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Kitchen-Aide mixers: Pro, Artisan or Classic?


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I *might* finally be able to get my kitchen-aide mixer that I have always wanted. I have a choice between the Pro, the Artisan and the classic. I am leaning towards the Artisan since it's seems middle road and I don't feel like I need the Pro plus I would be able to add the slicer/shredder attachment if I went with either the Artisan or the Classic models. The classic I could only get in white but the Artisan or the Pro I could get in the Empire Red or Cinnamon - and I really want a red one!


So, besides the speed are there are differences? I noticed that the classic doesn't tilt but the others do. Also, the artisan comes with the same attachments but I think in the Pro they are stainless steel. I think I would be fine for what i want to use it for to go with the Artisan and get the extra attachment which I think would come in handy.


Any advice? What model do you have and what do you like or don't like about it?



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I have a red artisan. LOVE IT and I use it for everything from shredding chicken, whipping mashed potatoes, mixing casseroles before dumping in a pan, to biscuit dough and baked goods.


No experience with the other models. Mine is 9 years old.


Thanks. Do you have the shredding attachment then too? Also, do you have the Empire Red or the Cinnimon. I am leaning towards the Empire Red  - which I am guessing is sort of fire truck red?

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Thanks. Do you have the shredding attachment then too? Also, do you have the Empire Red or the Cinnimon. I am leaning towards the Empire Red - which I am guessing is sort of fire truck red?

I just use the regular paddle attachment. Not a shredding attachment.


Pretty sure it is empire red...

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If you are going anywhere towards frequent bread making or double batches of cookies, you will tear right through the Artisan.


I have a professional one. I just replaced the worm gear- even the metal was shredded and honestly despite having it 12 years, that was really only 2 years of heavy use because I didn't have the time to bake stuff as much when I worked FT.


ETA- the newer Classics and Artisans are reportedly less sturdy than the older ones. Even the professional line has dropped in reputation. If I were buying a new mixer for bread and stiff doughs, I'd probably shop around a bit more.

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Thanks. Do you have the shredding attachment then too? Also, do you have the Empire Red or the Cinnimon. I am leaning towards the Empire Red - which I am guessing is sort of fire truck red?

I just use the regular paddle attachment. Not a shredding attachment.


Pretty sure it is empire red...

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If you want the mixer to stay on your counter and have an upper cabinet, check to make sure that the height of the mixer will fit under the upper cabinet.  Mine with a drop bowl is taller than the ones that tilt back and won't fit under some cabinets.  I got a second bowl which comes in handy.  I had a slicer/shredder but never liked using it..  I have pasta making attachments, however, that I love.

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There is now an attachment that has a rubber scraper attached. I keep meaning to buy it because it would come in dead handy. Also, if you have the $, consider buying a second bowl. During a holiday etc that is the ONE thing I really wish I had. I am forever having to stop and wash the bowl out to use it for something else.

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Well, the scraper means that you don't have to keep stopping to scrape out the bottom of the bowl. Scraping is just a fact of life of mixers, stand or hand held.  So it saves you time. There are apparently now two variations. There is a 'flex edge" and a 'beater blade'. So even more decisions to make, lol.


But neither is a necessity, just a nice thing to have. I have a particular brownie batter that always makes a really heavy coating on the bottom of the bowl that I have to really scrape off. And if I make chocolate cheesecake there always seems to be a bit of melted chocolate that settles at the bottom

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I have the Pro, and I really like it.  I do a lot of bread dough and similar stuff in mine, so I really need the extra durability.  I like the drop bowl, too- it's in there much more securely than with the other models, so I don't have all the bowl wobbling with thicker doughs.

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But neither is a necessity, just a nice thing to have. I have a particular brownie batter that always makes a really heavy coating on the bottom of the bowl that I have to really scrape off. And if I make chocolate cheesecake there always seems to be a bit of melted chocolate that settles at the bottom

An old restaurant trick that might help with this: don't fully engage the beater attachment and the beater will scrape the bottom of the bowl, thus eliminating or at least minimizing the stuff-stuck-on-the-bottom-of-the-bowl problem. :)

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If you want the mixer to stay on your counter and have an upper cabinet, check to make sure that the height of the mixer will fit under the upper cabinet.  Mine with a drop bowl is taller than the ones that tilt back and won't fit under some cabinets.  I got a second bowl which comes in handy.  I had a slicer/shredder but never liked using it..  I have pasta making attachments, however, that I love.




This is the reason I have an Artisan instead of a Pro.  I really wanted a Pro, cause I make a lot of bread, but they are just too tall to fit under my cabinets.

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I don't know the differences, but my mom gave me hers and I LOVE my Kitchen Aid- except mine doesn't have the head that tilts to give better access to the bowl, which I really find annoying. I definitely prefer the tilting top, and I don't want to put a chute on as it's just more space on the counter, more to wash and doesn't look as pretty. ;)

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If you are going anywhere towards frequent bread making or double batches of cookies, you will tear right through the Artisan.


I have a professional one. I just replaced the worm gear- even the metal was shredded and honestly despite having it 12 years, that was really only 2 years of heavy use because I didn't have the time to bake stuff as much when I worked FT.


ETA- the newer Classics and Artisans are reportedly less sturdy than the older ones. Even the professional line has dropped in reputation. If I were buying a new mixer for bread and stiff doughs, I'd probably shop around a bit more.


I make bread and double batches in my classic all the time and it's going strong.  I actually had to replace one of my blades at one point I was so rough on it.  My classic is 15 years old though.  I'm really hard on it. 


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I have the pro and I love it but it is huge, so if you have limited space definitely consider the size. I use it frequently but not quite as much as I used to. I have the shredder/slicer and I always shred cheese with it. I prefer using it over my food processor because the cleanup is so much easier.

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I make bread and double batches in my classic all the time and it's going strong. I actually had to replace one of my blades at one point I was so rough on it. My classic is 15 years old though. I'm really hard on it.


I think the key point is 15 years old vs. new.


All the time varies in meaning between kitchens too. I was mixing something very heavy/stiff 3+ times a week, quite often 6 times a week.

Bread baking forums and blogs are full of daily bread bakers who have shredded their kitchenaids in even less time. That's how I figured out how to fix mine. Sure enough when I opened it up, the grease was full of metal shavings and the worm gear just completely worn down. Mine was a wedding gift in 2002 but we really only used it a few times a month for the first 10 years of so. It was two years of heavy use that necessitated the repair. This whole breakdown/fix thing happened just a few weeks ago.

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Does anyone here even use the attachments such as the shredder/slicer with their KitchenAid?  I looked into them and they were so pricey that I just use my food processor for those tasks when I have large amounts.


I haven't bought any because I own a food processor and that does the job I need it to do. I never really like making stuff do double duty if it wasn't really made to do double duty, if that makes sense. All those attachments were made to try to make a stand mixer competition for a food processor. To be fair, my food processor came with a dough blade to mix bread, which I have also never bothered with, lol.


The ONLY thing I might consider is that bowl that is an ice cream maker. But, I was given an ice cream maker as a wedding present many years ago and it is still going strong.  But, I don't know how expensive that bowl is, and it might be cheaper to just get a new ice cream maker when this one dies.

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Thank you for the helpful ideas. I do not own a food processor so that's why I was thinking of the shredder and it would be mostly for cheese but then sometimes I buy it already shredded and that works too! With people reporting wearing the machine out I am thinking it's best to use for bigger projects and skip the shredder. I checked our cabinets and there is just over 17"  of space so either model will work but I would have a bit more space with the Artisan. I was leaning towards the Artisan last night but now more the pro even though I like the idea of the tilt head. It's hard to know how much I will use it but I like the idea of  making bread and our bread machine is so big I don't use it.


Lots to think about, thanks! :001_smile:

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This is the reason I have an Artisan instead of a Pro.  I really wanted a Pro, cause I make a lot of bread, but they are just too tall to fit under my cabinets.


Or you could do like me.  Place the mixer on the counter while the upper cabinets were being installed.  They are a tish higher than normal.  

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Thank you for all the great advice. I placed the order this morning for the Artisan in Empire Red! :D It is so rare that I get to do this kind of thing but to have one for fall and the Holidays is going to be great! I was leaning towards the pro but with our counter space and money I just decided to start with the Artisan and if I use it a ton then maybe later I can upgrade to the Pro in the future. I think this is a good starting point for me.



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