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Exercise Thread ~ October 5th-11th


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Kim, sorry you're not able to run :(.

Hope your hike was a nice one. :)


Redsquirrel, the Warrior Workout is not fully barre and not fully yoga either. I guess it's what they call a fusion workout. Most of the movements use your own body weight. Total Fitness DVDs has a video clip and reviews, etc. 


Shukrriya, you asked for Pilates DVD recommendations. Ana Caban is said to be good. My personal favorites are anything by Ellen Barrett and Denise Austin. Denise Austin is not everyone's cup of tea, however. There are so many to choose from! :D

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Kim- hope you didn't mind my advice! It certainly sounds like you know what you are doing- and that explains why my hamstrings are sore- total workout; another reason to love kettle bell.


Question- to all you strength training women. Since I started really hitting the strength training with kettle bells and free weights I've been starving- is that normal? Will I equalize?


Today is my rest day- hope I don't eat a horse while I rest.

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I'm back home! Miss me? 


I managed one run along the beach. My oldest ran with me. We ended with sprint intervals. I hate running, but for some reason love running on the beach. I also spent some time in the pool and managed to get breathing hard. 


Today, I'm back to my routine now that I'm at home. I picked up some dvds from the library for variety. I did Jackie Warner pyramid this morning. Oy. I will feel it later. She is much stronger than I.  :laugh:


Now, I need to catch up on cleaning my house. I have a sinus headache so I think I'll nettie. Hopefully, not getting sick. 

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ok, I went for a 50 min run and went almost 5 miles. Not too bad, lol.


At some point, I made the mistake of telling my dh that I would do a barre workout with him tonight. That was really stupid, but I am committed now.

He thinks barre workouts are fantastic for runners, but he hardly does anything but running. I am trying to get him to do just one workout a week that isn't running, and if I do it with him he will do it so.....


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Rebounding. I wanted to do more, but I had to put henna on my hair and let it sit. Since I woke up late, I had no time.



Negin, thanks for the recs, I'll take a look.

You're welcome. If you can, I would recommend watching a video clip of any workout before purchasing. Total Fitness DVDs has them. You Tube also. DVDs can be quite subjective. 

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Thanks, everyone.  I'm determinded to find a bright side.  I plan to get abs and buns of steel. :D


Rieshy, no I didn't mind your advice!  I wouldn't post if I didn't want others to chime in! And yes, weight training makes me so hungry!  You kind of stablize, but it not like I did with running.  Hard days make me very hungry.  I try and focus on more protein. I was eating yogurt every afternoon, but dairy is really bothering me now, so I've turned to nuts. :)  I make sure I measure the nuts, becuase it's easy to overeat those.  


I did a 40 minute kettlebell DVD this morning.  I haven't done that workout in years, and it was hard.  The straight deadlifts hurt, so I plan on sticking to single leg deadlifts, which focus more on the glutes, and don't give my hamstring that stretch.  


Happy Monday everyone!



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Were you screaming?  LOL  That sounds like fun!


BTW:  hiding in the bathroom will not get anyone out of math today.  Just sayin'


WO Stretch Roll

:laugh: No screaming.  I went to the orchard in snow/rain and wind on Saturday and then spent 5 hours yesterday in wind, the woods and near a fire.  All that led to  the either viral or allergy induced croak voice.

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I started the 8 week FB round 5 this morning.  I am going to try it as my early a.m. -no, change that; I actually spent $ on it so I am going to do the whole thing- it will end right at Thanksgiving which I've already deemed a recovery week.


3.35 miles on the elliptical and then martial arts class.  All kicking.  I'm going to learn this fast kick technique if it kills me- I am pretty darn sure I look like a cartoon character dancing instead of a ninja.

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I started the 8 week FB round 5 this morning.  I am going to try it as my early a.m. -no, change that; I actually spent $ on it so I am going to do the whole thing- it will end right at Thanksgiving which I've already deemed a recovery week.



That's the one I plan on getting next. Hope you like it. 


I did Jackie Warner lower body pyramids and FB stretching. 

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Question- to all you strength training women. Since I started really hitting the strength training with kettle bells and free weights I've been starving- is that normal? Will I equalize?


You should get a good quality recovery drink. I use GNC brand wheybolic something. I've been lifting for 6 months and I'm still starving if I don't drink it. It's going to cost $60-$80, but will save you a boatload in food. It also makes you feel *amazing*. I relate to afterglow.  ;)





Who missed me? My sister in law has been sleeping in our living room so I haven't worked out in like 10 days. I feel like garbage. I've decided to restart Insanity because 10 days is a little long. Anyone care to join?

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Ok, so I had an exercise extravaganza on Sunday ( 50 min run and a 45 min barre workout) only to start my period on Monday. It was a few days earlier than expected, but I didn't have the dreaded 4 days of 'I feel like crap because my period is coming' so that is a win!


Anyway, I am sitting out while I feel tired and cruddy, because this isn't high school and I don't have to suit up for gym if I don't want to, lol.

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You should get a good quality recovery drink. I use GNC brand wheybolic something. I've been lifting for 6 months and I'm still starving if I don't drink it. It's going to cost $60-$80, but will save you a boatload in food. It also makes you feel *amazing*. I relate to afterglow. ;)


I'll have to look into that. I have to say my nutrition has been particularly sucky of late. I'm not sure why.


Tuesday night: martial arts and then kettle bell class. More kicking in MA- I had to bow out of class because of the strain to my just healed calf muscle- but I actually feel proud that I swallowed my pride and stopped before I re-injured myself.


Wednesday- full stop recovery day.

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Hill hike -- 1 hr yesterday. Today, same. Pilates video arrived but I haven't had time to take a look. Do any of you do yoga/pilates and cardio on the same day?

Yes, but I wouldn't if I wasn't trying to lose weight.


:chillpill:I've got nothing here.

Do you exercise much when you don't feel good? An older man I knew told me that when he started feeling under the weather he would go for a long, brisk walk (sounded like hiking to me).

Weights should be easy enough.

Not if I'm getting sick, yes if I'm mental, I mean menstrual. Eh. Same thing.






I just finished an Insanity and I performed my first ever deep lunge. I'm so proud! I touched my toes for the first time a year or so ago. So kewl.

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About to soon do 2 Classical Stretch workouts - "Muscle Memory" and "Maximum Flexibility". I like the CS workouts a lot, but I prefer the ones that are standing and have little floorwork, so it's easier to see what's going on. Even with my large computer monitor, it's hard at times.


ETA: Did not do the CS workouts. Got a little distracted and obsessed with finding a good foam rolling workout. Found nothing yet. 

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You should get a good quality recovery drink. I use GNC brand wheybolic something. I've been lifting for 6 months and I'm still starving if I don't drink it. It's going to cost $60-$80, but will save you a boatload in food. It also makes you feel *amazing*. I relate to afterglow.  ;)

I wonder about whey drink and milk allergy.  I'm just afraid to try it because I know those recovery drinks probably help a lot.   Anyone try one that is not dairy or soy based and tastes ok? 



Ok, so I had an exercise extravaganza on Sunday

Exercise extravaganza, LOL.  Go Girl!





Yesterday I had a bad day and missed my WO.   I can still save the week by either tacking it on to today's WO or shifting my schedule one day.    I haven't decided.

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I wonder about whey drink and milk allergy.  I'm just afraid to try it because I know those recovery drinks probably help a lot.   Anyone try one that is not dairy or soy based and tastes ok? 


I put coffee creamer in mine. It's worth the 60 calories to me to make it yummy.

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On sports drinks- I read the ingredient list of chemicals on the back of even the "organic" ones and just can't spend the money.  I guess I just need to get back to making smoothies at home or packing some chocolate milk.  


Mostly I just need to stop skipping meals.  It's my Thursdays that are throwing me.  I go tutor during lunch then go straight to the physical therapist then swing home grab kids and go to martial arts and then rinse and repeat with different kids.  Eating a mini lunch at 10:30 and then several snacks instead of meals for the rest of the day just leaves me starving for days- and when I'm starving I don't eat healthy.


Today- Physical therapy, martial arts.

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after being sick last week -


I did yoga for the first time since I got sick. :hurray:  I've also walked up my hill twice today.  hopefully I'll have another opportunity. dudeling does have swimming, so, we'll see.


I did walk on Saturday, and yesterday.  trying to ease back into things.

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This morning I decided to forgo my workout and sit with a cup of chai with foamed almond milk instead. 


A workout for the spirit, and necessary from time to time :D


As for me...another hill hike today. My speed is increasing slightly despite the intense inclines and declines and somewhat leisurely pace I'm taking. Well perhaps not leisurely but certainly not race-speed.


In terms of whey protein drinks, this won't help the pp who inquired but for those who are interested in this kind of nourishment, Tera's Whey and Jarrow both make an organic version free of mostly everything unpleasant. Both are available on Vitacost. And probably Amazon though I've not checked.

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This is what I should have done.     I have no hot water today and now I'm all sweaty thinking how am I going to go out for classes/activities today.   

Baby wipes. I buy baby wipes and use them for cleaning off my make-up each day and for wiping down sweaty parts when I can't shower. If I'm stinky then after cleansing with wipes I dab rubbing alcohol under my arms. That kills any stink causing bacteria. For my hair/scalp I shake my head upside down and toss my fingers through my hair. I might spray with dry shampoo if needed. Then style according to how my hair is behaving. 



This morning I did JM's One Week Shred a.m. portion. It was challenging and so fun. This evening I'm supposed to do the cardio part. 

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Yesterday was my yoga class day.  The studio had a new, fun yoga toy.  It was a apparatus that helped you in headstand.  It kept your head off the ground, and your shoulders rested on padding.  It was amazing. I now want one, and I want one a lot. :D  You could stay in headstand for a long time with no strain at all.  I must have one. 


Today was kettlebell.  It was single leg deadlifts, swings, lunges, and high-pulls.  I finished up with a 6 minute tabata of snatches and squat thrusters.  I cooled down with 20 minutes of yoga.

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Classical Stretch.


Negin, how do you like Classical Stretch? What do you like about it? I've always wanted to try it, but our library doesn't have it and it is too expensive to just buy to try.


I know it comes in seasons and I can't ever seem to settle on one... Which season do you have? I am convinced there isn't much difference between them, lol. But I have never seen them either, so what do I know?


I do have a playlist on youtube of Essentrics, which is led by her daughter. Honestly, those moves become fairly repetitive and makes me think I prob don't need a whole season of CS, lol. 

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