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This is a long shot on this board, but what to expect at Child Support hearing in Texas?


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As the date gets closer (late August), I get more anxious.


I *think* he's the one in trouble; he will be 5 digits in arrears by the time the hearing happens. He was "served", I was given notice by mail.


But I am still not quite over the trauma of the 4 year long battle, and the lack of sense so much of it made.


I did a search, and our original Judge has died (she was sick when we had the battle).


I know that the arrears will not be lowered (unless I agree, and I won't) but that modification may happen ongoing. Some things I read indicate that him not trying to have it modified might even be an issue (for him, not me).



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If my sister's experience is any indication, as long as he comes to court with a little money and a promise to do better . . . then absolutely nothing will happen. 


Her ex is in 6 digit arrears.  He did lose his driver's license, but drives anyway.  He is self employed and lives very well, but that keeps his wages from being garnished.  He has all of his new family's assets in his new wife's name and is generally an all around crappy guy. 


But nothing of any real consequence ever happens in the child support hearings.  He gives a sob story.  They set another hearing date 3 or 6 months into the future to see if he can do any better, he doesn't do better but brings a new and improved sob story next go round . . . rinse, repeat ad nauseam. 


She eventually gave up trying to collect.  She was losing too much time away from work going to hearings without collecting any child support to make up for the lost wages.  Boo. Hiss. 


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I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been so negative. The words "Texas" and "child support" make me so frustrated on my little sister's behalf. I hope all goes well at your hearing.


I know you are in a different county than I am. I hope your judge is much more proactive than my sister's is.


Good luck!

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I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been so negative. The words "Texas" and "child support" make me so frustrated on my little sister's behalf. I hope all goes well at your hearing.


I know you are in a different county than I am. I hope your judge is much more proactive than my sister's is.


Good luck!



{{{hugs for your sister}}}


I have talked to some people locally - guys I know have had struggles and each and every one of them mention "jail" is possible.


Since he is not working (my xh), I wouldn't hate that outcome.


His SSN is flagged: I get all tax returns and any income will be garnished. I haven't gotten a 2013 tax return, but I did get one for 2012 last summer. As of yet, he has not filed for SS retirement (he is old enough) but I've been given mixed info on whether than can be garnished.


Maybe I'll email the Guardian Ad litem who was on the custody case. I have a good relationship with him, and MY wages are garnished by him to pay my half of his (court appointed) services for the unwanted, needless, life altering custody battle.



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And this too, shall pass. 




I volunteered as a GAL when I lived in Florida.

My hubby and I also had exes that did NOT pay child support.

His ex had 11 jobs in one year and all she had to do was pay over half of what was owed and the cycle would start all over again.

My ex has a well paying job and his check was garnished and his tax return taken.


Those years were pure hell. The kids are grown and on their own now, thankfully.



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