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Once Upon a Time - tv show

Just Kate

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We're finishing season 2. I would let DS11 watch without any concern. I don't think it would be too much if your DD7 were in the room, Just Kate, except for a few scenes (e.g. one where two characters come upon a village that has been killed, and there are piles of dead bodies, or a scene where someone is being tortured by being electrocuted). There are maybe 3 or 4 scenes that we've seen that would give me pause for someone that age. However, it may get more intense as it continues; I know that the last few episodes have been more intense than the first season overall.

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Thanks everyone! I normally watch tv by myself, after the kids are in bed. Today I had some time and felt like being lazy, so I've watched a few shows. Ds started paying attention and I decided to start the season over for him. We are just on episode 2, but he's enjoying it (and I'm enjoying having something else that we can enjoy together).

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I have one more episode left of season 3 which I will watch tonight. I'm not looking forward to it being over :(


I have watched it all while recovering from childbirth My kids over 12 were already into it and kept begging me try it. It took a slow pp recovery and boredom to get me to but now I Iove it. Just like they said I would ;)

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I watch it with my dh and dd(15). We allow dd(11) to watch most of it, but she's behind the rest of us, so it's easy to have her skip parts I don't want her to see. We skipped most of the Mary Margaret/David/Catherine stuff. I know it didn't show anything, but I felt like the content was awkward, and I didn't want her to have to process such stuff yet.

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