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Favorite coffee maker

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I'm going to plug Keurig again. www.keurig.com


I drink 1 or 2 cups every day. Dh has 1 cup a few times a week. I like super extra dark. He likes wussy brown water. We both get our favorites in a matter of seconds.


Another vote for the Keurig. I got mine about a month ago, and I love it. You can either use the K-Cups or buy a special insert that allows you to use your own coffee. Dh doesn't drink coffee at all, so the Keurig allows me the flexibility of enjoying one cup or three cups or whatever and each one is fresh and hot.


My second choice is the French Press, because they're wonderful too. Just not as convenient. ;)

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For generations :D our family has always used the Farberware Percolator. I have an 8C because I'm the only one who drinks coffee in our house, but I know there's a 12C and possibly a 4C?


I recently purchased a regular coffee maker and was SO disappointed. My perccolator makes HOT coffee that stays hot. The coffee just tasted better in general, too.


So, I vote Percolator!


ETA: The whole thing perks in about 2 minutes and we just bought a wall timer from Home Depot, I make the coffee up the night before and voila! Fresh coffee every morning at 4:45.

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I just have a cheap Black & Decker but what I love about it and what I'd look for in any other coffee maker is that the coffee drips into a pot that's basically a thermos. No burner, the coffee stays hot for a long time and it stays good for a long time. I've reheated coffee from the previous day and it's good. I imagine because it seals shut and there's no constant heat under it.

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I have a Capresso with a stainless steel carafe. The coffee stays hot for a couple of hours in the carafe without being boiled to death as can happen with a glass carafe on a warming pad.


Very happy with this machine.




You said what I tried to say but you made so much more sense.

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The Barista was until mine broke and it had been discontinued. Now I have the replacement they gave me and it does have a thermal carafe which I love. I have had good luck with it!!


I just bought me a Thermos pump for my school room!! I pour all the coffee from my pot in it and I have nice warm coffee all morning. I was tired of going up and down the steps as well as pouring out the coffee each night. It's been awesome. My own little coffee corner of the world.


I use the Coffee Press lots, especially in the afternoon or evening. It makes a great cup of coffee too.

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Another vote for the Keurig. I got mine about a month ago, and I love it. You can either use the K-Cups or buy a special insert that allows you to use your own coffee. Dh doesn't drink coffee at all, so the Keurig allows me the flexibility of enjoying one cup or three cups or whatever and each one is fresh and hot.


I also love my Keurig. Dh and kids bought it as my Mother's Day present. I like that it makes one cup at a time. I wasted so much coffee before. I am amazed at how long one canister of coffee lasts now. It's also nice because the coffee is fresh when you want it. I can't stand coffee with that burnt taste.

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Ok, I'm undecided between a percolator and a press.


I used to have a perc and loved it. That was when I lived in Europe. I love the sound and smell of perc'ing coffee.


As for a press...I've never tried one and I don't own a kettle, yet the majority is voting french press.

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