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Prayers appreciated... - updated


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Hi ladies


Not sure what's wrong, which makes it all worse. Maybe it's nothing but we decided to be on the safe side anyway.


almost 2yo toddler is a GREAT sleeper, never been an issue at night unless she looses her pacifier and needs us to find it. Tonight she was crying and restless, but has had a cold which I figured was the issue, so I got in and cuddled with her, but she just wouldn't settle. She obviously wanted to sleep, was happy to lie with me, but kept squirming.


After about a half hour she began rolling onto her tummy, and I eventually got out of her that her bottom hurt (though, being almost two years old, I'm not sure how accurate that assessment is!) I took her into our room and had her on her tummy on top of me where she was fairly quiet. I tried to put her onto her back and she started crying like it hurt. So I figured she was gassy or perhaps a little constipated, and decided to give her a shower.


In the bathroom I put her down and she tried to walk, and was walking funny, really unsteady with her legs wide apart. Upon taking her pyjamas off we discovered that one of her feet was slightly swollen, red, and warm to the touch. She pulled it away whenever we tried to look at it, but it didn't appear to be twisted in any way.


DH decided better safe than sorry and has taken her up to emergency (we don't have an after hours doctor here, except the one who does home visits and can take hours to get to you) and I am here at home with the other two, wishing I was there with her. She's an odd little girl sometimes, especially when she's upset. She's the kid who doesn't want anyone touching her when she is upset, and I just know she won't be as settled with daddy as she would with me, but I am unable to drive and someone has to be with the other children. It didn't seem to warrant packing everyone into the car...


I don't suppose anyone has some diagnosis suggestions to put this mama's mind at ease that it's probably nothing... I can think of reasons for bottoms to hurt, and reasons for lying on your back to hurt, and reasons for your foot being swollen, but not too many reasons which explain all three... Prayers would be appreciated.

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Praying for your little girl's health, for you to have peace, and for the doctors to have wisdom. Praying comfort for your daughter, and peace and wisdom for your husband as he navigates the ER with an uncomfortable little one. Keep us posted!

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Sometimes I hate living in a country town. Apparently there are no doctors actually in the ER tonight, just nurses.


DD was bright and chirpy. Our kids aren't the sort of kids who act cranky or sick even when they are (something which has been a problem before. I remember taking my eldest in once and the nurse was like, oh, she has a fever of 104F? Well, she's smiling, so she must be fine, you're just worrying, don't you know the newest research says the level of the fever is irrelevant, it's the way the child is coping which indicates a problem. ugh.)


The nurse looked at her foot, said it was swollen etc, but when she poked and prodded didn't get any strong reaction from DD. DD walked on it and was unsteady but was bearing the weight well enough. (obviously the nurse was just checking for a break... I already knew it wasn't broken). The nurse said it wasn't bad enough to call the doctor in, and sent her home with some panadol (kind of like our version of aspirin). None of this addresses her bottom or the lying down issue.


I'm not happy. Sending her home with no idea what is wrong, just that 'it's not bad enough' seems wrong to me. Unfortunately the next closest hospital is very understaffed, and we wouldn't be seen until about 6 or 7 in the morning (it's 2:30am now), which is when our local hospital's doctor comes on shift anyway.


She seems ok about being on her back so I am telling myself that it was probably some bad gas pains, plus a twisted ankle since DH says the first time she woke up, she was out of bed, so she may have done something while getting down (I'm ruling out bug bite because she has no lump i can see, and she was in a onesie with feet on it, since it's winter here. If it was a bug bite it would have had to happen before she went to bed, so we should have known about it before 1am.) 


Hoping that is all it is, but I'm still not entirely happy. Note that neither constipation or a twisted ankle were suggested by the nurse, basically all the nurse cared about was checking to see if it was broken apparently. I hate our hospitals...


Going to try get some sleep, with DD in our room so she can wake us if she needs to again (when she came home she decided she was ready for bed, asked for her blanket, said goodnight and kissed me, then said 'go away', lol. Like I said, she's a funny little thing) She's sleeping now, so I can't do much more tonight.



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