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PSA: Cast Iron Skillets Seasoning - this method really works!


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I love my cast iron skillets, but to keep the seasoning even and make them non-stick was a challenge.

I found this article where she goes into science of seasoning and spells it out step by step. I didn't strip the pans as I really didn't want the hassle with lye. Just did the six layers (it took a while).


The results are great! The skillets are really non-stick, even when I cook the eggs. :thumbup:

Just wanted to share if anyone is interested.

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I read tht and wanted to strip all my pans and start over --- still kinda want to, actually. But I can cook eggs with no issues in my cast iron by dh or dd tries and they burn egg all over the pan - I have no clue the difference other than I assume that I use higher eat and nice coating of fat/oil and maybe they don't.


Really want to reseason my pans, mostly the sides that don't have a perfectly smooth finish like I would like.... but they get the job done -- I just need a much bigger cast iron pan.

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I really need a cast iron frying pan and have no idea where to get one! My aunt has heaps. They seem to magically appear in her house. She has special magic auntie skills.


Rosie, you should give a hint to your aunt : "Sharing is caring" ;)


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