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For fun ... Help me decorate a room themed Miss Marple


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We want to decorate our guest bedroom as if Miss Marple (or really any English country spinster circa 1920-1940) lived there.  I know it sounds a little eccentric writing it out but I'm a huge Agatha Christie fan/Anglophile and DH happily gave me the go ahead.  


Which brings me to now ... um ... I'm horrible at decorating.  I get nervous and second guess myself and never do anything.  DH decorated our last house and picked all the colors because he's good at that stuff and I'm lousy at it.  I have a good budget and I don't need to be finished until Christmas when my parents are coming to stay with us for a few weeks.  


So far I have:


An framed handkerchief from the end of WWI that was embroidered with the flags of the allies 

An old fashioned lamp

A small white end table for beside the bed

A blue quilt with tatting on the edges


I'm planning to get:


An alarm clock that has the two bells on top

Some frames for some black and white pictures I have of my grandparents from that era

A metal bed frame

A few novels popular at that time


What type of things would give the room that feel?  What type of art would be hung above the bed?  Anyone know of any books on how-to decorate for the hopelessly tacky?   :laugh:


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I think you need to binge-watch old episodes of TV shows featuring Miss Marple, with an eye towards noticing the decor.  The BBC is particularly good with creating authentically period scenes. 


What a delightful project!


That is an idea I can get behind!  Very clever.


Thank you.


I totally agree with justasque.  What a fun excuse to go back and watch those!  Don't forget to post pictures for us! 


I will post pictures when it's ready.  Not many people can appreciate a project like this so I'll have to show it off to people that will.

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I want to come and stay in that room!!  What a lovely idea!


When I think of Miss Marple and that age I think of things being a little fussy - maybe a few lace doilies on all the surfaces.  Also can you find a pair of vintage eyeglasses to leave next to the books?  What about setting out a really pretty flowery tea set on a little table?  A wing chair with a little footstool (with a crocheted top.) 


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MidSomer Murders is a great show for checking out Old English Country decor.  I'd think that you want to avoid those electric fireplace things that seemed to be so popular at one time in England.


I think that the general theme of old English homes is "clutter."  Enjoy compiling your own special clutter!

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I think it would also be fun to strew items with a few direct references to Miss Marple and/or the novels.  For example, you could do a mock-up of a church bulletin from St. Mary Mead, or you could have a few small picture frames arranged on a table or bookshelf, with pics of the various actresses playing Miss Marple, or work in items that feature highly in one of the novels.  And of course, it would be nice to have a small bookshelf holding a collection of the books, in a mix of editions as vintage as possible.

Then of course you have to open a bed-and-breakfast.  :-)  
Once you've decorated the Miss Marple room, you can move on to other cozy mystery detectives.

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I think it would also be fun to strew items with a few direct references to Miss Marple and/or the novels. For example, you could do a mocked-up of a church bulletin from St. Mary Mead, or you could have a few small picture frames arranged on a table or bookshelf, with pics of the various actresses playing Miss Marple, or work in items that feature highly in one of the novels. And of course, it would be nice to have a small bookshelf holding a collection of the books, in a mix of editions as vintage as possible.



This is what I was thinking. Also a basket of knitting like Stripe suggested. How fun to come up with all sorts of subtle references to the books!

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I'm sure she doesn't use a magnifying glass, but I could see hanging a shallow shadowbox with 3 or 5 vintage-looking magnifying glasses in it. Sort of the detective angle, even though it doesn't directly apply. Or maybe just set one on some books...


Is there are quote you could print out and frame--something she frequently says?


How about framing a map of the region where she lives?

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