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I am NOT going to curriculum hop

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I'm just NOT.


I'm not going to bail on TT because it's not utterly perfect for 10 yo DD.  I'm going to add in some facts practice apps and some extra teaching and help on the side if she needs it.  I'm NOT jumping ship.


I really, really want to.  I am a compulsive curriculum hopper - esp. with math... and it's done DD no favors at all.  This is the first time I've white knuckled it and forced myself to stay the course.


Not.gonna.do.it.  <gritting teeth, looking away from all the shiny new math programs I haven't tried>


Anyone going through the same thing now, or gone through it in the past and come out the other side happier and more content?



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What I tend to do is hop and then circle back, having gone wider, but having moved forward less slowly. I regret the hop, but all is not lost. Sometimes we are so quick to move forward, that sidetrips and "lost time" actually keep the student at a more developmentally appropriate place.


Try NOT to hop. But if and when you do, don't overly beat yourself up either, because children/students learn all the time, no matter what we do. They might not learn the topics charted out on some scope and sequences as fast as possible, but they are learning, often in ways we don't understand or appreciate until years or decades later.

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 I am so sick of acquiring homeschool STUFF.  I need to gather up all the bits and pieces I have for every subject and let myself fall in love all over again.  I bought them the first time around for a reason. 


I'm rethinking writing (again).  I used and liked Write On last spring.  It is gentle, fun, open-and-go, and infinitely tweakable.  And yet, I'm also taking second, and third, and fourth looks at Essentials in Writing because it would be nice to outsource writing.  Or, I could do both (EIW as main program, adding in stuff from WO).  Or I could just stay the course with Write On, 'cause the grass ain't greener (unless it is...).  


Will the money I spend on EIW cause more or less stress than just teaching writing myself using what I already own?  There's not an easy answer for that one. :(

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Is EIW the one that teaches students to overuse adverbs and write "Tom Swifties"?  :ack2:



:)  It's this one: Essentials in Writing.


I'm REALLY leaning towards getting it but I don't have to decide today.  I just think that how the information presented in small chunks, and the traditional, no nonsense approach would work well for my 10 yo.  Plus, it (mostly) removes me from the equation, and that might be helpful for our relationship.  


I'm not sure if I'm rationalizing a hop, or if this could be a useful move.


But, again, I don't have to decide today.  If I go to the VHE convention in Modesto, I can see the program in person.  That might help me decide one way or the other.  

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Is EIW the one that teaches students to overuse adverbs and write "Tom Swifties"? :ack2:


I think you're thinking of IEW, not EIW. I was supposed to incorporate IEW into my classes at the UMS school I taught in. I could not in good conscience force students to add unnecessary adverbs into their paragraphs! IEW violates Strunk and White on too many points for me to warm up to it.

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I would say if you have hopped in the past you probably know what works for your dd.


If you still have doubts, would it be possible to try it in the summer and proceed accordingly? I would not have predicted my 10 yo dd would love a math program we just started. I had doubts but I am so glad I gave it a try. I felt tempted to do what we used last year because it certainly is a solid program, but I am thankful now I took the risk. Good luck.

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I don't "hop", but I also see no point in sticking with resources that are clearly not working.

When a piece of curriculum is not working for my kids, or only working with extensive tweaking, I will analyze why exactly it is not working and replace it with materials that do. When something works, I don't even look at other stuff.

Usually, I have a very clear idea what I need in a program and will select one that has precisely those features. I will never again make the newbie mistake of picking a program (which shall remain unnamed) just because it seems to be popular with many homeschoolers.


If TT is the program for you that has all the features you require in a program and satisfies your student's needs, I'd stick with it.

If it does not, I see little value in sticking "just because".

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Oh, Latin.

Every year, some shiny new program lures me away from our (dull but dependable) old faithful program. Ds plods through it and learns, but I keep looking for Fun! Engaging! Colorful!

And Latin programs aren't cheap. Especially when they are Fun! Engaging! Colorful! (Minimus, I am looking right at you.)

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I'm just NOT.


I'm not going to bail on TT because it's not utterly perfect for 10 yo DD.  I'm going to add in some facts practice apps and some extra teaching and help on the side if she needs it.  I'm NOT jumping ship.


I really, really want to.  I am a compulsive curriculum hopper - esp. with math... and it's done DD no favors at all.  This is the first time I've white knuckled it and forced myself to stay the course.


Not.gonna.do.it.  <gritting teeth, looking away from all the shiny new math programs I haven't tried>


Anyone going through the same thing now, or gone through it in the past and come out the other side happier and more content?

Yep,  BTDT.  There is a difference between something being a dismal failure and needing to be chucked out the window pronto and something that just needs some tweaking.  Didn't get that when we first started homeschooling.  Especially in math, but then DD also has a learning issue with math that I did not recognize at first.  But yes, we hopped and hopped and it was NOT a good path to take.  Staying the course as much as humanly possible now.  


Three cheers to you! 


Oh, and have you looked at supplementing with stuff from this thread of Soror's?


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If it's working... stay the course. If you feel it's not working then ask yourself what about it isn't working? Can you make adjustments? Can you add a supplement? Can you approach it differently? What can you do to make what is wrong better? If it just can't be done... then consider a change. 

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I have in the past. But I feel guilt about the things I do have that don't get done well because of it.


This year I had a bit of an epiphany about it.


I feel like dust settling. I recently took a complete inventory of what I do have, and honestly it's good. I read the "don't buy anything" threads and think I can get away with it, truly. 


But I budget, and I've realized that if I'm not constantly trying to find some better thing, then I have room in my budget for shiny new things that I don't have. I'm able to add more subjects and enrichment that would truly benefit my kids, that I didn't have room in the budget for previously.


I would drop something if it was truly a bad fit of course. My main issue isn't the hop necessarily, but the accumulation. It can get hard to focus clearly when you have so much to juggle.



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I have EIW and IEW so mixed up in my head that I don't know what is what. But I saw video of a teacher teaching the adverbs and I was just SHOCKED. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. I know there are different opinions on what is good writing, and I do understand the pros and cons of templates and formulas and exercises and do use them, but…I will never forget that adverb lessons and now as soon as I see I and E and W grouped together, I just flee.   :leaving:  No temptations for I and E and W in any order.

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I've hopped with math as well. It hasn't been good for dd and we circled back to where we started. She clearly learned but she's behind where we would of been. Now for DS we found a better suited curriculum but again he's behind but will hopefully catch up this year.


With all that said.....STAY STRONG!

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I've hopped with math as well. It hasn't been good for dd and we circled back to where we started. She clearly learned but she's behind where we would of been. Now for DS we found a better suited curriculum but again he's behind but will hopefully catch up this year.


With all that said.....STAY STRONG!


This has been our experience as well.  I finally (!!) brought her back to TT last fall, had her finish TT3, and we're half way through TT4 now.  She knows more arithmetic now than she did last September, so I call that a success. :)


I *wish* that instead of dropping TT the first time around (when she was complaining about it) I would have just hit the pause button, done some relaxed math for a couple of weeks so she could have a break from it, and then resumed TT3.  She would be SO much farther along in her math studies right now.  Instead I jumped ship to.... I can't even remember what.  

Live and learn, right?


Maybe my motto should be: less hopping, more pausing.  Or something like that :)

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