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WTM Academy classes & registration coming soon!?

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Anyone else get the notice about the classes WTM Academy will be offering?! (email below) Registration is supposed to open "in the next few days."

Anyone know if there's a website for it with more information, specifically instructors and texts ?  Or is the only info on Facebook? (I really dislike Facebook.)


ETA: There is a website:  WTMAcademy.com. Hope to see more info on it soon!






Well, we have been working like busy bees here at the Well-Trained Mind Academy and I am happy to say we are almost ready for the launch! We have our courses in place and instructors are ready to go. All classes will be full-year courses. In the next few days we will be opening early registration at a discounted rate!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please post them on our Facebook page at http://wtmacademy.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=57e6141281f70e7d244047769&id=3576953f2e&e=85b458a5f1. So without further ado I give you our course list:



Ancient History: From the First Written Records to the Fall of Rome
   A survey of ancient cultures through 476 AD.
   Grades 9-11

Medieval History: From the End of the Roman Empire through the Fall of Constantinople
   A survey of medieval nations from 476 through 1453.
   Grades 10-12

American History: From the Colonial Revolution to the Present
   This course will explore the dynamic encounters between the competing cultural ideals, economic drives, political affiliations, and ethical dilemmas which form the foundation of American life. Students will learn to "do" history even as they gain a deeper appreciation for the crucial role that history plays in our contemporary world.
   Grades: 11-12



Ancient Literature: Covers ancient literature through c. 500 AD.
   Literature from the earliest written stories to the end of the Roman Empire, including such works and authors as Homer’s Iliad, Virgil’s Aeneid, and Augustine’s Confessions.
Grades 9-12

Medieval Literature: Medieval and Renaissance literature from c. 500 to c. 1600 AD.
   Literature from after the fall of Rome to the Elizabethan era in England, including such works and authors as Beowulf, Dante’s Divine Comedy, and Shakespeare.
   Grades 10-12

American Literature: American and select world literature from c. 1600 to present.
    Literature from the early settling of America to the modern day, including such works and authors as John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, and Mark Twain.
   Grades 9-12



Introduction to Expository Writing
    Remedial work for struggling students who need additional help in basic writing skills. Smaller classes, more individual attention in order to prepare students for Expository Writing I.

Expository Writing I
    Building pre-rhetoric skills in organization, sentence structure, and research skills. Covers narrative summaries, chronological narratives, descriptions, biographical sketches, and sequences, plus beginning literary essays about both fiction and poetry; one- and two-level outlining; thesaurus use, note-taking, and documentation.
    Grades 6-9

Expository Writing II
   More advanced skills in organization, sentence structure, essay construction, and research skills. Reviews Expository Writing I skills and adds explanation by comparison, explanation by definition, introductions and conclusions, brainstorming and choosing topics, writing comparative literary essays, and planning out longer papers.
   Grades 7-10

Introduction to Rhetoric
   One-year “crash course†preparation for high school rhetoric. Designed for high schoolers who have missed the prerequisites (at the suggested middle school grades) and need additional training before beginning a formal rhetoric course.
   Grades 9-11

Rhetoric I
   Introduction to the techniques of persuasive writing. Uses the progymnasmata exercises (narrative, description, fable, proverb, anecdote, refutation/confirmation, commonplace, praise and blame, comparison, speech-in-character) to teach thesis establishment, development, and support.
   Grades 9-12

Rhetoric II
   Developing more advanced skills in persuasive writing: advanced sentence structure, diction, techniques for paragraph development, essay structure, point of view, tone, and proper use and citation of authorities.
   Grades 10-12



   Focuses on problem solving skills and engagement with numbers and terms to increase mathematical vocabulary and confidence. Topics include but are not limited to: review of arithmetic skills, single and multi-variable equations, data analysis, introduction to number theory, graphing, measurement, exponents, square roots, and introduction to geometry in preparation for Algebra I.
   Grades 6-9

Algebra I
   Includes linear equations, graphing and functions, introduction to polynomials and quadratics, rational expressions, radicals.
   Grades 7-10

   Geometric figures and their properties.
   Grades 7-11

Algebra II
   Includes but not limited to working with polynomials and quadratic equations; pre-trigonometry; statistics and probabilities.
   Grades 8-12



   Includes but not limited to structure, properties, and behaviors of atoms and molecules, chemical reactions, acid-base chemistry, and oxidation-reduction reactions.
   Grades: 9-12

   Includes but not limited to the fundamental principles of biochemistry, cell structure & function, heredity, molecular genetics, ecology, and organism diversity.
   Grades: 9-12


Finally, we will be offering limited private online tutoring for the writing courses.

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I didn't see any more info on their FB page. I am eager to see the texts they will use and the course prices.

Overall I am excited that this academy will be well tested by the time my dd is of high school age. :)

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I was wondering about the extent of her involvement, too.  A writing class or a history class taught by her is probably too much to hope for, but still....


I hope she'll focus on her writing (HOTW) instead. :)


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Anyone know if there's a website for it with more information, specifically instructors and texts ?  Or is the only info on Facebook? (I really dislike Facebook.)


I second your vote for information on something "other than Facebook."  I won't go there. 


SWB, please have another option for viewing the classes because we, too, are VERY interested in this! 

Hot Lava Mama

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I read that too on Facebook; the website should have everything, especially given that we're supposed to register and pay for classes there. There's a WTM post that says Expository I will be based on WWS 1. Maybe Intro to Expository would be good for the older grammar kids/younger logic kids not fully prepared for WWS. I would be interested in this class if it fits our schedule - I've already signed up at Lukeion, G3, and Funclase not to mention our local language classes.

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I'm curious about the "Intro to Rhetoric" course. I'd potentially be interested in something that condenses WWS 1-3 into a single year (actually WWS 2 & 3 into a single year since DD already did WWS 1 but it wouldn't hurt her to do a quick review of WWS 1).

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