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Purple ear and face


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My dad has been having trouble with ear infections and his ear closing up for 6 years or so.  He has yet another ear infection, and his ear is swollen and turning purple.  The purple in going down his face. 


He has a dr appt for 8am, Pacific Time.  I think he should be in the ER. 


Has anyone heard of this before?  I tried Googling it but couldn't find anything.



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Does he have a fever too?  A couple of my children had something similar, but it started around their eye.  It was very serious, but with antibiotics it cleared right up.  I'm glad they're taking it seriously.  Please keep us posted!


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My son had mastoiditis, when an ear infection spreads into the mastoid space behind the ear. This sounds like a spreading infection to me. You might prepare them for the thought this will possibly mean surgery and hospitalization (for IV antibiotics). 

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??? !!! ???

Why would the gp doctor say not to go to the specialist if he is concerned enough to see the same patient twice in one day? Something isn't right. I'd go to the ER at this point because that doc would have lost my confidence. I hope your dad gets the care he needs.

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They ended up telling him not to go to the specialist.  Not sure why.  His doctor gave him another antibiotic and will see him again this afternoon. My mom would like to see him in the hospital.  Maybe the antibiotics will work instead. 




Maybe the specialist couldn't work him in? I would vote for the hospital at this point too.

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