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Mini Trampoline - which one?


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I'm thinking of getting my really active kids one of those mini trampolines to help them get rid of some extra energy and help with emotional regulation. I'm looking for recommendations. I looked at the local CL, but most of them are either too expensive or too far away. So, Amazon or maybe a big box store?

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We have a Jumpsport. It was less when we bought it - I think we got a deal somehow, but yeah, it's significantly more than the spring based brands. However, the bungee based trampoline was worth it to me. I'm very glad we splurged. We should have done it sooner. I wish we could afford a Bellicon, but, um, those are even more.

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Lol....I just had sticker shock. I was thinking $50. I did head back to CL and search a nearby city instead of my own and am hoping the Urban rebounder listed there is still available.


Which is not to say that I don't appreciate the suggestions. :0) If I can get the one from CL and it works like I hope it will, then obvs I'm going to have to start saving my pennies.


ETA: and yes...the Bellicon? The lady on CL wants $875.

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We have this one and it's been fine:




I paid about half of this, though, as it was on special.


Good luck finding one! I wish we could have afforded a nicer one, but this one keeps the kids more than entertained and has't sent springs flying through the house, either. 


I don't have a lot of experience with trampolines, but in trying them out and talking with others, it seemed that a larger size helped make the tramp bouncier.

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ETA: and yes...the Bellicon? The lady on CL wants $875.


OMG I would kill for a Bellicon!  But there is no way in the universe I would let a kid touch a $900+ rebounder.  It would be mine only and death to anyone who breathed near it.  :)  I got my Needak for about $50 though and it has been worth every penny.  I tried a cheapie Wal-Mart one for 5 min. after my first Needak died and I couldn't walk without severe pain for 3 weeks.  It was awful. 


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Good luck finding one! I wish we could have afforded a nicer one, but this one keeps the kids more than entertained and has't sent springs flying through the house, either.


I don't have a lot of experience with trampolines, but in trying them out and talking with others, it seemed that a larger size helped make the tramp bouncier.

How old are your kids? My oldest is in 4th grade and I'm primarily interested in it for him.

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How do you guys store these?? Or are they just out most of the time? I think this would be great for the kids this winter but I don't know if it will be worth tripping over all the time (in my teeny house!)


We also don't have a big house. You can get a foldable one. It would fit in the back of a closet, though they tend to be a little more expensive. Most of the nicer ones also have legs that can be unscrewed (our Jumpsport is like that), so if you wanted to have it out only in winter, that would be another potential solution.


We leave ours out all the time. We also have a smallish house. It lives in a corner of the living room (or is occasionally taken to the basement for a few weeks and will have to go to the basement over Christmas because otherwise there's no room for the tree). It has been worth it for us to trip over it, so to speak. It's ugly and I suppose if I have any dinner parties I will put it away (actually, I guess I have done that a couple of times for social gatherings). But the benefits of kids who can go jump in between every subject in school for two minutes, or as they're thinking or in between every game on the iPad during screen time or whatever has been so worth it.

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We have a Jumpsport. It was less when we bought it - I think we got a deal somehow, but yeah, it's significantly more than the spring based brands. However, the bungee based trampoline was worth it to me. I'm very glad we splurged. We should have done it sooner. I wish we could afford a Bellicon, but, um, those are even more.


Same here.

Love our Jumpsport 350 -- my DD jumps on it daily.  If I had $, a Bellicon would be awesome, but it's incredibly pricey.


I did have a Urban Rebounder and it was fine (better than my cheapie Walmart rebounder)... but after getting the Jumpsport, I was amazed at how NICE the Jumpsport felt and how STIFF/JARRING the UR felt!  I didn't realize it until I tried something better.


We leave ours out all the time.  It stays propped up in the hallway (we have a pretty small house, 1200sq. ft.)  I would not bother with a folding one; the one I had was very stiff to open and close, and prone to springing closed (pinch alert!)  We did have a rebounder that the legs unscrewed, to slide under the couch.  That wasn't so bad, though we had to periodically tighten the legs b/c they'd come loose with jumping.

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Same here.

Love our Jumpsport 350 -- my DD jumps on it daily.  If I had $, a Bellicon would be awesome, but it's incredibly pricey.


I did have a Urban Rebounder and it was fine (better than my cheapie Walmart rebounder)... but after getting the Jumpsport, I was amazed at how NICE the Jumpsport felt and how STIFF/JARRING the UR felt!  I didn't realize it until I tried something better.


We leave ours out all the time.  It stays propped up in the hallway (we have a pretty small house, 1200sq. ft.)  I would not bother with a folding one; the one I had was very stiff to open and close, and prone to springing closed (pinch alert!)  We did have a rebounder that the legs unscrewed, to slide under the couch.  That wasn't so bad, though we had to periodically tighten the legs b/c they'd come loose with jumping.


Yes, I always think people who say that the UR is the best maybe should try a Bellicon or a Jumpsport before they say anything too strong. It's really a different jumping experience. Of course, if you can't afford it, you can't and an UR or another half decent spring brand is probably still going to be something worth having for a kid to jump and get some energy out. 

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I wondered about the storage thing because our house is on the smaller size and floor space is a bit of an issue. I was thinking the basement playroom, but then I read farrar's about using it in between things and now I'm thinking on the main floor is a must. Dh thinks we can put it on its side behind something. So, yeah, basically that's my plan. Out in the way during the day, on it's side behind something when it's not needed.

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