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repeated stomach viruses


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I think it might be a virus but I really don't know for sure? This summer has been terrible! Almost every week someone has been down sick. It started in May with my DD. Every ten days she would have a bad headache, throw-up, have lower intestinal issues and then be better in a couple days. She said she felt very hungry and full at the same time and eating would make things worse. She hasn't had symptoms since the end of July. I was going to take her to the dr. but since the symptoms ended, it wasn't necessary. (and Dr.'s are not help for stomach virus!)


Then DS2 got it but his has worn off as well at the end of July. He had similar symptoms but didn't seem as severe.


And now my youngest DS has it. Only he's about every 7-14 days and he's had it since JUNE!


I'm going crazy because we can't do anything to fix it! And I don't think that going to the dr. will help either. It doesn't seem to be food intolerance although I did cut milk out of my youngest's diet because that might be what is triggering the relapses. And he gets body aches and really tired when this comes on. My kids get dark circles under their eyes when they have a virus too and he has those when experiencing the symptoms. Then he's normal when it retreats. DD has no more symptoms either and never had the dairy issue. And they are rarely sick at the same time, so I don't think it is a food poisoning issue. And my DH and I aren't cycling through this.


Any ideas? Anyone else experience these symptoms this year? I can't believe a stomach virus could be so stubborn or that we are just catching everyone that comes along if we leave the house. This is ridiculous!

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Have you changed everyone's toothbrushes?  I've heard that it can help.


If it were me, I'd discuss what's going on with a doctor.


Yes. And I'm running them through the dishwasher every Monday. They have their own drawer to store tooth brushes so I don't think it's a cross-contamination.  I've been very diligent about cleaning their bathroom and they never reuse towels since this started.

I guess I need to take them to the doctor. Ugh.

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Yes. And I'm running them through the dishwasher every Monday. They have their own drawer to store tooth brushes so I don't think it's a cross-contamination.  I've been very diligent about cleaning their bathroom and they never reuse towels since this started.

I guess I need to take them to the doctor. Ugh.


Have you done a thorough sanitizing of the dishwasher? 

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Not sure if it could be something similar, but several years ago I was getting sick every few weeks, the same symptoms you are describing.  Eventually, I heard there was a peanut butter recall for salmonella and sure enough, my peanut butter was one of the recalled serial numbers (and MO was one of the states with the highest number of cases).  As soon as I ditched the peanut butter, I never got sick like that again.



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My family passed around a stomach virus for five.weeks.straight. at the beginning of summer. It was the weirdest stomach virus because we could go several days with absolutely no symptoms, and then bam....the next victim came along. Unfortunately we infected some friends during those few days of what we thought were a reprieve. :-(

I'm so sorry OP. No advice but lots of hugs. :-(

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We had one like that although without the big break a couple of years ago. They did a test for parasites for dd, but concluded it was viral. It is worth going to the dr if it's over a week to check its nothing else. It could also be that you've had two separate viruses go through.


The other thing to keep in mind is a stomach virus can cause lactose intolerance symptoms for a while so it might be worth cutting out dairy.

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My first thought was parasites. My next thought was your water source. Well water can be contaminated. Clean out your fridge, too, incase you are infrequently eating contaminated food (like condiments) then get sick again. Bleach everything. Pools seems to spread stomach bugs a lot incase you've been going to those. We've had two odd stomach bugs or something this summer so maybe it's just some weird stuff going around.

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No public pools or recalled PB. :(


He's back to normal today. If it comes back in 10-14 days, I'm taking him to the Dr. for tests. I wrote down all the dates that my children have been sick this summer with these symptoms. We have a great ped. so I think she'll take it seriously. I don't really believe it is parasites because my DD hasn't been sick for well over 1 month. My middle child is fast approaching that time frame.


I'm sanitizing all sheets and blankets and buying new pillows today. Hopefully it's over. I'm discouraged though....

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Cyclical GI stuff here was parasitic. The problem is it might not be the ones typically tested. A doctor in our local hospital ran a stool test by Metametrix that finally found my son's parasite. He had been sick a long time, and the pediatrician's tests didn't find it. The body can fight off some parasites, and others can be asymptomatic. So I wouldn't rule out parasite tests, given the types of symptoms.

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