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Snapping out of a bad mood


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I'm in a funk today. This is not usual for me and I'm not in the mood to deal with my bad mood! What are your favorite ways to jolly yourself out of a mood? My usual method involves ice cream or a glass of wine and neither is going to be an option tonight. DH is working the night shift, so I'm in for the night. Our lawnmower broke and our lawn is especially, um, luxurious at the moment which is giving the bugs a field day, so I'm not going outside to read (another favorite activity). 


Feel free to send me your best tricks! :-)



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I go somewhere solo (like, the bathroom!) and pray for a few minutes. And I also try to be extra kind and patient with myself and with my children!  I will tell my children that I am having a hard day and vocalizing seems to help.  


After they are in bed, I love a hot bath w/ essential oil/oil, epsom salts and a good book!

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Cup of tea, music turned up, kids in bed and a yellow legal pad to write on (story work).

Engaged in all the above except kids in bed, but they will be headed that way. Day two of kitchen demolition has left me tired and crabby, although it is going pretty well, all things considered.

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I was trapped by a particularly annoying train today.  Forward. Reverse. Forward. Reverse. Repeat for ten minutes!  It made me miss my manicure.  (I know "First World Problems", but it was only going to be my third one ever, it was a gift from my MIL and it's for my cousin's wedding.)


Anyhow.  We're studying the Book of James in my women's group so I kept repeating "slow to anger, slow to anger, slow to anger."  It helped me think about my frustration and focus on how I should be responding instead.  

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I'll do my Miracle Morning routine, even in the middle of the day. In other words, take time for myself, meditate, do affirmations/visualizations, exercise, journal a little and/or read (depending on how much time I have). Tends to help quite a bit. Positive podcasts help too, videos and such.


I used to go for the food... but I've figured out I usually feel worse after that, so trying to change my habits. Today might as well been an all day Miracle Morning, lol, but I'm feeling much better now than I was this morning.

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Thank you for all the great replies! It's just a combinations of things weighing on me and causing anxiety, which is making me unhappy. I had a cup of tea and worked on a fun knitting project for a bit, then e-mailed a friend. :-) 

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Another secular lady here. I like Jean's ideas but I'm not a Dr. Who fan, so I'd substitute a comforting TV show from your childhood and also suggest music that you secretly loved when you were a kid because the cool kids aren't there to laugh at you any more.


Do you still have a box of old love letters your dh wrote before you were married in a box in the back of your closet?


Reread them.


I see that you have a six year old. So do I. Wouldn't it be nice to have a list of your absolute favourite kids' books from your own childhood to share with him when he's older?


Make one.


Did you come up with one special one you especially want for the escapist book in Jean's list? Do you have a Kindle? Buy it or see if you can borrow it from Overdrive.


Feel a little bit better now?


If the Bible is one of your favourite books, read that too.

Sleep well. See you in the morning.

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Thank you! And Iron Ethel Flint, just reading your list made me smile. I'm going to reread and implement some of these suggestions over the weekend as I have a few difficult days ahead of me. 


I'm going to pull my Beany Malone books off of the bookshelf to reread - they're super light and fluffy 50's teenage books. 


I love Dr. Who and DH and I just started rewatching on Netflix so I'll be sure to remember that! I also may hunt for some fun light comedies, Frasier is always a soothing watch. 


I'm having lunch today with a good friend and breakfast with a different friend on Sunday. 


One of my stressors was lifted after having a good discussion with my boss this morning, so that is helping. 


DS came and crawled into bed with me for a good snuggle this morning, which is always a good way to start the day! He usually just comes in and tucks his panda into bed with us (so panda won't be lonely) and then goes downstairs to play for a bit until I get up.


Once we get through MIL's impending visit, I can relax a bit again. We're having some major stress with her and she said some very hurtful things on her last visit. DH and I are trying to work out how to address the situation with her and it's tough. I feel like I lost a good friend in her and it's not a good feeling.  

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take a moment to remember a time when you were peaceful.  picture where you were.  remember the sites, the sounds, the smell, the feel. 


this is your peaceful place.  


visit it in your mind often, until you can just "go" there quickly.


one day with my mother in law, i visited my peaceful place 26 times!


(mine is a pond on the big island where i swam with sea turtles.  i can hear the champagne bubbles popping, see the sunlight thru the water, see a turtle swimming up and past me....)


another trick i use is to fully focus on something in my environment and notice it, truly notice it. it might be a bird, a flower, a cloud.... it creates a mini-peaceful place right in the moment.  it only takes a minute or two until my breathing slows, and life is brighter.




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