for 10 min. earlier when I posted.)


Allergy shots for ds done

Starbucks done

Dd at volunteering.


Amy. . . I am now officially diabetic (sigh) and am showing liver problems.  And here I thought I was feeling much better and it would be a nice doctor's appt. for a change!  


What kind of liver problems? Enzymes elevated? This just crossed my little brain as I am typing...has someone ever checked you for MTHFR? It is a reduced ability to metabolize folate. Some people also call it poor methylating. It can bring some immune system issues as well as liver issues with it.

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What kind of liver problems? Enzymes elevated? This just crossed my little brain as I am typing...has someone ever checked you for MTHFR? It is a reduced ability to metabolize folate. Some people also call it poor methylating. It can bring some immune system issues as well as liver issues with it.

yes, elevated enzymes that are getting worse over time.  There are some hepatic cysts but we don't know what kind etc.  Thus more tests.  

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