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Depression, medication, change of personality

plain jane

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Anyone here deal with depression, medication and subsequent personality changes?  Anyone willing to talk with me privately about it or at least offer me a shoulder to cry on?  I don't know if I have the strength to go this alone anymore.  No, I'm not a danger to myself.  No, I am not the one who is depressed. :)  Yes, I see a counsellor, but the depression isn't my issue.  But it affects me.  In ways no one should have to endure.


So, after that cheery intro to the topic- any takers?  Anyone BTDT or just feel called to be a friend today?  I could sure use one.


Please.  I know it's not looked at in high regard on this board- but please don't quote me.  I truly need to delete this later.


Thank you.

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BTDT, but I have minority opinions on psych meds that I'm more comfortable expressing in private messages.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I am so sorry that this is happening to you and your friend. I had to cut all ties with my friend for my own and my children's safety, so I'm not sure how much practical help I can be, but I do care.


ETA: some psych meds do take a long time to become effective, so it may just be a case of waiting it out until your friend feels better. I really don't want to be a Debbie Downer because of my own experience.

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I have a counsellor I do see.  But she doesn't have personal experience.  She's helpful but not.  Does that make sense?


I do have friends.  I am not alone in that regard.  But I can't talk about this.  Wow.  No.  How weird would that be?  lol


And of course, I am looking to take a conversation to PM.  :)


Wow.  Life is really. really. really. hard sometimes.   :crying:

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I haven't been exactly where you are, but it sounds very, very difficult. I'm not saying that lightly. I have my own burdens (unrelated to what you are going through) and I continually reel from how overwhelming it all is and how it never seems to get better. I really hope there is someone out there who can talk to you and help you.


I do understand not being able to talk to anyone in real life and wishing there was someone. I hope someone can help you.

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Thinking of you :grouphug:


I also wanted to add that I'm pretty sure we all agree that there are certain meds that a person can't simply decide to stop taking; if that is what is going on with your friend, they need professional advice and support. Love just isn't enough. No matter how much you want to help, it's analagous to wanting to help a pilot land a 747 when you've never flown before.


I know how much this hurts. You are very brave.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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