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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

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did morning walk

3 loads of laundry

pruned the mulberry tree

pruned roses

sat down for a minute this afternoon and woke up 2 hours later :ohmy:

made fish and bought chips to go with it for dinner

watched The Secret Garden with the kids

just waiting now for it to be late enough to send the kids to bed :toetap05:



4 more days until DH comes home

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It is absolutely gorgeous here this morning!


Today I will

--make corn tortillas for tonight's enchiladas (I pulled filling and sauce from the freezer yesterday)

--weep over the baby redbud tree damaged by the back-side-of-Arthur winds yesterday and trim what is left into a decent shape

--pick berries

--weed the fruit garden

--go to the library w the girls

--finish that gosh darn syllabus (I've been going through the official course description outline and checking to make sure I have every last bit covered. It's easier than doing it as we go through the year.)

--proofread the syllabus again

--submit the syllabus

--walk 3.5-5 miles, depending on the loop I choose

--finish my book :D

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Counting down with you, Melissa! I hope your dh takes you out for a nice, quiet, just the two-of-you dinner. Well, that's what "I" would want, you may want something totally different:)


We ended up with 34 people for our 4th of July party. Beautiful day, a tad windy. Dh tied the canopy/tent to the fence and it was a good thing, because the wind lifted it up and over the fence but it didn't go any further since it was tied down. 


I have today and most of tomorrow to recoup for next week, which is our church's day camp. I lead a class of 1-3rd graders from 9:15-3:15 Mon.-Fri. I will also have my two oldest grandsons here (11 &9 ) spending the week so they can attend day camp with us. It's a busy, exhausting week but a lot of these kids come from homes where they don't know the Lord, so, eternally speaking, it's worth it;) 


Need to run some errands, grocery store, a friend left some things behind after the party so dropping those off at her house.

Laundry that I didn't do yesterday because of party

Thinking through my week so that I can get out of the door every morning at 8:45 with four boys :willy_nilly: .


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Melissa--I know you can't wait!


Kelly--that's A LOT of people to have over! Sounds fun.



After I'm ready this morning, I'm heading to my dad's in TN. I'll stay until late tomorrow and come back to my sister's in north GA to spend the night and home Monday morning. Ds has a big evaluation at the ortho Monday afternoon, and I don't want to miss it.



I won't have internet at his house, so I'll check in with you girls tomorrow night or Monday. I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! 



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Good morning!

ds1 took the kids into practice this am, I feel like a lady of leisure. Later mil is taking ds3 and dd2 to a lunch and a movie and I am meeting a friend for wandering at an art festival and dinner later.


Random things to do:

read paper and drink coffee

do some laundry

general pick up

maybe quilt a bit if my machine is not cranky


Have a great day!


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I have lots of tackling to do today.


Done So Far:

Bedroom cleaned

Laundry/sheets put away

Luggage and travel supplies put away

Misc. stuff put away

Fermenting crock brought up


To Do:

Cook/freeze chicken for dd

Wrap rice cups

Start batch of sauerkraut

Finish/order yearbook

Help dds with bedroom cleaning

Help other dds with bedroom cleaning

More coffee

Clean kitchen

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Morning, everyone! 



Ds to driver's ed class



To do:

Finish decluttering master bathroom

gently nudge dh into cleaning out his side of closet

Drop donation bags off at Goodwill

Pick up ds from class

Lowe's to pick out new closet organizers


Afraid to plan much after that...it is so hot here that lazy lounging around sounds great. 




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I am frustrated and a bit mad.  A child did not obey me when I told her to take a wet towel down to the actual laundry room, hid it in some dirty clothes and now the whole lot is moldy.  I'm trying to save them now.  We'll see.  (And you know how often doing laundry is on my list so it's not because I don't keep up on the laundry.)

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Lots of weeping and gnashing of teeth here (not by me).  One child has $50 in library fines.  Their account has been frozen.  I had warned them repeatedly and they chose the "if I ignore it, it will go away" form of problem solving.  I am not going to bail them out.  All materials have to go back to the library and they cannot check anything new out until they find a way to pay off the fines (which they could do quickly if they set their mind to it).  

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It's Sunday now, but on my list is to 

Get out of bed (it's cold, there's no one else here and it's cold)

Go to the city

Buy cheese

Protest against the government

Reacquire my daughter

Drive all the way back again (only 2 hours, but a rather boring 2 hours)

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Books got taken back to the library.  

Child has an immediate way where they could earn half of the money for fines if he's motivated enough - we'll see if he is.  

Drove 40 minutes to get a t-shirt - a special t-shirt from last week's 5k race.

Spent a mind-blowing amount of money for athletic shoes for a child who really needs them.  The shoe salesman was shocked that the old shoes were about 2 years old.  When I saw the sticker for the new ones it reminded me of why it had been two years. . . . 

Got socks too.

Tried on some pants and got really depressed.  Did not buy them.


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Ist load washed twice with tons of oxy-clean.  One shirt is unsalvageable.  The rest in that load looks ok.  

2nd load being washed twice with tons of oxy-clean.  On second wash now.  

Took walk with dd and Rocky.  Talked about next year's school even though she didn't want to.  Got in my steps.

Ds got in his steps.


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Found ds' passport  :party:

2nd load in dryer

Got bills all gathered and matched together.  Some  portions have been paid so that will lower the amount due.  Phew!  Need to work on them some more tomorrow but I feel better for having worked on them some instead of putting them off yet again.

Got some stuff for tomorrow put in the crockpot.

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