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Pesky last 5 pounds...


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please go away.  I'm almost down to my pre-pregnancy weight.  It only took 14 years. :tongue_smilie: These last 5 pounds are hanging on for dear life though.  I cannot complain to people IRL, because people just don't want to hear the "skinny" girl complaining about 5 pounds.  Unfortunately, the people that know me now, never knew me at the 190lb person I used to be, and this makes them unsympathetic.  I know I just need to up my activity level more, but it's hot out there and I can't get motivated to use the treadmill.  Anyone have a suggestion on how to make the numbers go down again or should I just embrace the 5 lbs and consider it close enough?

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please go away.  I'm almost down to my pre-pregnancy weight.  It only took 14 years. :tongue_smilie: These last 5 pounds are hanging on for dear life though.  I cannot complain to people IRL, because people just don't want to hear the "skinny" girl complaining about 5 pounds.  Unfortunately, the people that know me now, never knew me at the 190lb person I used to be, and this makes them unsympathetic.  I know I just need to up my activity level more, but it's hot out there and I can't get motivated to use the treadmill.  Anyone have a suggestion on how to make the numbers go down again or should I just embrace the 5 lbs and consider it close enough?



Are you tracking calories?  If so, how many do you eat?  How long have you eaten at a deficit?  Sometimes people need to stop dieting, track calories for maintenance, and stay there for a month or two and then drop again in order to lose.  



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Are you tracking calories?  If so, how many do you eat?  How long have you eaten at a deficit?  Sometimes people need to stop dieting, track calories for maintenance, and stay there for a month or two and then drop again in order to lose.  




I have never been a calorie tracker.  I don't intentionally live in a deficit.  I just eat when I am hungry and don't when I am not.  I could probably give up my couple of pieces of chocolate and spoonfuls of peanut butter and substitute some fresh veggies/fruit to see if it helps.


You can try cutting sodium and see if it's water weight.


Hmmm...  That might work, but I have to intentionally increase my sodium intake to keep my blood pressure up beyond pass out levels.  Maybe a switch to unsalted nut choices wouldn't hurt as long as I tracked my blood pressure.  I have naturally low blood pressure and I am taking a medicine for restless leg that can lower it even more.  I've been on the medicine for about 6 wks now and that side effect doesn't happen as often any more.  Nothing like trying to stand up quickly when your bp is 80/50.


Also, a run of low carb might do the trick. 


Low carb is how I lost the weight to begin with.  I finally got to a point that I just couldn't get below and the pounds crept back on (not much though).  Since then, I have gone to a dairy free vegetarian diet and the weight that I had gained fell back off.  Now I am plateauing again.  I need to do better about keeping my lunchtime carbs down though.  Make myself some salads instead of eating leftovers from dinner (normally my higher carb/grain serving meal).  Breakfast could use some improvement as well with some eggs and spinach instead of peanut butter on a rice cake. 


Congratulations! Try gluten free. Accept the fact that this just might be your ideal weight. (Sorry)


Thanks.  Never had a problem with gluten or any GI symptoms that would indicate one.  You are probably right about the ideal weight, but gosh darnit, I want to declare myself to officially be at my prepregnancy weight.

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I would try tracking calories if you aren't already.  But you might just have to be very, very patient.  I've lost 39 lbs so far this year and the closer I get to my goal, the slower it goes!  It is coming off though.


Congrats on the weight loss!  Keep up the good work!  I am trying to be patient, really I am.  I also am going to try to remind myself that the childless me was also very out of shape and that the muscle I carry now from taekwondo has to account for some of the extra pounds.

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Thanks.  Never had a problem with gluten or any GI symptoms that would indicate one.  You are probably right about the ideal weight, but gosh darnit, I want to declare myself to officially be at my prepregnancy weight.

 I didn't know I had a gluten problem. When I plateaued at 40 pounds overweight for over a year someone suggested I drop gluten and I started losing weight again. I had no other symptoms.


I was about 100 pounds overweight before I became pregnant. I'm very grateful not be at my pre-pregnancy weight now.  ;)

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Hmmm...  That might work, but I have to intentionally increase my sodium intake to keep my blood pressure up beyond pass out levels.  Maybe a switch to unsalted nut choices wouldn't hurt as long as I tracked my blood pressure.  I have naturally low blood pressure and I am taking a medicine for restless leg that can lower it even more.  I've been on the medicine for about 6 wks now and that side effect doesn't happen as often any more.  Nothing like trying to stand up quickly when your bp is 80/50.



I also have low bp and eat extra salt. I guess I was thinking that if you knew it was water weight you could accept it, not that you would eat too little salt and not feel well.  :)

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I'm totally there with ya and no, no one wants to hear the (relatively) skinny girl complain about weight loss. I was steadily losing 1-2 lbs a week and then I stopped cold. I also decreased thyroid meds at the same time and started benadryl. I stopped the benadryl as I had read that it can lead to weight gain and I went down a bit but 1.5 weeks later I'm still not back to really losing. I'm feeling better though, much better. I have good energy and am able to sleep better. So, I decided to start tracking my food again to see if I'm missing anything and focus on feeling well and increasing my fitness level. I'm also hoping to hear back about my thyroid as well as I had it retested, who knows. I can however increase my strength and endurance. I can *try* to be accepting and love my body as it is now (don't always succeed at that one). Our bodies change as we get older for better and worse.


I was reading this the other day irt maintenance vs weight loss and found it resonanted with me. 

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Well I took the first step into trying to up the physical exercise part.  I stopped staring at the the treadmill that has been in its down position for two weeks (prior to that it spent a good solid year plus with a Lego table underneath it so it couldn't be lowered) and I actually got on the thing.  I was steaming some eggs, which takes 16 minutes from dropping the basket in to throwing them in the ice water, so I decided that I could walk slowly on the treadmill for 15 minutes.  Heck, if my 10yos could walk on it, I could too.  Yeah, 3 minutes and only .1 mile later I decided walking was for the birds and I kicked it up to a jogging pace of 4mph.  Then I realized I could actually maintain that speed for a little bit, so I kicked it up to 4.5mph.  I was keeping up with it.  :eek: So I kicked it up to 5mph for the last 2.5 minutes  (I was determined at that point to get the last tenth in for a complete mile).  I didn't have to walk at all from when I kicked it up to the 4mph mark! 


This may not seem huge to some people, but even when I was "running" I usually did a 4 minute run with a 1 minute walk in between, and that took 6-8 weeks of C25K to be able to do.  Skinny young me couldn't run(seriously, I could do as many push ups and pull ups as the boys but run a mile, not a chance), but apparently I can.  I haven't ran beyond warm up in practices since 2009?10? 


On a side note, probably should have put on shoes to accomplish this feat as now my feet are dirty and POed at me.  Walking on a treadmill is akin to walking on sandpaper. Maybe I will try socks next time.  Oh, and maybe my inhaler as I now feel the toddler sitting on my chest that I get when I stupidly forget to take it before a workout.

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I spend more time on plateaus than moving in either direction. :001_unsure:


Just about any kind of change up usually gets me moving back down again.  Even tracking calories for one week tends to reset my brain and stomach.  My most productive combination to date has been eating only real/whole foods (without calorie tracking) and weight lifting.

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right there with 5 lbs left to go.  And it won't go!!!!  I'm doing Weight Watchers.  And I've been stuck for a while now.  Some ideas the WW person gave me:

make sure to drink enough water now that it is the hot part of summer

watch hidden salt

change up what I'm eating.  Don't have the same type things day after day.  I tend to get stuck in a rut: salads for lunch for example. 

change up my exercise pattern.  Not necessarily add more, but change it:  add pilates or yoga, bike rather than walk, swim rather than run. 

lift weights

pay attention to sleep.  If we don't sleep well, cortisol levels can make it harder to lose weight. 

manage stress. 


A note about exercising and summer and me.....I tend to "puff up" when I exercise.  I retain fluid more in the summer anyway and if I exercise, it can make me get "puffy."  What I've found (nothing scientific here, just what works for me), is that I've got to add in more flexibility days to let my muscles recover.  And I need to drink more water.....


And yes, I'm trying to do most of these.  I know I'm drinking enough water to compensate for the 100+ temps out there this week.  I'm not stretching enough.  And those last 5 are NOT MOVING.  I don't know how old you are, but consider the role hormones might be playing to.   

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right there with 5 lbs left to go.  And it won't go!!!!  I'm doing Weight Watchers.  And I've been stuck for a while now.  Some ideas the WW person gave me:

make sure to drink enough water now that it is the hot part of summer

watch hidden salt

change up what I'm eating.  Don't have the same type things day after day.  I tend to get stuck in a rut: salads for lunch for example. 

change up my exercise pattern.  Not necessarily add more, but change it:  add pilates or yoga, bike rather than walk, swim rather than run. 

lift weights

pay attention to sleep.  If we don't sleep well, cortisol levels can make it harder to lose weight. 

manage stress. 


A note about exercising and summer and me.....I tend to "puff up" when I exercise.  I retain fluid more in the summer anyway and if I exercise, it can make me get "puffy."  What I've found (nothing scientific here, just what works for me), is that I've got to add in more flexibility days to let my muscles recover.  And I need to drink more water.....


And yes, I'm trying to do most of these.  I know I'm drinking enough water to compensate for the 100+ temps out there this week.  I'm not stretching enough.  And those last 5 are NOT MOVING.  I don't know how old you are, but consider the role hormones might be playing to.   


Thanks for the commiseration.  I definitely puff up during the summer.  During the winter my rings are big enough that they are almost dangerous to wear out of fear of losing them.  During the summer I have a hard time getting them on.  Maybe adding the treadmill in will be all that it takes to kick the body back into weight loss mode.  I've never been much for the yoga type of exercising, but we do some pretty good stretching at taekwondo.



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I'm in the same position, I lost 15 lbs when I had to cut out a bunch of stuff due to GERD but I could stand to lost 5-10 lbs more because I'm very petite and don't carry any extra weight well. I know for me I need to start exercising, that's the only way I'm going to do it, but I can't seem to stick to a routine.

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