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Exercise Thread ~ 7/13 - 7/19


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Ran 5 miles yesterday and 5 miles again today.  I also was able to practice some Yin yoga last night, and got in my push-ups, pull-ups and swings today. Today's run felt so good.  It was 55 out, and felt like spring instead of mid-summer.  


Where are you that it's 55?  I'm in Maryland and it was 73 at 6am!

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I woke up at 5 a.m. to doggie diarrhea all over my bedroom carpet. Everywhere.


My workout today turned into moving all the furniture out of the bedroom and ripping out the carpet.


Oh, no!  I'm SO sorry.  That's awful.

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Ha, I did t25 and mutu last night. I didn't modify too much on t25 last night, just the impact. I don't think this will be long term just because there is too much jumping but it works for now. It has actually been easier than I thought it would be, so perhaps I'm in better shape than I thought. Getting ready to do MuTu and tree climbing, ziplines and other assorted fun this evening. I seriously doubt I'll have time for a walk unless I'm able to get one while on a break at Day Camp but I didn't get a break yesterday so it seems unlikely. 

What do you think of T25? Is equipment required? I started with Kathy Smith, graduated to Taebo, graduated to P90X which I did 1 1/2 times, and now I'm on P90X3 because it only takes 30 minutes. I want to do Insanity(no equipment), but I'm just not there.

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I'm really trying to come up with an excuse not to work out today. My house is clean. The kids are down. I've eaten. I have a sports bra and workout shoes on. The house is pleasantly cool. On my list today is aerobics while carrying weights which is so easy I push myself really hard and then walk like an extra on Walking Dead the next day. I make similar noises too.

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Mon: Pilates class , aqua power workout (cardio and strength in pool)


Wed--strength, balance, stretch class, aqua power workout


The aquatics workouts really leave me tired, though. I don't know what it is about being in water, but I remember this feeling from when I was a kid in the pool all day. It seems to have a different quality than working out on land.

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The aquatics workouts really leave me tired, though. I don't know what it is about being in water, but I remember this feeling from when I was a kid in the pool all day. It seems to have a different quality than working out on land.


Because the water takes away the impact it substantially lowers your perceived exertion - but it doesn't actually take away the exertion, only the perception of it, so you do more than you would otherwise.  Same reason that walking at X heart rate for Y minutes feels easier than running at X heart rate for Y minutes.  In theory, the exertion is the same (controlled by heart rate and time) but with running you get a lot more impact and so you perceive it more.


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Mom-ninja- ICK!!!!!! At least there is an upside!


Slache- TBH from what I've done so far I liked p90x better. This is WAY more cardio and I like Tony Horton better as an instructor. Dh liked p90x better as well. I don't know how much we'll do. I plan on trying each one once but so far I don't believe it will be for me. It is a huge plus that it is only 25 minutes. 


Well, I'm back from our Go Ape adventure, we had a great time it was the perfect date for our anniversary. Good workout (we were there for nearly 3 hrs) and lots of fun. I wish it was a bit more extreme though. I didn't care for their zip=lines it was hard to get a good landing. 


Oh, and I hurt my shoulder on the monkey bars Tuesday and I'm still feeling it. I don't feel it all the time but when I raise my arms up or back I can. How do I know if it is just soreness from a muscle I don't often use or I pulled something? When I rub it the soreness feels like it is the back of the muscle, especially on the left side. 


Today will be MuTu and a hike with the kids at Day Camp. I *think* we'll be doing t25 this evening but I'm not positive since today is our official anniversary and we don't have anything planned as of yet I'm not sure. We might be ready to relax or we may take the canoe down to the river again. I slept later myself but not as well, the baby was away from me for 9 hrs so she wanted to nurse all.night.long and I was REALLY full and happy to oblige. I really want to get in a short kayak trip this week but I don't know when we'll have time. Dh has Boy Scout Training all day Saturday and we've already used our in-laws for babysitting this week, maybe next. I'm still dying to go rockclimbing. If I didn't have the baby waiting we would have hit that after we ate supper.

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OH, and it looks like we are doing the Warrior Dash. Dh talked to his boss about getting off that day (which will be tricky for stupid reasons of bureaucracy) and he also talked to his parents about babysitting.


So, I'm thinking of training. I don't do much running but when I have the last 4+ years I'm done it in my Vibrams. I really need new minimalist shoes to train in but I don't want to trash them using them for the Dash as there is deep mud there. I also really don't want to go back to running in regular shoes or do the run in something I've not trained in. I would just use my Vibrams since I want to replace them anyway BUT the ones I have aren't closed on top and I really don't think would be good for this kind of thing. Any ideas on some cheap minimalist shoes I can buy to train in and use for the race?

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Any ideas on some cheap minimalist shoes I can buy to train in and use for the race?


I like my Merrell vapor glove.   Some of the colors are cheaper than others at amazon.   Go to a shop and try them on first and see what you think.


I noticed you still haven't invited me to your house for a fun summer vacation.  :D

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I like my Merrell vapor glove.   Some of the colors are cheaper than others at amazon.   Go to a shop and try them on first and see what you think.


I noticed you still haven't invited me to your house for a fun summer vacation.  :D

I looked at the vapor glove and the different colors but I was hoping for something even cheaper for this tbh. Do you think they would recover from the mud? One guy at go ape had some Merrell trail run on and I liked the looks and size of them.


Umm, I'm forgetting the vacation joke but I'd totally love a visit :) You could teach me some of your moves. Or I could watch you in awe :)

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Went for walk/jog/sprint intervals this morning. 


Why does my knee bother me when I jog but not when I walk or sprint? Anyone? 


Just a guess, but when you sprint you are probably more up on your fore/mid foot and your leg muscles are more actively engaged and ready to spring.  When you jog you are probably doing more heel landing and your muscles are probably softer and so collapsing your weight a bit more, thereby putting more impact into your knee.  You might try shifting to a slow running style that more closely mimics your sprinting style.  Shift your weight more to your forefoot, avoid heel striking, and land more with your foot under you rather than in front of you.

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Still struggling along with my calf.  I think I pulled the other side of my calf muscle yesterday, sigh.  An enormously high pain threshold was helpful during childbirth.  Not so much with learning my limits.  


Mom Ninja- I would second what TammyS said about your running style.  Try jogging barefoot for a short stretch to really "see" what your form is like- or visit a fancy running shoe store that has you run on a treadmill and analyzes your gait.  

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Do you have the ball weights to do with the Leslie videos?  I have them (I don't have her brand, I got mine at Marshalls for just a few dollars).  You'd be surprised by the intensity that is added just by carrying two 1lb balls, especially when you start pushing them up over your head.


I'm sorry your knees are giving you problems.  That stinks.  Have you done any PT?  If not, you might Google PT exercises.  There are lots you can do at home for the cost of an exercise band ($5).  Even if you have no interest in running again, having those knees as strong as possible can only help.  Foam rolling your IT band (muscles on the outside of your thigh) is something that a lot of people find helpful.  Apparently lots of us get that muscle tight and it pulls on the knee and throws things out of whack, causing pain and injury.


Tammy, thank you for the encouragement and tips :).

I don't have Leslie's weights. I just use 3-pound weights and am fine with them. 

My knees have been giving me problems on and off for years. They feel best when I avoid high-impact altogether. I have done many knee exercises and they are useful, but again, I've done best when I stick to more gentle exercise. I've been thinking of getting a foam roller. 


not everyone should be doing super high intensity. Jumping a gazillion times or such is not something our bodies would naturally do. 


Anyway, my goal with exercise is to have fun and build my strength, flexibility and endurance. There are a lot of ways of accomplishing those goals and we have to start where we are at. We will never keep with anything that makes us miserable. 


We only get one shot at life, so we shouldn't be doing things we think we *should* do but things we want to do (and hopefully we find a way to make those go together)!

Love, love, love your post. :D


I own Callenetics express (?) . It has three short workouts, each for a different body area. And the warmup is the same for all three so you can skip them if need be.  I thought it might come in handy when it is 98 degrees and 90 percent humidity. But so far this has been an appropriate summer for the region. Prob won't happen again  for another 20 years though. I also own Super Callenetics, but I've never been able to try it. It's an hour long, slow and really hard. It's hard to find the gumption, you know?


And I am already falling into my TA inspired boredom, lol. That will get your legs tired, but I am not sure it does much for them. It's sure ain't Bar Method or Ballet Body or Pure Barre.


So, then I think, I should substitute the 15 mins in TA legs for 20 mins of Leah Sarago..... and this is why I never complete anything. 

You sound like me, or I sound like you when it comes to boredom.   

I have most of the Callanetics and have decided to do them more often. I think I notice a difference when I do them. Not sure, but I think so anyway. 

TA has never really appealed to me. 


So when I look on Amazon I am somewhat overwhelmed with all her videos. Are there any that are considered more challenging than others?

I have a list of my favorites (not with me right now). I can get back to you on that. I would definitely watch video clips of any first. I did this one this morning - 4 Miles - on youtube. Here's a 5-Mile one that I do often, but not my all-time favorite. I think you'll be able to find many on youtube. 


The aquatics workouts really leave me tired, though. I don't know what it is about being in water, but I remember this feeling from when I was a kid in the pool all day. It seems to have a different quality than working out on land.

Whenever I swim, and I should fit it in more often, I sleep so much better. 

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ok, so I did 60 mins TA. And today I listened to the little bit of chatter between sections (because I had my water already) and what do you know? She says that the entire leg section is designed to tire your legs out so the butt work will be more effective. So at least my observations were correct, lol.


Negin,I understand totally not finding TA appealing. I don't find her all that appealing but I am doing it, lol  Her workouts are good in the warm weather and I like that I have to pay total attention to it. With bar method etc as long as you are in the correct position you are going to feel the work. But with TA I personally feel like I get into more of a yoga zone. I can't zone out mentally if I want it to be effective. I have to be constantly thinking about how I perform each movement and what the rest of my body is doing. Right now that is appealing. For some reason it makes the workout go by faster.

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Negin,I understand totally not finding TA appealing. I don't find her all that appealing but I am doing it, lol  Her workouts are good in the warm weather and I like that I have to pay total attention to it. With bar method etc as long as you are in the correct position you are going to feel the work. But with TA I personally feel like I get into more of a yoga zone. I can't zone out mentally if I want it to be effective. I have to be constantly thinking about how I perform each movement and what the rest of my body is doing. Right now that is appealing. For some reason it makes the workout go by faster.

Thanks. At some point (I have some unopened DVDs), I may look into her workouts again. 

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Thanks. At some point (I have some unopened DVDs), I may look into her workouts again. 


To be clear, the reason you have to pay attention is that even when she is trying to give explicit instruction (as in Precision toning) she doesn't say all the things that other DVD trainers say. So, when I do the ab work she tells me how to move my leg, but she doesn't ever say "make sure you are keeping your opposite hip and shoulder pressed firmly into the mat or you aren't working as hard as you could be and you could strain your back." Or when doing all those leg lifts she doesn't say 'when you complete each rep, take a split second to really reset yourself back to the starting position or you aren't getting the full benefit of the exercise and your back could start to arch."


So, it could be that I find it more engaging because I have to continually ask myself if I am engaging as well as I could or if there are ways that I am slacking off etc.


Or it could be that she's just not that good.


Such is the eternal debate around Tinkerbell

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Just going to put this out there for thought. I love it. Moving is good for us but I think we've focused on "exercise" as the "fix" for our sedentary life and it is like putting a bandaid on a head wound. We've got to so much more active if we want to reverse and prevent the diseases of our age. I think that exercise can be a great gateway though to being more active in our life. It provides a little bit of a push to build strength and endurance whereas just being more active can be intimidating. Anyway, I find it inspiring to me as I'm feeling better and more able to get back my activity level, it sucks to have to build back up as I sometimes think I should be where I was but there was a lesson in it all for me.

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If you want cheap and trashable, how about a good old fashioned pair of Chuck Conners? The original minimalist shoes.

Chuck Taylor's? Truthfully when I did a muddy run I went to Goodwill and bought a pair of sneakers and tossed them when done. I do not have a picky foot though as long as the shoes are long enough.
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Denise Austin: Body Burn with Dance & Pilates - I really don't care for the dancing part, so I rebounded for that part. Love the pilates work in this.



Or it could be that she's just not that good.


Such is the eternal debate around Tinkerbell

I have no doubt that she's good. In fact, I believe that her workouts are great for many who post about the fabulous results (Video Fitness forums, etc.). It's just that every video clip I've seen, I hate to say it, I just don't really like her much. Jillian Michaels does that to me also, but in a different way. Fe Fit is quite popular now and some have said that they don't like her. I don't think I do either. I just think she's a a bit annoying. Many can't stand Denise Austin and find her annoying, whereas I like her a lot. And so on ... Mind you, if I really find the workout effective, I put all that aside.The actual workout is what's key for me. 


Want to look at this later. Thank you!

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WO, stretch, roll.   


My WO notebook is looking at me.   It is so demanding of my time and efforts.  Sometimes I want to rip the pages out and throw them in the trash.   However, I know it only has my best interests in mind.    Gah!   Today it feels like it's mocking me.   I better finish my coffee first.  :sneaky2:

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Got in an extra walk yesterday evening. Today plan is MuTu and a walk, perhaps t25 this evening. I've got a chance to go rock climbing tomorrow  (dh is going to the city for some training and we're thinking about going along) but if I do that means my whole day will be shot and my house is in desperate need of attention after 2 weeks of busyness. I'm so torn. I really, really want to go but a day at home sounds glorious as well.

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WO, stretch, roll.   


My WO notebook is looking at me.   It is so demanding of my time and efforts.  Sometimes I want to rip the pages out and throw them in the trash.   However, I know it only has my best interests in mind.    Gah!   Today it feels like it's mocking me.   I better finish my coffee first.  :sneaky2:


I can't remember for sure but isn't your WO notebook the style where you write what you've done and notes about how it went?  Or do you do a structured one in advance that you use to tell you what to do?


Yesterday was a foot up of day but I did manage to get in a 10 minute FB abs and obliques work out without pain- except to my abs:)  


Today I go back to the PT to figure out how badly I messed up the good side of my leg.  Very embarrassing/massively frustrating.

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Rieshy, you must be so frustrated. It's so hard to be patient with our bodies.


As for being active I do things on purpose to keep my daily activity level up. I don't sit a lot. Some days I do better. While doing lessons with the kids I walk around the room, bounce on a physioball, stand on a balance cushion, lean on the desk and do leg lifts, or stretch. My kids love it when I tell them to do some skill drill like math facts or phonograph sounds and for each one right I have to do a jumping jack or a pushup. If they get one wrong then they have to do it. I also throw in some skips or gallops.


In a book I recently read the author said to challenge yourself to come up with different ways of locomotion during the day. He suggested crawling both with stomach toward floor and then back toward floor. You can move same leg/same arm and then switch to opposite leg/arm. I like to do what I just call downward dog crawl. Get in down dog and just move forward and back.  


Some people may think I'm crazy for this but here's another change I've made. I got rid of my steam cleaner. I bought a regular old fashioned mop. That's what I use now. I get in a nice little workout from mopping. For deeper floor cleaning I actually get on my hands and knees and scrub the old fashioned way. However, I will say that I have kept, and do not plan, on ridding myself of my beloved vacuum! Maybe some day when I've gotten rid of wall to wall carpet from all rooms I'll give rug beating a try. Maybe. But I'll still keep a vacuum around. 


Let's see, I also make a point of making many small trips up and down my stairs. I carry folded laundry up in small piles. I carry up my coffee and then return to the kitchen for my phone. If I'm short on time I run the stairs. I also don't ask my kids to fetch things for me. I get up myself and get it. I stand while on the computer the majority of the time.


I don't have a food processor. My friend told me I'm nuts. If something needs to be grated, chopped, sliced, cut, mashed then I do it by hand. My kids love to mash things with the masher. I use my electric beater only if I truly can't get a smooth enough mix. I do use a mini blender for my smoothies though.


My dad offered to get us a blower. I declined. I'd rather use a broom and rake. We do have a riding mower though cause we have just over 2 acres. A push mower would literally take all day and a nice sunburn to boot.


So I try to do a lot with manual strength and activity, but it's still nothing compared to women back in the day before electricity.



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I can't remember for sure but isn't your WO notebook the style where you write what you've done and notes about how it went?  Or do you do a structured one in advance that you use to tell you what to do?


All my WOs are preplanned in advance.  I need to complete a certain proficiency before moving on to the next level.      


I'm almost done!  I feel like a rubber band.


Mom Ninja, yep!  All those little things add up.   

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