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Trim, Healthy Mama opinions...


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I think it is the most doable long term plan of anything else I have seen. Your meals are either low fat like was promoted for years or low carb-high fat like is all the rage now. All meals centered on protein and no sugar or anything that spikes your blood sugar. I think it is incredibly simple. Don't mix carbs and fats. That's it. And only for wight loss. Once at goal weight you can.


I have not however lost much weight on it but I just had a baby. I do have way way more energy then ever before since I started having kids and had my best pregnancy ever (my 10th) I think I have been chronically nutrient deficient even though I was trying to eat whole foods and healthy.


My sister has lost a bunch of weight and is keeping it off. I think there are some hormonal problems with me or thyroid stuff making it hard. Some people don't lose right away because their bodies need to heal first or they really aren't eating enough because they are used to calorie restrictions and can't wrap their brain around it.


As far as being able to do it long term, that is the freedom of it. You can eat off plan anytime you want or social needs require it etc and just go back the next meal. If you want an ice cream eat it but if you make it a habit you will be unhealthy and probably overweight too.


I also feel it brought together everything I had learned about nutrition over many years. Fat is good. Protein is essential. Carbs are good but must be properly prepared. Lots of veggies. Fruit too. Sugar is bad :( but it gives alternatives for people like me who find it hard to impossible to give up sweets.


I do find it hard to follow while feeding a family of 11. But that is because I haven't converted all the family or altered favorite recipes. So either I do without/eat something else or I just eat it and pick up again better choices the next meal. Lunch and breakfast are easy. It's dinner that is harder because we use carbs to stretch our meat. If we could afford meat and veggies for every meal it would be fine.

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Hmmmmm.......yes, that is quite debatable isn't it.  I have read both......healthy vs. not really healthy.  Others do say it isn't well researched, but they do make it very clear that they aren't scientists, they are just two sisters who tried to find something to WORK.


One of the sisters, don't remember which is which, is VERY long winded......I tried to watch them on YouTube and while the one was talking, the other interrupted her over and over again.  I had to turn it off.  It was really getting on my nerves.



I have actually decided to give it one more try.  My goal is one FULL week of 100% on plan and then decide if I am willing to stick with it.  


I am starting today.


Do you have a book?  I know there are many who say the book is too expensive, but honestly, for $35 you can get it, try it, and resell it for at least $25 later if you really don't like it.  And, I have paid up to $35 just to JOIN WW.  That doesn't even include the weekly meetings, and if I quit, I don't get my initial joining fee back.


It IS a bit complicated IMO.  I think that is one reason I struggled to stick to it well.  I am finally getting the hang of it a bit better.

If I LIKED stevia, I think it would be easier.  I just honestly think it has an aftertaste and don't care for a lot of the food.






Editing to be more specific.

Is this a balanced diet/lifestyle? Does it seem to be well-researched? I've seen some differing opinions.


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I read the book & spent a lot of time setting it up for my hubby. The authors say you don't have to spend $$ on their recommended specialty ingredients BUT it makes it a lot easier. It is complicated but not impossible to figure out. There are a lot of rules. And if you don't lose weight the authors have a plethora of reasons why-and none are bc their program is wrong!


My hubby lost some weight but it was too hard for *me* to maintain for him (he is absolutely helpless-if I don't fix his food he will just go eat something from the vending machine). Buy this has been the issue with any diet programs with him. So he will just be fat I guess.


My personal opinion is that you can probably lose weight by drastically cutting your sugar consumption alone. I don't think their program is necessary. I cut sugar out almost completely & didn't eat any processed food and lost 25 lbs.


I have loaned out my book to many others

However-I agree with others that the cost of the book is actually not much compared to other diet programs. Read it, try it. You may love it!

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I'm using this program now with some tweaks. I don't use the sweeteners recommended by the authors, but do everything else as written. It's working here and it isn't hard for me to follow - as I wrote in another thread, I could never do any other diet like weight watchers. THM is a program for people who don't have a ton of discipline combined with a sweet tooth. I use coconut sugar as my sweetener but other THM whole food ladies use maple syrup or raw honey.

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Can you buy it in the stores or do you need to order it online?

I have been using Truvia, which was recommended on THM.


I think WF carries it, but I usually order it from Amazon to save a few bucks.


3.5 oz of pure stevia is a lot of stevia. It comes with two tiny spoons. And these days I'm down to about half a scoop per cup of coffee.


Truvia has erythinol in it, doesn't it? I try to avoid those secret mixes.

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Have you lost weight?  


And what sweeteners are you using?  





I'm using this program now with some tweaks. I don't use the sweeteners recommended by the authors, but do everything else as written. It's working here and it isn't hard for me to follow - as I wrote in another thread, I could never do any other diet like weight watchers. THM is a program for people who don't have a ton of discipline combined with a sweet tooth. I use coconut sugar as my sweetener but other THM whole food ladies use maple syrup or raw honey.


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It does have erythinol in it but that is what THM recommended.





I think WF carries it, but I usually order it from Amazon to save a few bucks.


3.5 oz of pure stevia is a lot of stevia. It comes with two tiny spoons. And these days I'm down to about half a scoop per cup of coffee.


Truvia has erythinol in it, doesn't it? I try to avoid those secret mixes.


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Oops-I posted before I finished a sentence.


I have loaned out my book to many others & they promptly return it saying no thanks! Too many rules!

It's funny how different people see things. I mean yes there are some rules but I find it the simplest of anything I've looked at. Don't skip meals. Eat ether carbs or fats not both. Easy to just tweak what you normally eat. I don't use their recipes hardly at all.

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I think it is the most doable long term plan of anything else I have seen. Your meals are either low fat like was promoted for years or low carb-high fat like is all the rage now. All meals centered on protein and no sugar or anything that spikes your blood sugar. I think it is incredibly simple. Don't mix carbs and fats. That's it. And only for wight loss. Once at goal weight you can.

So basically the same thing as "Somersizing" ala 1998/early 2000s and Suzanne Somers.

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I read the book, the whole LONG book. I followed the plan pretty closely for six months.....and lost 8 lbs total.


On one hand, the alot of it makes sense, avoiding bad carbs, eating healthy fats, and lots of yummy recipes out there on plan, especial desserts.


On the other hand, it is complicated...what is an S, what is an E, etc etc. several ingredients that are hard to find and/or costly. Not required of course, but hard to follow plan without.


After six months, a lot of time and $$$ invested, And very little weight lost, I decided I'm veering away. I lean more towards Paleo these days, which slot of the THM recipes are very similiar (switch Stevia to honey). I still use some of the THM recipes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you lost weight?


And what sweeteners are you using?



Sorry I'm just seeing this now.


I've been using coconut sugar instead of the recommended sweeteners and I've been averaging a loss of a half pound per day since starting. I've lost 12 lbs. in 18 days on THM. There is a Facebook group called THM whole foods version (something like that) and I've gotten lots of tips from them for losing weight without the stevia or xylitol/erythritol. Lots of recipe ideas too.


I've never been able to stick with any diet plan before this one. For me, this one works and is easy and most importantly enjoyable, once you get past the initial learning curve.

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I wouldn't give their company one cent of my $ or support their business at all, personally.

Care to elaborate on why?


I'm not entirely impressed with some of their business practices and am a bit baffled by some of their omissions and inclusions regarding the diet being biblically sound, but I'm curious what issues others have with the program. Overall, I do think the not mixing carbs and fats works for weight loss, so I'm taking bits of what I've learned and combining them with my own common sense and it does seem to be working, but again, I'd love to hear the good and the bad about the company or program if someone knows something I don't.

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I have several friends who follow the plan. They've lost weight and kept it off. One of them had so many people at their church asking how she and her husband lost weight that they've started a support group. Another didn't need to lose weight, but she was having problems with inflammation and feeling she was getting arthritis, etc. It helped it go away.


I lost weight earlier this year (25 pounds) and have kept it off. I didn't want to follow THM because I don't like cooking that much. It seems that they cook all the time, are constantly sharing recipes, and drinking all kinds of drinks every time I see them. I have some reflux issues because the sphincter is weakened at the top of my stomach. If I were to drink all day, I'd have worse problems. Another reason is that it seems a lot of the tasty recipes include dairy, and I have to avoid it. 


The way I lost weight was to keep my carbs at my meals to under 20 or 25 or so and my snacks low carb. Some meals were lower (15 or less at times). I didn't even exercise much during the weight loss. I posted here types of food I usually ate. I still try to eat most of my meals low carb and don't worry if I get some carbs here or there. I've kept it off since May.

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Trim Healthy Mama is owned by Above Rubies, which is an organization built on patriarchy and quiverfull, something I cannot personally support. I have read some very outrageous articles written by Nancy Campbell relating to infertility, which basically puts the blame on women and unconfessed sin (even complaining about menstruation is a sin that can cause infertility). I have no opinion on their diet book, perhaps it's excellent, but for me, I just want nothing to do with supporting their company.

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