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The brown stuff on the back of my bathroom door...


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I know, that I know, that I know, that it is chocolate.  I watched DS get down from his chair with his chocolate covered hands and head toward the bathroom.  I mean, I know that it is chocolate so why does it make me cringe?  I have such a sensitive stomach.   :banghead:

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LOL!  A couple of months ago my 7yo said, "Mom, I have chocolate in my underwear!"  WTH!!???  You KNOW where my mind went.  And my sister was there too, thinking, "gosh, so much for them being potty trained!"  But seriously, it was chocolate.  I never did get a clear explanation of why she thought shoving chocolate into her drawers seemed like a good idea.  Not sure I want to know.

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All I know is that if I was Joy, I would have never wanted to use a toothbrush again.



Oh no, it was Joy who used Simon's toothbrush. She didn't use her own because THAT would have been gross. Fortunately Simon was only about 20 months old, so he has no recollection. :D

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LOL! A couple of months ago my 7yo said, "Mom, I have chocolate in my underwear!" WTH!!??? You KNOW where my mind went. And my sister was there too, thinking, "gosh, so much for them being potty trained!" But seriously, it was chocolate. I never did get a clear explanation of why she thought shoving chocolate into her drawers seemed like a good idea. Not sure I want to know.

Ah, see?! Perfect teaching moment... "Kids, no chocolate near your vagina OR your vulva!"


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Joy was about 3.5, Simon was around 19-20 months, and Theodore and Alvin were roughly 6 and 5 months old. This was pre-Faith pregnancy.


As I recall it was after lunch and I was trying to get everyone down for naps. Joy was amusing herself quietly while waiting for me to come back downstairs to read to her after doing the change diaper, bottle/nurse, tuck into bed routine with all her little brothers. She was under strict orders to not do anything noisy.


Mission accomplished upstairs, I came down to get Joy ready for her nap. Usually she waited on the couch with a pile of stories and we would snuggle up and read. She wasn't in her usual spot, so I went looking for her. I found her in the bathroom, painting poop on every surface in the bathroom with her LITTLE BROTHER's toothbrush. She was exhibiting quite an artistic flair, too. I could recognize a tree and a family like ours and various suns and swirls. There may have been some early attempts at hearts, as well. All done in poop.


After the shock and horror wore off I had the presence of mind to ask her why she had used her brother's toothbrush rather than her own. She looked at me as though I had grown two heads and patiently explained that it would be too icky to brush her teeth if she had used her own. She grimaced when I asked her if Simon would like using a yucky toothbrush any more than she would. She said something that was the equivalent of, "Better him than me." If I hadn't had to spend the next two hours cleaning and disinfecting the bathroom from top to bottom, I would have laughed myself into the funny farm. She was cleaned up, strongly admonished to never do it again, and sent to bed without any stories.

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Joy was about 3.5, Simon was around 19-20 months, and Theodore and Alvin were roughly 6 and 5 months old. This was pre-Faith pregnancy.


As I recall it was after lunch and I was trying to get everyone down for naps. Joy was amusing herself quietly while waiting for me to come back downstairs to read to her after doing the change diaper, bottle/nurse, tuck into bed routine with all her little brothers. She was under strict orders to not do anything noisy.


Mission accomplished upstairs, I came down to get Joy ready for her nap. Usually she waited on the couch with a pile of stories and we would snuggle up and read. She wasn't in her usual spot, so I went looking for her. I found her in the bathroom, painting poop on every surface in the bathroom with her LITTLE BROTHER's toothbrush. She was exhibiting quite an artistic flair, too. I could recognize a tree and a family like ours and various suns and swirls. There may have been some early attempts at hearts, as well. All done in poop.


After the shock and horror wore off I had the presence of mind to ask her why she had used her brother's toothbrush rather than her own. She looked at me as though I had grown two heads and patiently explained that it would be too icky to brush her teeth if she had used her own. She grimaced when I asked her if Simon would like using a yucky toothbrush any more than she would. She said something that was the equivalent of, "Better him than me." If I hadn't had to spend the next two hours cleaning and disinfecting the bathroom from top to bottom, I would have laughed myself into the funny farm. She was cleaned up, strongly admonished to never do it again, and sent to bed without any stories.


:lol:  :lol:   Hopefully Simon doesn't know this story or he may have a case of Odontarrupophobia (the fear of brushing or cleaning your teeth).  At least she did it with style.

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:lol: :lol: Hopefully Simon doesn't know this story of he may have a case of Odontarrupophobia (the fear of brushing or cleaning your teeth). At least she did it with style.


Oh, he knows that story! :D. No dental hygiene phobias, either, so he hasn't been scarred for life.


Yes, she certainly did do it with style! That is one of the few hilarious Joy stories we can pull out and dust off from time to time. She is actually our most straight-laced child, so I am delighted to have a little ammo in the parental blackmail bag for future use.

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Oh man. That would be bad. A friend had a child color all over her new sofa with black sharpie. She was beside herself.


That happened here too. Brand new. *sigh* 


That was so long ago you can't even see where the sharpie was now. :laugh: 

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