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To the negative rep leaver coward....do you honestly think...

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Which post was this on?


I've gotten neg rep for using the word "Ebil" ("ebil is not a word"--like duh, I know that you moron, it's a play on the word), for the thread about leaving your son alone "ouch" was all they said. I've been called "mean", "nasty", "YOU are always juvinile"...


Cowards. Whoever you are, you are a coward. Leave your name, it means more. Or like Kristine said, call it out in the thread. Don't be so moronically stupid to think your neg rep point means anything to us when you sign in anonymously.


Sorry Kristine. Hopefully now the Admins take seriously my post about this.

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I agree!!!

I don't mind disagreeing with anyone here - I never take it personally.

In fact - I can't remember if it was needleroozer or battlemaiden who has the audacity to think cloned cows are OK....... ;-) ..........but obviously I couldn't care less that we heatedly disagreed because I can't even remember who it was.....although I do think it was battlemaiden. It was a fun enthusiastic discussion and I learned a ton of information from it....I don't think anyone walked away with hurt feelings.


I love that we are all so fiercely opinionated and we stand by our opinions. Sometimes - I will even change mine if someone shows me a new perspective.


I wrote the webmaster about some petty BS comment someone left for me - s/he erased it.


I refuse to participate in HS drama. I don't even know how to rep someone and I never will.

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But you know, you must be getting an awful lot of positives because if you pull up the membership list and click on reputation you will find yourself on the first page. In fact, if you discount the admins (who get to control the rep!!:D) you are at #8 on the list. So, somebody likes you!!! If the negs pull you down a few points and yet you are still at #8, more people like your posts than dislike them.


I just don't see the big deal with the neg reps. They just don't bother me.

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It bothers me because it's over stupid stuff and there's no need for it. The last one was "judgmental" because I posted that my kids were sick and wanted to know if I should cancel a get together and talked about another family bringing their sick kids to a Bible study. I've since taken out that part on my original post, but someone is just leaving these remarks to get others of us riled up and I'm tired of it. It's out of meanness and because they can. I thought we registered here to get rid of spam. This sure seems like internet forum spam to me.



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You know, I think this is getting to be like feeding the trolls. When they do these things to any of us, only we see them, don't we? Aren't our rep points on our personal control panel viewable only by us? I do think that this *might*, perhaps, be better than a whole board full of people seeing a bad comment and jumping on the bandwagon to also sling mud, maybe....


So, if we just emailed the moderator whenever this happens, but ignored the childish person doing it, wouldn't that tend to spoil their fun and make them more likely to stop? I mean, don't you think they're getting a kick out of seeing their comments made famous by having them revealed to all, who would otherwise know nothing about them?


I absolutely don't understand how anyone can sign in anonymously...??? What's that about??? I thought that at least our moderators could see our whatever you call 'em numbers that show who we are, even if we use different names.... Isn't that true on this board like the last? Sorry, but I am incredibly fuddy-duddy with regard to computer technology....



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Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know you could even tell unless you got more green boxes, such as the moderators had at first (and I think SWB still has). I know that whenever anyone tells me that they've been unfairly treated like that, I tend to give them rep points in order to try to counteract it, so I'm sure others do, too. So the bad folks are working against themselves, LOL,



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I absolutely don't understand how anyone can sign in anonymously...??? What's that about??? I thought that at least our moderators could see our whatever you call 'em numbers that show who we are, even if we use different names.... Isn't that true on this board like the last? Sorry, but I am incredibly fuddy-duddy with regard to computer technology....





People do need to register, that means that whoever is doing it, is a registered user and surely the moderators can look deep into their computer and figure out who the culprits are. Maybe it's someone who posts among us all the time and is just doing it, yet to draw attention and sit back and laugh. I visit plenty of other websites similar to this exact same set up and none of them have scales. OK, I'll get off my soapbox here and quit feeding the trolls.


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You have shared multiple times your feelings on this, and I couldn't agree more. I had hoped the powers that be would have responded by this point. I think allowing anonymous, negative "reps" is a poor reflection on the standards of this community. This is the way the system works right now, though. Every time you start a new discussion lamenting this, you're drawing attention to the fact that you're receiving negative rep points, which to me seems somewhat odd. After all, as Kelli said, not a soul would know about it if you just let it go. Rise above it. Stop feeding the trolls, so to speak (and as Regena just remarked in her post).

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But you know, you must be getting an awful lot of positives because if you pull up the membership list and click on reputation you will find yourself on the first page. In fact, if you discount the admins (who get to control the rep!!:D) you are at #8 on the list. So, somebody likes you!!! If the negs pull you down a few points and yet you are still at #8, more people like your posts than dislike them.


I just don't see the big deal with the neg reps. They just don't bother me.


I think it's folks like me, who post way too much (I need a board intervention..lol), yet I'm way down at the bottom in rep points. I guess that means I'm invisible and my posts neither elicit positive nor negative reactions. So, this really does feel like high school and I'm once again the weird girl, the popular kids walk right past. :p

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Every time you start a new discussion lamenting this, you're drawing attention to the fact that you're receiving negative rep points, which to me seems somewhat odd. After all, as Kelli said, not a soul would know about it if you just let it go. Rise above it. Stop feeding the trolls, so to speak (and as Regena just remarked in her post).


I heartily agree. The fact that it's an anonymous note tells you exactly how much credence you should give it: none. Zero. Zip.


And Kelli in TN has a good point--it's obviously not damaging your cred any. Just let it go. We all get them. We all roll our eyes :rolleyes: and ignore them.

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I think it's folks like me, who post way too much (I need a board intervention..lol), yet I'm way down at the bottom in rep points. I guess that means I'm invisible and my posts neither elicit positive nor negative reactions. So, this really does feel like high school and I'm once again the weird girl, the popular kids walk right past. :p



Jenny, Even though it might adversely affect my reputation among the popular girls....sigh...I am going to let you sit at my lunch table today. Okay? Sit down. Are you going to eat your tater tots? Can I have them?:)

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I'll go off on a tangent and just ask how your kids are. Any better? Sorry for the sickies -- I hate being cooped up with the sickies!


They're doing ok, thanks for asking. Sorry to hear about your sister.


Ot, why didn't my title change? I edited it!


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Jenny, Even though it might adversely affect my reputation among the popular girls....sigh...I am going to let you sit at my lunch table today. Okay? Sit down. Are you going to eat your tater tots? Can I have them?:)


That is too funny :D

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I mean, starting from potatoes, a peeler, and your standard pantry, could you actually end up with tater tots?


Or do you need a factory and ten chemicals derived from butane to do it?


I have a feeling it's the 10 chemicals derived from butane that are so darn tasty :p. And I've got to tell you, I haven't been able to chop onions without thinking of Isaac in his goggles ever since you posted that picture of him awhile ago. And when my eyes water I think of what a smart boy you have :D.


Tater Tots

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in fact, I'm just figuring out the "system" now!), it would seem more appropriate to send that individual a Private Message, if there was something that they posted that another individual strongly disagreed with.


I can see where the positive rep. thing can have its benefits, but I think I'm going to leave negative reps alone and try to focus on the positive. If I have a strong difference with an individual, I'd rather "talk" to them privately about it.


Just my .02 worth! Overall, though, I'm getting used to these boards; it was a bit difficult for me at first!

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I mean, starting from potatoes, a peeler, and your standard pantry, could you actually end up with tater tots?


Or do you need a factory and ten chemicals derived from butane to do it?

Well here's a recipe for homemade tatertots, but I think you'd have to be pretty driven to go to this much trouble; just have mashed potatos and be done with it!



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The way I see it, there are going to be people in life who disagree with you. Yes, those people may be jerks/clueless/whatever. You can't make everyone happy. If you are getting mostly good reps, then it is easy to ignore the bad ones. If, however, you are getting a whole bunch of bad reps, mabye it is time for some introspection. ;)


Like others have said though, the whole rep thing just isn't that big of a deal. It won't affect what college your kids get into or whether or not you will be accepted into your local country club.


I'm off to eat some tater tots now. Yuummm!

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If you are getting mostly good reps, then it is easy to ignore the bad ones. If, however, you are getting a whole bunch of bad reps, mabye it is time for some introspection.
What if you don't get any reps? Hmm... if you post but don't get any reps, does that mean you don't really exist? Or that you're in some kind of dual-reality where you just think you're posting on a board with other "real" people? Is this whole thing just a sham?


Just being silly.

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What if you don't get any reps? Hmm... if you post but don't get any reps, does that mean you don't really exist? Or that you're in some kind of dual-reality where you just think you're posting on a board with other "real" people? Is this whole thing just a sham?


Just being silly.


You can come sit at my table, since Jenny's already here anyway. I am going to lose all my standing with the popular kids if I keep doing this.


Are you going to eat your cookie? Can I have it?:)

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"- I can't remember if it was needleroozer or battlemaiden who has the audacity to think cloned cows are OK....... ;-) "


whoa nelly. Wasn't me, wasn't me. I have no idea what you're talking about.


But I agree that the negative reps should come with explanation- if they must be used at all.



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You can come sit at my table, since Jenny's already here anyway. I am going to lose all my standing with the popular kids if I keep doing this.


Are you going to eat your cookie? Can I have it?:)


Kelli, that's twice you've made me LOL. And hungry...but I'll give you my Frosty if I can sit at your table. I've also got some good coffee :o.

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Kelli, that's twice you've made me LOL. And hungry...but I'll give you my Frosty if I can sit at your table. I've also got some good coffee :o.



Alright then. Give me some rep and I will make sure nobody beats you up at recess!


And with that, I must bid this fun goodbye. There are children in this house who have not completed their math, their history or their grammar. They are complaining because the public and private schools are all closed due to the tornado(tornadoes?). But I am a cruel taskmaster and as long as our books didn't blow away, we carry on!

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Hey Kristine... take solace in the fact that whoever is doing this, their little plan isn't working because not only am I the top poster on this board, but I'm also #1 in rep points!! BWHAHAHAH...


I honestly think it's the same person or group of people though. In the religion thread--I just got a gray square (which tells me it's a relative newb) and a comment "waaaah".


Whoever they are thinks they are big and strong and hawt for slinging all this neg rep around. :) Except they will soon realize.. wait, I can't say that here...


Anyway, Kristine--just start emailing a Mod. It's gotta be a newb. Too many gray squares are popping up.

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Hey Toni!

I 'll leave a negative rep for you for continually griping about negative feedback and cowards. I know you like it rough ;) But i 'll leave my name and call you out in the thread so it will mean more :-)


how do you like your eggs? LOL!


i gotta wait 24 hours from slinging rep around, but it'll be there just for you, hee hee.

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I agree!!!

I don't mind disagreeing with anyone here - I never take it personally.

In fact - I can't remember if it was needleroozer or battlemaiden who has the audacity to think cloned cows are OK....... ;-) ..........but obviously I couldn't care less that we heatedly disagreed because I can't even remember who it was.....although I do think it was battlemaiden. It was a fun enthusiastic discussion and I learned a ton of information from it....I don't think anyone walked away with hurt feelings.


I love that we are all so fiercely opinionated and we stand by our opinions. Sometimes - I will even change mine if someone shows me a new perspective.


I wrote the webmaster about some petty BS comment someone left for me - s/he erased it.


I refuse to participate in HS drama. I don't even know how to rep someone and I never will.


What??????:eek: Cloned cows?!?! :eek: That wasn't me, but now I am really laughing hard!!:p

I do love you, Doran!:D

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